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Server APIs – Aras.Server.Core
Aras.Server.Core v12.0.0.17204
- ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException
- AddItemProxy
- AfterVersionEventArgs
- AlreadyLoggedInException
- AmbiguousCriteriaException
- ApplyItemProxy
- AttributeIdIsMissingException
- AuthenticationBrokerValidationException
- BaseHttpHandler
- CacheMethodInfo
- CacheSegmentType
- CallContext
- CCProxy
- ClassificationCannotBeChangedException
- ClientLogOnPolicy
- ClientMethodInfo
- CopiedItemInfo
- CryptographicException
- CurrentStateIsNullException
- DB
- DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException
- DBUniqueConstraintViolationException
- DBUniqueIndexViolationException
- ErrorLookup
- ExportImport
- FailedLoginEventArgs
- FeatureTreeInfo
- GetItemGrid
- GetItemProxy
- GuidModule
- ICachePublicAPI
- IContextState
- IdentityInfo
- IExceptionDetail
- IHttpSessionStateManager
- IIdentityModule
- IInnovatorDatabase
- IInnovatorDatabaseCommonInteractions
- IInnovatorServerMethod
- ILocker
- IncompatiblePasswordHashAlgorithmException
- IncorrectFileIdException
- InnovatorApplication
- InnovatorDatabase
- InnovatorDatabaseException
- InnovatorDatabaseInteractor
- InnovatorDataSet
- InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection
- InnovatorException
- InnovatorGlobal
- InnovatorServerAuthenticationException
- InnovatorServerConfig
- InnovatorServerException
- InnovatorSQLServerDatabase
- InnovatorSQLServerDatabaseInteractor
- InsufficientPermissionsException
- InvalidEffectiveDateValueException
- InvalidIsolationLevelException
- InvalidSuperUserIdException
- InvalidWhereClauseException
- IOMConnection
- IOnAddServerMethod
- IOnAfterAddServerMethod
- IOnAfterCopyServerMethod
- IOnAfterDeleteServerMethod
- IOnAfterPromoteServerMethod
- IOnAfterResetLifecycleServerMethod
- IOnAfterSyncAddServerMethod
- IOnAfterSyncUpdateServerMethod
- IOnAfterUpdateServerMethod
- IOnAfterVersionServerMethod
- IOnBeforeDeleteServerMethod
- IOnBeforePromoteServerMethod
- IOnBeforeSyncUpdateServerMethod
- IOnBeforeUpdateServerMethod
- IOnDeleteServerMethod
- IOnFailedLoginInnovatorServerMethod
- IOnGetServerMethod
- IOnLogoutInnovatorServerMethod
- IOnPromoteServerMethod
- IOnSuccessfulLoginInnovatorServerMethod
- IOnUpdateServerMethod
- IQueueProcessingModule
- ItemAnalysisException
- ItemCannotBeLockedException
- ItemErrorException
- ItemIsAlreadyLockedException
- ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException
- ItemIsLockedException
- ItemIsNotLockedException
- ItemMethods
- ItemNotAllowedForVersionException
- ItemNotFoundException
- ItemTypeInfo
- ItemTypeNotFoundException
- ItemTypeNotVersionableException
- ITokenProtectedFunctionsPublicAPI
- Lifecycle
- LifeCycleMapInfo
- LifeCycleStateInfo
- LifeCycleTransitionInfo
- ListInfo
- LogoutEventArgs
- MacPolicyException
- MissingCriteriaException
- ModuleParseToDate
- NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException
- OnAddEventArgs
- OnAfterAddEventArgs
- OnAfterCopyEventArgs
- OnAfterDeleteEventArgs
- OnAfterPromoteEventArgs
- OnAfterResetLifecycleEventArgs
- OnAfterSyncAddEventArgs
- OnAfterSyncUpdateEventArgs
- OnAfterUpdateEventArgs
- OnBeforeDeleteEventArgs
- OnBeforePromoteEventArgs
- OnBeforeSyncUpdateEventArgs
- OnBeforeUpdateEventArgs
- OnDeleteEventArgs
- OnGetEventArgs
- OnPromoteEventArgs
- OnUpdateEventArgs
- PasswordExpiredException
- PatternMismatchException
- Permissions
- PermissionsException
- PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException
- PropertiesAreNotUniqueException
- PropertyValidator
- PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException
- PropertyValueFormatException
- PropertyValueOverflowException
- RelationshipTypeNotFoundException
- ReplicationException
- ResetDefaultLifecycleInfo
- RevisionValueNotFoundException
- ServerConfigException
- ServerEnvironment
- ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException
- SPHttpHandler
- Startup
- StructureBrowser
- StructureItem
- StructureItemCollection
- SuccessfulLoginEventArgs
- SystemEventLogger
- TagIsNotFoundInRequestException
- TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException
- TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException
- Tasks
- TokenTimeoutException
- Transaction
- Transformation
- UpdateCheckSettings
- UpdateItemProxy
- UserInfo
- Utilities
- Variables
- VersionInfoContentException
- Workflow
- WrongCacheRegistrationException
- WrongTokenFormatException
- XmlProxy
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException
Attributes Serializable
public class ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException();
public ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException(string faultMessage);
public ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → AddItemProxy
public class AddItemProxy : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void AddItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
Inheritance object → AfterVersionEventArgs
public class AfterVersionEventArgs
// Properties
public string NewItemId { get; }
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → AlreadyLoggedInException
Attributes Serializable
public class AlreadyLoggedInException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public AlreadyLoggedInException();
public AlreadyLoggedInException(string message);
public AlreadyLoggedInException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → AmbiguousCriteriaException
Attributes Serializable
public class AmbiguousCriteriaException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public AmbiguousCriteriaException();
public AmbiguousCriteriaException(string faultMessage);
public AmbiguousCriteriaException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → ApplyItemProxy
public class ApplyItemProxy : CCProxy
// Properties
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use database.InnDatabase instead.", false)]
public InnovatorDatabase InnDatabase { get; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ApplyItem(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ApplyMethod(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ApplySQL(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument passedOutDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.EditItem.EditItem(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void EditItem(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public bool ExecuteMethodByName(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom, ref string methodName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public bool ExecuteMethodByName(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom, ref string methodName, ref bool mustBeCalled);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → AttributeIdIsMissingException
Attributes Serializable
public class AttributeIdIsMissingException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public AttributeIdIsMissingException();
public AttributeIdIsMissingException(string faultMessage);
public AttributeIdIsMissingException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → AuthenticationBrokerValidationException
Attributes Serializable
public class AuthenticationBrokerValidationException : Exception
// Constructors
public AuthenticationBrokerValidationException();
public AuthenticationBrokerValidationException(string message);
public AuthenticationBrokerValidationException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → Control → TemplateControl → Page → BaseHttpHandler
public class BaseHttpHandler : Page
// Constructors
public BaseHttpHandler();
Inheritance object → CacheMethodInfo
Attributes Serializable
Implements ICacheable
public class CacheMethodInfo : ICacheable
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → ValueType → Enum → CacheSegmentType
public enum CacheSegmentType
Metadata = 0,
Application = 1,
Inheritance object → CallContext
Implements IDisposable
public class CallContext : IDisposable
// Constructors
public CallContext(HttpContext context);
public CallContext(HttpApplication application);
// Properties
public AddItemProxy AddItem { get; }
public HttpApplicationState Application { get; }
public ApplyItemProxy ApplyItem { get; }
public ICachePublicAPI Cache { get; }
public HttpContext Context { get; }
public DB DB { get; }
public Email Email { get; }
public IEnvironmentAttributeModule EnvironmentAttributeModule { get; }
public ErrorLookup ErrorLookup { get; }
public ExportImport ExportImport { get; }
public GetItemProxy GetItem { get; }
public GetItemGrid GetItemGrid { get; }
public GuidModule Guid { get; }
public IIdentityModule Identity { get; }
public ItemMethods ItemMethods { get; }
public Lifecycle LifeCycle { get; }
public Permissions Permissions { get; }
public PropertyValidator PropertyValidator { get; }
public IQueueProcessingModule QueueProcessingModule { get; }
public HttpRequest Request { get; }
public IContextState RequestState { get; }
public HttpResponse Response { get; }
public HttpServerUtility Server { get; }
public ServerEnvironment ServerEnvironment { get; }
public HttpSessionStateBase Session { get; }
public IHttpSessionStateManager SessionStateManager { get; }
public Startup Startup { get; }
public SystemEventLogger SystemEventLogger { get; }
public Tasks Tasks { get; }
public ITokenProtectedFunctionsPublicAPI TokenProtectedFunctions { get; }
public Transaction Transaction { get; }
public Transformation Transformation { get; }
public UpdateItemProxy UpdateItem { get; }
public Utilities Utilities { get; }
public Variables Variables { get; }
public Workflow Workflow { get; }
public XmlProxy XML { get; }
// Methods
public void Dispose();
Inheritance object → CCProxy
- AddItemProxy
- ApplyItemProxy
- DB
- ErrorLookup
- ExportImport
- GetItemGrid
- GetItemProxy
- ItemMethods
- Lifecycle
- Permissions
- Startup
- StructureBrowser
- Tasks
- Transaction
- Transformation
- UpdateItemProxy
- Utilities
- Variables
- Workflow
public class CCProxy
// Properties
[Obsolete(@"You are attempted to use call like CCO.{ModuleName}.CCO, it is obsolete since 11 SP3, please make access to the first CCO, not to the seconds one. ", true)]
public CallContext CCO { get; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.DB.InnDatabase instead.", true)]
public InnovatorDatabase InnDatabase { get; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.AddItem.AddItem() instead.", true)]
public void AddItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.ApplyItem.ApplyItem() instead.", true)]
public void ApplyItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", true)]
public void CreateNewRelationship(ref string itemTypeName, ref XmlElement sourceItem, ref string relatedItemId, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.XML.CreateXMLDocument() instead.", true)]
public XmlDocument CreateXMLDocument();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.ApplyItem.ExecuteMethodByName() instead.", true)]
public bool ExecuteMethodByName(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom, ref string methodName, ref bool mustBeCalled);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.GetItem.GetItem() instead.", true)]
public void GetItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.XML.GetItemProperty() instead.", true)]
public string GetItemProperty(XmlNode node, string elementXPath);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core. Use regular CallContext.GetItem.GetItem() AML query in order to get item keyed_name by it's type and id.", true)]
public string GetKeyedName(ref string itemTypeName, ref string id, ref bool useGeneralMethod);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.ServerEnvironment.GetTempFolderPath() instead.", true)]
public string GetLogsFolderPath();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.Variables.GetUserID() instead.", true)]
public string GetUserID();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.XML.MakeResponseMessage() instead.", true)]
public void MakeResponseMessage(XmlDocument xmlDom, string msg);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", true)]
public static bool RemoveItemProperty(ref XmlElement node, ref string element);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.Utilities.SaveTextData() instead.", true)]
public void SaveTextData(string fileName, string text2Save, bool append2File);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", true)]
public void SetItemProperty(ref XmlElement node, ref string element, ref string value);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ClassificationCannotBeChangedException
Attributes Serializable
public class ClassificationCannotBeChangedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ClassificationCannotBeChangedException();
public ClassificationCannotBeChangedException(string message);
public ClassificationCannotBeChangedException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → ClientLogOnPolicy
public class ClientLogOnPolicy
// Constructors
public ClientLogOnPolicy(string allowedDomainNamesPattern, string allowedDomainUsersPattern, string deniedDomainUsersPattern);
// Properties
public string AllowedDomainNamesPattern { get; }
public string AllowedDomainUsersPattern { get; }
public string DeniedDomainUsersPattern { get; }
Inheritance object → ClientMethodInfo
Implements ICacheable
public class ClientMethodInfo : ICacheable
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public string MethodCode { get; }
public string MethodType { get; }
public string Name { get; }
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → CopiedItemInfo
Implements IEquatable<CopiedItemInfo>
public class CopiedItemInfo : IEquatable<CopiedItemInfo>
// Properties
public string ItemTypeName { get; }
public string NewId { get; }
// Methods
public bool Equals(CopiedItemInfo other);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → CryptographicException
Attributes Serializable
public class CryptographicException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public CryptographicException();
public CryptographicException(string faultMessage);
public CryptographicException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → CurrentStateIsNullException
Attributes Serializable
public class CurrentStateIsNullException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public CurrentStateIsNullException();
public CurrentStateIsNullException(string faultMessage);
public CurrentStateIsNullException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → DB
Implements IDisposable
public class DB : CCProxy, IDisposable
// Properties
public Dictionary<InnovatorDatabase, int> ActiveDatabases { get; }
public string DatabaseConnectType { get; set; }
public string DatabaseName { get; }
public InnovatorDatabase InnDatabase { get; set; }
// Methods
public void CloseDBConnections();
public void CommitTransactions();
public void Dispose();
public string GenerateTableName(string itemTypeName);
public InnovatorDatabase GetDatabase();
public InnovatorDatabase GetDatabase(int flag);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetNextSequence(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.Identity.GetUserAliases(string)", false)]
public string GetUserAliases(string userId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetUserWorkingDirectory(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public bool InitGlobalDBVariables(string dbName);
public void RollbackDBTransactions();
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException
Attributes Serializable
public class DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException();
public DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException(string message);
public DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → DBUniqueConstraintViolationException
Attributes Serializable
public class DBUniqueConstraintViolationException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public DBUniqueConstraintViolationException();
public DBUniqueConstraintViolationException(string message);
public DBUniqueConstraintViolationException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → DBUniqueIndexViolationException
Attributes Serializable
public class DBUniqueIndexViolationException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public DBUniqueIndexViolationException();
public DBUniqueIndexViolationException(string message);
public DBUniqueIndexViolationException(string message, Exception exception);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Email
public class Email : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SendEmailEx(ref XmlElement item, ref XmlElement emailElem, string identityName, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SendEmailExternal(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SendEmailToIdentity(ref string toIdentity, ref string subject, ref string body, ref string fromUser);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SendEmailToIdentityEx(ref string toIdentity, ref string subject, ref string plainBody, ref string htmlBody, ref string fromUser);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use SetupSmtpMailServerAndSend instead.", false)]
public void setup_smtpmail_server_and_send(MailMessage msg);
public void SetupSmtpMailServerAndSend(MailMessage msg);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → ErrorLookup
public class ErrorLookup : CCProxy
// Methods
public string Lookup(string name);
public string Lookup(string name, string par1);
public string Lookup(string name, object[] parameters);
public string Lookup(string name, string par1, string par2);
public string Lookup(string name, object par1, string par2, string par3);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → ExportImport
public class ExportImport : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0. Use 'ReplaceFile' action instead.", true)]
public void AddFileToRename(string fileId, string newFileName, XmlDocument resultDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CopyItem(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CopyItem2(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public void CopyItem2Internal(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CopyItemEx(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument passedResponseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP9. Use 'ReplaceFile' action instead.", false)]
public void RenamePhysicalFiles(XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP9. Use 'ReplaceFile' action instead.", false)]
public void RestoreRenamedFiles(XmlDocument outDom);
Inheritance object → FailedLoginEventArgs
public class FailedLoginEventArgs
// Properties
public string LoginName { get; }
Inheritance object → FeatureTreeInfo
Attributes Serializable
public class FeatureTreeInfo
// Constructors
public FeatureTreeInfo();
// Fields
public DateTime? modified_on
Inheritance object → CCProxy → GetItemGrid
public class GetItemGrid : CCProxy
// Methods
public void PopulateRelationshipsTables(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → GetItemProxy
public class GetItemProxy : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.ApplyItem.ApplyItem() instead.", false)]
public void ApplyItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument passedResponseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetItemAllVersions(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3.0 SP5.", false)]
public string GetItemByCriteria(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3.0 SP5.", false)]
public bool GetItemByCriteriaEx(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom, ref StringBuilder sql, ref string where, ref short counter, short parentNum, ref string result, string nodeName1, string nodeName2);
[Obsolete(@"Obosolete starting from 9.3.0 SP5. Use Innovator.getItemById instead.", false)]
public XmlDocument GetItemById(string ctName, string id, int levels, string configPath, string selectAttr);
[Obsolete(@"Obosolete starting from 9.3.0 SP5.", false)]
public XmlDocument GetItemByName(string ctName, string name, int levels, string configPath, string selectAttribute);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP12. Use CallContext.GetItem.GetItem(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void GetItemConfig(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetItemLastVersion(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetItemRelationships(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP12. Use CallContext.GetItemRepeatConfigModule.GetItemRepeatConfig(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void GetItemRepeatConfig(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void GetRelatedItem(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public void GetSingleItem(string itemTypeName, string itemId, string selectProperties, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server code", false)]
public string[] MakeFieldListArray(string selectList);
Inheritance object → GuidModule
public class GuidModule
// Methods
public static bool IsIdValid(string itemId, bool doThrowException);
public interface ICachePublicAPI
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use AddCacheMessage instead.", true)]
public void add_cache_messages(ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public void AddCacheMessage(XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. This method does not exist.", true)]
public void CacheDiag(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
public void ClearAllServerCaches();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Use ClearCachedItemById.", true)]
public void ClearCacheByID(string comment, string itemId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Use ClearCachedItemById.", true)]
public void ClearCachedItem(ref string itemTypeName, ref string itemId);
public void ClearCachedItemById(string itemTypeName, string id);
public void ClearCachedItemById(string itemTypeName, string id, string comment);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Use ClearCachedItemById.", true)]
public void ClearPropertiesInCache(string sourceId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Use ClearCachedItemById.", true)]
public void ClearRelTypes(ref string id);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Use ClearCachedItemById.", true)]
public void ClearServerCache(string ctName, ref string id);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Use ClearCachedItemById.", true)]
public void ClearServerEventsCache(string sourceId, string eventName);
public void DatabaseCacheXml(XmlDocument outDom);
public XmlDocument GetCacheInfo(string varName);
public string GetDefaultWorkflowFromCache(string id);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public ArrayList GetEventFromCache_New(ref string id, ref string name);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Do not use SystemCache to store custom objects. ", true)]
public XmlElement getitem_cached(string ctName, string itemId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Do not use SystemCache to store custom objects. ", true)]
public XmlElement GetItemCached(string ctName, string itemId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetItemTypeFromCache(ref string typeId, ref string accessType);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public ArrayList GetLanguagesFromCache();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetLCSFromCache(string id);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetListFromCache(string id, string accessType);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetMethodFromCache(ref string methodId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public ArrayList GetPropertiesFromCache(string sourceId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetPropertyByIdFromCache(string sourceId, string propId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetPropertyFromCache(string sourceId, string propName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public IList GetRelListFromCache(ref string sourceId, bool includeForAlls);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetRelTypeFromCache(ref string relationshipId, ref string accessType);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public IList GetUsedasRelFromCache(ref string relatedId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3. Do not use in server core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetVarFromCache(string name);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. This method does not exist.", true)]
public int itemtype_cache_levels(string ctName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. This method does not exist.", true)]
public bool itemtype_is_cached(string ctName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. This method does not exist.", true)]
public bool itemtype_is_cached_m(string ctName, int maxLevel);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 11.0 SP4. Do not use SystemCache to store custom objects.", true)]
public void storeitem_cached(XmlElement result);
public interface IContextState
// Properties
public int Count { get; }
public object this[object key] { get; set; }
// Methods
public void Add(object key, object value);
public void Clear();
public bool Contains(object key);
public void Remove(object key);
Inheritance object → IdentityInfo
Attributes Serializable
public class IdentityInfo
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public interface IExceptionDetail
// Properties
public string GetNameOfDetail { get; }
// Methods
public IXPathNavigable ToXmlElement(IXPathNavigable faultDom);
public interface IHttpSessionStateManager
// Methods
public void AquireExclusiveLock();
public interface IIdentityModule
// Methods
public string GetIdentityIdByName(string name);
public string GetIdentityIdByUserId(string userId);
public string GetIdentityNameByIdentityId(string identityId);
public string GetIdentityNameByUserId(string userId);
public string GetSystemIdentity(string systemIdentityName, XmlElement item);
public string GetUserAliases(string userId);
public interface IInnovatorDatabase
// Properties
public int CommandTimeout { get; set; }
public ConnectionState ConnectionState { get; }
public string DatabaseServerName { get; }
public string EngineEdition { get; }
public bool HasActiveTransaction { get; }
// Methods
public void AddColumnConstraints(string tableName, string columnName, string defaultConstr);
public void AddIndex(string tableName, string columnName);
public void BeginTransaction();
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel level);
public void CloseConnection();
public void CommitTransaction();
public string ConvertDotNetDateToSqlDate(DateTime dt, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection dbCmdParams);
public ILocker CreateDatabaseLocker();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CreateSecuredFunction(string instanceName, string permissionClause, bool isPolymorphic);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CreateStubSecuredFunction(string instanceName, XmlElement item);
public void CreateTable(string tableName);
public void CreateTable(string tableName, bool isHeap);
public void DropColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public void DropColumnConstraints(string tableName, string columnName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void DropSecuredFunction(string instanceName);
public void DropTable(string tableName);
public void DropView(string viewName);
public bool ExecuteDDL(string sql, ref string rollbackSql);
public InnovatorDataSet ExecuteSelectCommand(string cmdText, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection cmdParameterCollection);
public int ExecuteSQL(string sql);
public int ExecuteSQL(string cmdText, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection cmdParameterCollection);
public Collection<string> GetConstraintByTableAndColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetDBObjectOwnerPrefix();
public string GetExistentDefConstrName(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetExistentFKName(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetExistentIndexName(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetExistentPKName(string tableName);
public string GetExistentUConstrName(string tableName);
public Collection<string> GetIndexesByTableAndColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetNewFKName();
public string GetNewIndexName();
public string GetNewPKName();
public string GetNewUConstrName();
public string GetNextSequenceValue(string criteriaColumn, string criteriaValue);
public string GetTableName(string name);
public string GetTableName(ItemTypeInfo itemType);
public string GetUniqueParameterName(string tableName, string propName, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection dbParameters);
public bool IsIdListStandard(ref string idsList, string dbCmdParameterName, ref string selectWithParameterName);
public void OpenConnection();
public string QuoteName(string name);
public void RebuildSqlModule(string moduleName, string scheme);
public void RemoveIndex(string tableName, string columnName);
public void RenameColumn(string tableName, string oldColumnName, string newColumnName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void RenameSecuredFunction(string oldInstanceName, string newInstanceName, string permissionClause);
public void RenameTable(string oldTableName, string newTableName);
public void RollbackAndClose();
public void RollbackTransaction();
public string sqlLength();
public string sqlNow();
public string sqlNull();
public string sqlSelectFromNothing();
public string sqlStringPlus();
public string sqlSubstring();
public bool TableColumnExists(string tableName, string columnName);
public bool TableColumnExists(string schemaName, string tableName, string columnName);
public bool TableExists(string tableName);
public bool TableExists(string schemaName, string tableName);
public bool ViewExists(string viewName);
Implements IDisposable
public interface IInnovatorDatabaseCommonInteractions : IDisposable
// Properties
public ConnectionState ConnectionState { get; }
public SqlConnection CurrentConnection { get; }
public SqlTransaction CurrentTransaction { get; }
public bool HasActiveTransaction { get; }
// Methods
public void BeginTransaction();
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);
public void CloseConnection();
public void CommitTransaction();
public void OpenConnection();
public void RollbackAndClose();
public void RollbackTransaction();
public interface IInnovatorServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface ILocker
// Methods
public void ReleaseLock(object lockObject);
public object TryGetLock(string key, ref bool lockTaken);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InnovatorServerAuthenticationException → IncompatiblePasswordHashAlgorithmException
Attributes Serializable
public class IncompatiblePasswordHashAlgorithmException : InnovatorServerAuthenticationException
// Constructors
public IncompatiblePasswordHashAlgorithmException();
public IncompatiblePasswordHashAlgorithmException(string message);
public IncompatiblePasswordHashAlgorithmException(string message, Exception exception);
// Methods
public void ToSoapFault(XmlDocument faultDom);
Inheritance object → Exception → AuthenticationBrokerValidationException → IncorrectFileIdException
Attributes Serializable
public class IncorrectFileIdException : AuthenticationBrokerValidationException
// Constructors
public IncorrectFileIdException();
public IncorrectFileIdException(string message);
public IncorrectFileIdException(string message, Exception exception);
// Properties
public string Message { get; }
Inheritance object → InnovatorApplication
public static class InnovatorApplication
// Methods
public static XmlDocument ServerInfoXmlDom(CallContext callContext);
Inheritance object → InnovatorDatabase
Implements IDisposable, IInnovatorDatabase
public abstract class InnovatorDatabase : IDisposable, IInnovatorDatabase
// Properties
public int CommandTimeout { get; set; }
public ConnectionState ConnectionState { get; }
public abstract string DatabaseServerName { get; }
public abstract string EngineEdition { get; }
public bool HasActiveTransaction { get; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core. Should be here caz of using in pathces in build procedure.", false)]
public abstract void AddColumn(string tableName, string columnName, string columnDefinition);
public abstract void AddColumnConstraints(string tableName, string columnName, string defaultConstr);
public abstract void AddIndex(string tableName, string columnName);
public void BeginTransaction();
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel level);
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public abstract InnovatorDataSet CallSelect(string procName, ref Hashtable args);
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public abstract object CallSelectScalar(string procName, ref Hashtable args);
public void CloseConnection();
public void CommitTransaction();
public abstract string ConvertDotNetDateToSqlDate(DateTime dt, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection dbCmdParams);
public abstract ILocker CreateDatabaseLocker();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public abstract void CreateSecuredFunction(string instanceName, string permissionClause, bool isPolymorphic);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public abstract void CreateStubSecuredFunction(string instanceName, XmlElement item);
public abstract void CreateTable(string tableName);
public abstract void CreateTable(string tableName, bool isHeap);
public void Dispose();
public abstract void DropColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract void DropColumnConstraints(string tableName, string columnName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public abstract void DropSecuredFunction(string instanceName);
public abstract void DropTable(string tableName);
public abstract void DropView(string viewName);
public abstract bool ExecuteDDL(string sql, ref string rollbackSql);
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public InnovatorDataSet ExecutePageSelect(string sql, int curPage, int pageSize, string orderBy, ref int itemCount, int maxRecords);
[Obsolete(@"Use ExecuteSelectCommand instead.", false)]
public abstract InnovatorDataSet ExecuteSelect(string selectQuery);
public InnovatorDataSet ExecuteSelectCommand(string cmdText);
public InnovatorDataSet ExecuteSelectCommand(string cmdText, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection cmdParameterCollection);
public int ExecuteSQL(string sql);
public int ExecuteSQL(string cmdText, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection cmdParameterCollection);
public abstract Collection<string> GetConstraintByTableAndColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetDBObjectOwnerPrefix();
public abstract string GetExistentDefConstrName(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract string GetExistentFKName(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract string GetExistentIndexName(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract string GetExistentPKName(string tableName);
public abstract string GetExistentUConstrName(string tableName);
public abstract Collection<string> GetIndexesByTableAndColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract string GetNewFKName();
public abstract string GetNewIndexName();
public abstract string GetNewPKName();
public abstract string GetNewUConstrName();
public abstract string GetNextSequenceValue(string criteriaColumn, string criteriaValue);
public string GetTableName(string name);
public abstract string GetTableName(ItemTypeInfo itemType);
public string GetUniqueParameterName(string tableName, string propName, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection dbParameters);
[Obsolete(@"Use InsertOneRowParametrized instead.", false)]
public abstract void InsertOneRow(string tableName, ref Hashtable hTable);
public bool IsIdListStandard(ref string idsList, string dbCmdParameterName, ref string selectWithParameterName);
public void OpenConnection();
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public abstract string[] ParseDBError(string errorDescription);
public abstract string QuoteName(string name);
public abstract string QuoteValue(string value);
public abstract void RebuildSqlModule(string moduleName, string scheme);
public abstract void RemoveIndex(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract void RenameColumn(string tableName, string oldColumnName, string newColumnName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public abstract void RenameSecuredFunction(string oldInstanceName, string newInstanceName, string permissionClause);
public abstract void RenameTable(string oldTableName, string newTableName);
public void RollbackAndClose();
public void RollbackTransaction();
public abstract bool SecuredFunctionExists(string functionName);
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core", false)]
public abstract string sqlCast(string data, string innovatorType);
public abstract string sqlLength();
public abstract string sqlNewId();
public abstract string sqlNow();
public abstract string sqlNull();
public abstract string sqlSelectFromNothing();
public abstract string sqlStringPlus();
public abstract string sqlSubstring();
public abstract bool TableColumnExists(string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract bool TableColumnExists(string schemaName, string tableName, string columnName);
public abstract bool TableExists(string tableName);
public abstract bool TableExists(string schemaName, string tableName);
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core. Use ExecuteUpdateCommand instead.", false)]
public abstract void UpdateOneRow(string tableName, string whereCond, ref Hashtable hTable);
public abstract bool ViewExists(string viewName);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorDatabaseException
Attributes Serializable
public class InnovatorDatabaseException : Exception
// Constructors
public InnovatorDatabaseException();
public InnovatorDatabaseException(string msg);
public InnovatorDatabaseException(string msg, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → InnovatorDatabaseInteractor
Implements IInnovatorDatabaseCommonInteractions
public abstract class InnovatorDatabaseInteractor : IInnovatorDatabaseCommonInteractions
// Properties
public abstract ConnectionState ConnectionState { get; }
public string ConnectionString { get; }
public SqlConnection CurrentConnection { get; }
public SqlTransaction CurrentTransaction { get; }
public IsolationLevel DbIsolationLevel { get; }
public abstract bool HasActiveTransaction { get; }
public bool IsDebugMode { get; }
// Methods
public void BeginTransaction();
public abstract void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);
public abstract void CloseConnection();
public abstract void CommitTransaction();
public void Dispose();
public abstract void OpenConnection();
public abstract void RollbackAndClose();
public abstract void RollbackTransaction();
Inheritance object → InnovatorDataSet
Implements IDisposable
public class InnovatorDataSet : IDisposable
// Constructors
public InnovatorDataSet(DataSet dataSet);
// Properties
public bool Eof { get; }
public int FieldCount { get; }
public Array Fields { get; }
public bool HasRows { get; }
public int RowsNumber { get; }
public object this[int index] { get; set; }
public object this[string index] { get; set; }
public object this[int index, object ifNullValue] { get; }
public object this[string index, object ifNullValue] { get; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2 SP3.", false)]
public void Close();
public void Dispose();
public string GetName(int ordinal);
public int GetOrdinal(string name);
public bool IsNull(int index);
public bool IsNull(string columnName);
public void MoveFirst();
public void MoveNext();
public void NextRecordset();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 12.0. Do not use in core.", false)]
public object Value(int index);
public object Value(string index);
public object Value(int index, object ifNullValue);
public object Value(string index, object ifNullValue);
public void WriteXml(Stream stream);
Inheritance object → InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection
public class InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection
⚠ Obsolete: Use InnovatorServerException instead.
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorException
Attributes Obsolete, Serializable
[Obsolete(@"Use InnovatorServerException instead.", false)]
public class InnovatorException : Exception
// Constructors
public InnovatorException();
// Fields
public string detail
public string faultactor
public string faultcode
public string faultstring
public string serverMessageXml
Inheritance object → HttpApplication → InnovatorGlobal
public class InnovatorGlobal : HttpApplication
// Constructors
public InnovatorGlobal();
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InnovatorServerAuthenticationException
Attributes Serializable
public class InnovatorServerAuthenticationException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public InnovatorServerAuthenticationException();
public InnovatorServerAuthenticationException(string message);
public InnovatorServerAuthenticationException(string message, Exception innerException);
// Methods
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);
public void ToSoapFault(XmlDocument faultDom);
Inheritance object → ServerConfig → InnovatorServerConfig
public class InnovatorServerConfig : ServerConfig
// Methods
public ClientLogOnPolicy GetClientLogOnPolicy();
public string GetDBListAsXml();
public object GetOperatingParameter(string parameterName, object defaultValue);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 12.0 SP1. Use CallContext.ServerEnvironment.ServerConfig", false)]
public static InnovatorServerConfig GetServerConfig();
public XmlDocument GetXmlConfig();
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException
- ActivityIsClonedAlreadyException
- AlreadyLoggedInException
- AmbiguousCriteriaException
- AttributeIdIsMissingException
- ClassificationCannotBeChangedException
- CryptographicException
- CurrentStateIsNullException
- DBPrimaryKeyConstraintViolationException
- DBUniqueConstraintViolationException
- DBUniqueIndexViolationException
- FeatureHasNoLicensesException
- FeatureLicenseDecryptException
- FeatureLicenseIsNotUniqueException
- FeatureLicenseValidationException
- FeatureLicenseVerificationException
- FeatureNotFoundException
- FeatureTreeDecryptException
- InnovatorServerAuthenticationException
- InsufficientPermissionsException
- InvalidEffectiveDateValueException
- InvalidIsolationLevelException
- InvalidSuperUserIdException
- InvalidWhereClauseException
- ItemAnalysisException
- ItemCannotBeLockedException
- ItemIsAlreadyLockedException
- ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException
- ItemIsLockedException
- ItemIsNotLockedException
- ItemNotAllowedForVersionException
- ItemNotFoundException
- ItemTypeNotFoundException
- ItemTypeNotVersionableException
- LicenseWasNotConsumedException
- MacPolicyException
- MissingCriteriaException
- NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException
- PatternMismatchException
- PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException
- PropertiesAreNotUniqueException
- PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException
- PropertyValueFormatException
- PropertyValueOverflowException
- RelationshipTypeNotFoundException
- ReplicationException
- RevisionValueNotFoundException
- ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException
- TagIsNotFoundInRequestException
- TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException
- TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException
- VersionInfoContentException
Attributes Serializable
public class InnovatorServerException : Exception
// Constructors
public InnovatorServerException();
public InnovatorServerException(XmlNode faultDom);
public InnovatorServerException(string message);
public InnovatorServerException(string message, Exception innerException);
// Properties
public string Message { get; }
// Methods
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);
public void ToSoapFault(XmlDocument faultDom);
Inheritance object → InnovatorDatabase → InnovatorSQLServerDatabase
public class InnovatorSQLServerDatabase : InnovatorDatabase
// Constructors
public InnovatorSQLServerDatabase(XmlElement dbConnectionNode);
// Properties
public string DatabaseServerName { get; }
public string EngineEdition { get; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core. Should be here caz of using in pathces in build procedure.", false)]
public void AddColumn(string tableName, string columnName, string columnDefinition);
public void AddColumnConstraints(string tableName, string columnName, string defaultConstr);
public void AddIndex(string tableName, string columnName);
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public InnovatorDataSet CallSelect(string procName, ref Hashtable args);
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public object CallSelectScalar(string procName, ref Hashtable args);
public string ConvertDotNetDateToSqlDate(DateTime dt, InnovatorDBCommandParameterCollection dbCmdParams);
public ILocker CreateDatabaseLocker();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CreateSecuredFunction(string instanceName, string permissionClause, bool isPolymorphic);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CreateStubSecuredFunction(string instanceName, XmlElement item);
public void CreateTable(string tableName);
public void CreateTable(string tableName, bool isHeap);
public void DropColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public void DropColumnConstraints(string tableName, string columnName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void DropSecuredFunction(string instanceName);
public void DropTable(string tableName);
public void DropView(string viewName);
public bool ExecuteDDL(string sql, ref string rollbackSql);
[Obsolete(@"Use ExecuteSelectCommand instead ", false)]
public InnovatorDataSet ExecuteSelect(string selectQuery);
public Collection<string> GetConstraintByTableAndColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetDBObjectOwnerPrefix();
public string GetExistentDefConstrName(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetExistentFKName(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetExistentIndexName(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetExistentPKName(string tableName);
public string GetExistentUConstrName(string tableName);
public Collection<string> GetIndexesByTableAndColumn(string tableName, string columnName);
public string GetNewFKName();
public string GetNewIndexName();
public string GetNewPKName();
public string GetNewUConstrName();
public string GetNextSequenceValue(string criteriaColumn, string criteriaValue);
public string GetTableName(ItemTypeInfo itemType);
[Obsolete(@"Use InsertOneRowParametrized instead.", false)]
public void InsertOneRow(string tableName, ref Hashtable passedHashtable);
[Obsolete(@"Is not used in server core", false)]
public string[] ParseDBError(string errorDescription);
public string QuoteName(string name);
public string QuoteValue(string value);
public void RebuildSqlModule(string moduleName, string scheme);
public void RemoveIndex(string tableName, string columnName);
public void RenameColumn(string tableName, string oldColumnName, string newColumnName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP5. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void RenameSecuredFunction(string oldInstanceName, string newInstanceName, string permissionClause);
public void RenameTable(string oldTableName, string newTableName);
public bool SecuredFunctionExists(string functionName);
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core", false)]
public string sqlCast(string data, string innovatorType);
public string sqlLength();
public string sqlNewId();
public string sqlNow();
public string sqlNull();
public string sqlSelectFromNothing();
public string sqlStringPlus();
public string sqlSubstring();
public bool TableColumnExists(string tableName, string columnName);
public bool TableColumnExists(string schemaName, string tableName, string columnName);
public bool TableExists(string tableName);
public bool TableExists(string schemaName, string tableName);
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core.", false)]
public void UpdateOneRow(string tableName, string whereCond, ref Hashtable passedHashtable);
public bool ViewExists(string viewName);
Inheritance object → InnovatorDatabaseInteractor → InnovatorSQLServerDatabaseInteractor
public class InnovatorSQLServerDatabaseInteractor : InnovatorDatabaseInteractor
// Constructors
public InnovatorSQLServerDatabaseInteractor(string connectionString, IsolationLevel isolationLevel);
public InnovatorSQLServerDatabaseInteractor(string connectionString, IsolationLevel isolationLevel, bool isDebugMode);
// Properties
public ConnectionState ConnectionState { get; }
public bool HasActiveTransaction { get; }
// Methods
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);
public void CloseConnection();
public void CommitTransaction();
public void OpenConnection();
public void RollbackAndClose();
public void RollbackTransaction();
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InsufficientPermissionsException
Attributes Serializable
public class InsufficientPermissionsException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public InsufficientPermissionsException();
public InsufficientPermissionsException(string message);
public InsufficientPermissionsException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InvalidEffectiveDateValueException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class InvalidEffectiveDateValueException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public InvalidEffectiveDateValueException();
public InvalidEffectiveDateValueException(string message);
public InvalidEffectiveDateValueException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InvalidIsolationLevelException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class InvalidIsolationLevelException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public InvalidIsolationLevelException();
public InvalidIsolationLevelException(string faultMessage);
public InvalidIsolationLevelException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InvalidSuperUserIdException
Attributes Serializable
public class InvalidSuperUserIdException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public InvalidSuperUserIdException();
public InvalidSuperUserIdException(string faultMessage);
public InvalidSuperUserIdException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InvalidWhereClauseException
Attributes Serializable
public class InvalidWhereClauseException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public InvalidWhereClauseException();
public InvalidWhereClauseException(string message);
public InvalidWhereClauseException(string faultMessage, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → ServerConnectionBase → IOMConnection
public class IOMConnection : ServerConnectionBase
// Fields
public CallContext CCO
// Methods
public void CallAction(string actionName, XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
public void DebugLog(string reason, object msg);
public bool DebugLogP();
public string GetDatabaseName();
public string[] GetDatabases();
public string getFileUrl(string fileId, UrlType type);
public ArrayList getFileUrls(ArrayList fileIds, UrlType type);
public string GetLicenseInfo(string issuer, string addonName);
public object GetOperatingParameter(string name, object defaultvalue);
public object GetSrvContext();
public string getUserID();
public string GetValidateUserXmlResult();
public interface IOnAddServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAddEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterAddServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterAddEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterCopyServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterCopyEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterDeleteServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterDeleteEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterPromoteServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterPromoteEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterResetLifecycleServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterResetLifecycleEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterSyncAddServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterSyncAddEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterSyncUpdateServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterSyncUpdateEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterUpdateServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnAfterUpdateEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnAfterVersionServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, AfterVersionEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnBeforeDeleteServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnBeforeDeleteEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnBeforePromoteServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnBeforePromoteEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnBeforeSyncUpdateServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnBeforeSyncUpdateEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnBeforeUpdateServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnBeforeUpdateEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnDeleteServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnDeleteEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnFailedLoginInnovatorServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, FailedLoginEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnGetServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnGetEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnLogoutInnovatorServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, LogoutEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnPromoteServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnPromoteEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnSuccessfulLoginInnovatorServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, SuccessfulLoginEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IOnUpdateServerMethod
// Methods
public void FNCMethod(IServerConnection innovatorObjectArg, XmlDocument inDom, OnUpdateEventArgs eventData, XmlDocument outDom);
public interface IQueueProcessingModule
// Methods
public QueueProcessingCycle GetQueueProcessingCycle(XmlDocument inDom);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemAnalysisException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemAnalysisException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemAnalysisException();
public ItemAnalysisException(string faultMessage);
public ItemAnalysisException(string faultMessage, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemCannotBeLockedException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemCannotBeLockedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemCannotBeLockedException();
public ItemCannotBeLockedException(string message);
public ItemCannotBeLockedException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → ItemErrorException
Attributes Serializable
public class ItemErrorException : Exception
// Constructors
public ItemErrorException();
public ItemErrorException(string message);
public ItemErrorException(Item error);
public ItemErrorException(string message, Exception ex);
// Properties
public Item Error { get; }
// Methods
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemIsAlreadyLockedException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemIsAlreadyLockedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemIsAlreadyLockedException();
public ItemIsAlreadyLockedException(string message);
public ItemIsAlreadyLockedException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException();
public ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException(string message);
public ItemIsLockedBySomeoneElseException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemIsLockedException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemIsLockedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemIsLockedException();
public ItemIsLockedException(string message);
public ItemIsLockedException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemIsNotLockedException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemIsNotLockedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemIsNotLockedException();
public ItemIsNotLockedException(string message);
public ItemIsNotLockedException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → ItemMethods
public class ItemMethods : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", true)]
public void AddRelationship(ref XmlDocument relationshipDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.GetItem.GetAffectedItems(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void GetAffectedItems(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.")]
public bool isLocked(ref string itemTypeId, ref string itemId, ref XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.")]
public void LockItem(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use CCO.DeleteItem.PurgeItem instead.")]
public void PurgeItem(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.LockUnlock.UnlockItem(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", false)]
public void UnlockItem(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemNotAllowedForVersionException
Attributes Serializable
public class ItemNotAllowedForVersionException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemNotAllowedForVersionException();
public ItemNotAllowedForVersionException(string faultMessage);
public ItemNotAllowedForVersionException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemNotFoundException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemNotFoundException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemNotFoundException();
public ItemNotFoundException(string message);
public ItemNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → ItemTypeInfo
Attributes Serializable
Implements ICacheable
public class ItemTypeInfo : ICacheable
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemTypeNotFoundException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemTypeNotFoundException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemTypeNotFoundException();
public ItemTypeNotFoundException(string message);
public ItemTypeNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ItemTypeNotVersionableException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class ItemTypeNotVersionableException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ItemTypeNotVersionableException();
public ItemTypeNotVersionableException(string faultMessage);
public ItemTypeNotVersionableException(string message, Exception innerException);
public interface ITokenProtectedFunctionsPublicAPI
// Properties
public string FunctionProtectionToken { get; }
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Lifecycle
public class Lifecycle : CCProxy
// Methods
public void GetItemNextStates(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
public void PromoteItem(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ResetLifecycle(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SetDefaultLifecycle(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
Inheritance object → LifeCycleMapInfo
Attributes Serializable
Implements ICacheable
public class LifeCycleMapInfo : ICacheable
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public LifeCycleStateInfo StartState { get; }
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → LifeCycleStateInfo
Attributes Serializable
Implements ICacheable
public class LifeCycleStateInfo : ICacheable
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public string Name { get; }
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → LifeCycleTransitionInfo
public class LifeCycleTransitionInfo
// Properties
public LifeCycleStateInfo FromState { get; }
public bool GetComment { get; }
public string Id { get; }
public LifeCycleMapInfo LifeCycleMap { get; }
public IdentityInfo Role { get; }
public LifeCycleStateInfo ToState { get; }
Inheritance object → ListInfo
Attributes Serializable
Implements ICacheable
public class ListInfo : ICacheable
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → LogoutEventArgs
public class LogoutEventArgs
// Properties
public string LoginName { get; }
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → MacPolicyException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class MacPolicyException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public MacPolicyException();
public MacPolicyException(string faultMessage);
public MacPolicyException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → MissingCriteriaException
Attributes Serializable
public class MissingCriteriaException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public MissingCriteriaException();
public MissingCriteriaException(string faultMessage);
public MissingCriteriaException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → ModuleParseToDate
public static class ModuleParseToDate
// Methods
public static string parseFromDate(DateTime dateTime, string datePattern);
public static string parseFromDate(DateTime dateTime, string datePattern, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public static DateTime parseToDate(string dateString, string datePattern);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException
Attributes Serializable
public class NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException();
public NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException(string message);
public NeitherTypeNorTypeIdIsSpecifiedException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → OnAddEventArgs
public class OnAddEventArgs
// Methods
public void BaseAddItem();
public void BaseAddItem(bool ignorePermissions);
Inheritance object → OnAfterAddEventArgs
public class OnAfterAddEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
public string TypeId { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterCopyEventArgs
public class OnAfterCopyEventArgs
// Properties
public Dictionary<string, CopiedItemInfo> CopyResults { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterDeleteEventArgs
public class OnAfterDeleteEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterPromoteEventArgs
public class OnAfterPromoteEventArgs
// Properties
public IDictionary<string, LifeCycleTransitionInfo> ItemTransitions { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterResetLifecycleEventArgs
public class OnAfterResetLifecycleEventArgs
// Properties
public IDictionary<string, ResetDefaultLifecycleInfo> ItemResetInfoDict { get; }
public LifecycleResetType LifecycleResetType { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterSyncAddEventArgs
public class OnAfterSyncAddEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
public string TypeId { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterSyncUpdateEventArgs
public class OnAfterSyncUpdateEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
public string TypeId { get; }
Inheritance object → OnAfterUpdateEventArgs
public class OnAfterUpdateEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
Inheritance object → OnBeforeDeleteEventArgs
public class OnBeforeDeleteEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
Inheritance object → OnBeforePromoteEventArgs
public class OnBeforePromoteEventArgs
// Properties
public IDictionary<string, LifeCycleTransitionInfo> ItemTransitions { get; }
Inheritance object → OnBeforeSyncUpdateEventArgs
public class OnBeforeSyncUpdateEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
public string TypeId { get; }
Inheritance object → OnBeforeUpdateEventArgs
public class OnBeforeUpdateEventArgs
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public IEnumerable<string> IdList { get; }
Inheritance object → OnDeleteEventArgs
public class OnDeleteEventArgs
// Methods
public void BaseDeleteItem(XmlDocument outDom);
public void BaseDeleteItem(XmlDocument outDom, bool forceIgnorePermissions);
Inheritance object → OnGetEventArgs
public class OnGetEventArgs
// Properties
public bool ForceIgnorePermissions { get; }
public bool TemporaryFlagForIR058161PreventsExceptionThrownFromGetItem { get; set; }
// Methods
public void BaseGetItem(XmlDocument outDom);
public void BaseGetItem(XmlDocument outDom, bool forceIgnorePermissions);
Inheritance object → OnPromoteEventArgs
public class OnPromoteEventArgs
// Properties
public string ToStateName { get; }
// Methods
public void BasePromoteItem();
Inheritance object → OnUpdateEventArgs
public class OnUpdateEventArgs
// Methods
public void BaseUpdateItem(XmlDocument responseDom);
public void BaseUpdateItem(XmlDocument responseDom, bool forceIgnorePermissions);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → InnovatorServerAuthenticationException → PasswordExpiredException
Attributes Serializable
public class PasswordExpiredException : InnovatorServerAuthenticationException
// Constructors
public PasswordExpiredException();
public PasswordExpiredException(string message);
public PasswordExpiredException(string message, Exception innerException);
// Methods
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);
public void ToSoapFault(XmlDocument faultDom);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → PatternMismatchException
Attributes Serializable
public class PatternMismatchException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public PatternMismatchException();
public PatternMismatchException(string message);
public PatternMismatchException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Permissions
public class Permissions : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use DebugLogUserInfo instead.", false)]
public void debuglog_user_info();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.Logger.DebugLogUserInfo()", true)]
public void DebugLogUserInfo();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use ErrorIfNotSuperUser instead.", false)]
public void error_if_not_superuser(string operation);
public void ErrorIfNotSuperUser(string operation);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.IdentityModule.GetIdentityIdByName(string)", false)]
public string GetIdentityIDbyName(string name);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Use GetIdentityIDbyName.", true)]
public string GetIdentityIDbyNameFromDB(string name);
public static void GetIdentityList(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.4", false)]
public string[] GetLoginInfoByUserLoginName(string loginName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP12.", true)]
public XmlElement GetPermission(XmlElement item);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public bool GetPermissions(string itemId, string itemTypeId, string permissionType, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Do not use in server core.", false)]
public bool GetPermissionsEx(XmlElement itemType, string itemId, string identityList, string permissionType);
public bool IdentityListHasId(string identityList, string id1);
public bool IdentityListHasId(string identityList, string id1, string id2);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void RemoveItemAccesses(ref string itemId, ref string itemTypeName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void RemovePrivatePermission(ref string permissionId, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ResetAllItemsAccess(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public void ResetAllItemsAccessInternal(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ResetItemAccess(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public void ResetItemAccessInternal(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3", false)]
public bool set_error_if_not_superuser(XmlDocument outdom, string operation, bool adminOk);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SetNamedPermission(ref XmlElement item, string permissionName);
public bool UserHasAdminIdentity();
public bool UserHasRootIdentity();
public bool UserHasRootOrAdminIdentity();
public void ValidateUser(XmlDocument validateDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
Inheritance object → Exception → AuthenticationBrokerValidationException → PermissionsException
Attributes Serializable
public class PermissionsException : AuthenticationBrokerValidationException
// Constructors
public PermissionsException();
public PermissionsException(string message);
public PermissionsException(string message, Exception exception);
// Properties
public string Message { get; }
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException
Attributes Serializable
public class PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException();
public PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException(string message);
public PermissionsNoCanAddFoundException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → PropertiesAreNotUniqueException
Attributes Serializable
public class PropertiesAreNotUniqueException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public PropertiesAreNotUniqueException();
public PropertiesAreNotUniqueException(string message);
public PropertiesAreNotUniqueException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → PropertyValidator
public class PropertyValidator
// Properties
public Regex PropertyNameValidationByReservedWordsRegex { get; }
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException
Attributes Serializable
public class PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException();
public PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException(string message);
public PropertyValue4ClassificationIsInvalidException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → PropertyValueFormatException
Attributes Serializable
public class PropertyValueFormatException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public PropertyValueFormatException();
public PropertyValueFormatException(string message);
public PropertyValueFormatException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → PropertyValueOverflowException
Attributes Serializable
public class PropertyValueOverflowException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public PropertyValueOverflowException();
public PropertyValueOverflowException(string message);
public PropertyValueOverflowException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → RelationshipTypeNotFoundException
Attributes Serializable
public sealed class RelationshipTypeNotFoundException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public RelationshipTypeNotFoundException();
public RelationshipTypeNotFoundException(string faultMessage);
public RelationshipTypeNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ReplicationException
Attributes Serializable
public class ReplicationException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ReplicationException();
public ReplicationException(string faultMessage);
public ReplicationException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → ResetDefaultLifecycleInfo
public class ResetDefaultLifecycleInfo
// Constructors
public ResetDefaultLifecycleInfo();
// Properties
public string NewLifecycleId { get; set; }
public string NewLifecycleStateId { get; set; }
public string OldLifecycleId { get; set; }
public string OldLifecycleStateId { get; set; }
// Nested Classes
public enum LifecycleResetType
DoResetToStartStateOfCurrentMap = 0,
DoResetToStartStateOfDefaultMap = 1,
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → RevisionValueNotFoundException
Attributes Serializable
public class RevisionValueNotFoundException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public RevisionValueNotFoundException();
public RevisionValueNotFoundException(string faultMessage);
public RevisionValueNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → ServerConfigException
Attributes Serializable
public class ServerConfigException : Exception
// Constructors
public ServerConfigException();
public ServerConfigException(string message);
public ServerConfigException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → ServerEnvironment
public class ServerEnvironment
// Methods
public string GetTempFolderPath();
public string TransformUrl(string inputUrl, bool forServer);
public string TransformUrl(string inputUrl, NameValueCollection table, bool forServer);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException
Attributes Serializable
public class ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException();
public ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException(string faultMessage);
public ServerLocaleCannotBeDetectedException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → SPHttpHandler
Implements IDisposable, IHttpHandler
public class SPHttpHandler : IDisposable, IHttpHandler
// Constructors
public SPHttpHandler();
// Properties
public bool IsReusable { get; }
// Methods
public void Dispose();
public ICredentials GetDedicatedUserCredentials();
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Startup
public class Startup : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"this method is now in CallContext.Logger")]
public void debuglog(string reason, object msg);
public void InnovatorServerMain();
Inheritance object → CCProxy → StructureBrowser
public class StructureBrowser : CCProxy
// Constructors
public StructureBrowser(ref CallContext callContext);
// Fields
public Dictionary<string, string[]> itemPropertiesToSelect
public Dictionary<string, string[]> itemTypeRelshipsToSelect
public Dictionary<string, string[]> polyItemSourcesToSelect
public Dictionary<string, string[]> relshipPropertiesToSelect
// Properties
[Obsolete(@"This property will be removed from future Versions. Use another StructureItem.ColorsDifferent", false)]
public string differentColor { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"This property will be removed from future Versions. Use another StructureItem.ColorsEqual", false)]
public string differentRevisionsColor { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"This property will be removed from future Versions. Use another StructureItem.ColorsEqual", false)]
public string equalColor { get; set; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Method will be removed. Do not use it! CompareItems(itemTypeName, itemId, compareToItemTypeName, compareToId, levelsToSelect) instead.", false)]
public string CompareItems(string itemTypeName, string itemId, string compareToId, int levelsToSelect);
public string CompareItems(string itemTypeName, string itemId, string compareToItemTypeName, string compareToId, int levelsToSelect);
[Obsolete(@"Use StructureItem.CompareTo(StructureItem, withChildItems) instead.", false)]
public void CompareStructureItems(StructureItem aItem, StructureItem bItem);
public string GetItemsForStructureBrowser(string itemTypeName, string itemId, string compareToItemTypeName, string compareToId, int levelsToSelect);
public string GetItemStructure(string itemTypeName, string itemId, int levelsToSelect);
public StructureItem GetItemTree(string itemTypeName, string itemId, int levelsToSelect);
public StructureItem GetNewStructureItem(string itemTypeName, InnovatorDataSet rs);
[Obsolete(@"This function will be removed from future Versions. Use another function 'GetItemStructure'", false)]
public StructureItem GetSingleStructureItem(XmlElement itemTypeInfo, string itemId, string uniqueId);
[Obsolete(@"Use GetItemStructure instead.", false)]
public string GetStructureOfItem(string itemTypeName, string itemId, int levelsToSelect);
[Obsolete(@"Use StructureItem.ToString(includeSubTrees) instead.", false)]
public string GetXML(StructureItem rootItem);
[Obsolete(@"Use StructureItem.Id, StructureItem.Type, etc. instead.", false)]
public void SetStructureItemProperty(ref StructureItem item, string propName, string propValue, bool deep);
Inheritance object → StructureItem
Attributes Serializable, XmlRoot
public class StructureItem
// Constructors
public StructureItem();
public StructureItem(InnovatorDataSet rs);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. This constructor will be removed from future Versions. Use another constructor New(ByVal rs As InnovatorDataSet)", false)]
public StructureItem(string id, InnovatorDataSet rs);
// Properties
public static string ColorsDifferent { get; set; }
public static string ColorsDifferentRevisions { get; set; }
public static string ColorsEqual { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use ConfigId instead.", false)]
public string Config_id { get; set; }
public string ConfigId { get; set; }
public StructureItem FirstNode { get; }
public string Generation { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use StructureItem.First instead.", false)]
public StructureItem i_child { get; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use LastNode instead.", false)]
public StructureItem i_last_child { get; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use NextNode instead.", false)]
public StructureItem i_next { get; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use Parent instead.", false)]
public StructureItem i_parent { get; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use PrevNode instead.", false)]
public StructureItem i_prev { get; }
public string Icon { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public int Index { get; }
public string ItemTypeLabel { get; set; }
public string ItemTypeName { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use KeyedName instead.", false)]
public string Keyed_name { get; set; }
public string KeyedName { get; set; }
public StructureItem LastNode { get; }
public bool Loaded { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use MajorRev instead.", false)]
public string Major_rev { get; set; }
public string MajorRev { get; set; }
public StructureItem NextNode { get; }
[XmlArrayItem(@"Item", Type: Aras.Server.Core.StructureItem, IsNullable: false)]
public StructureItemCollection Nodes { get; }
public StructureItem Parent { get; }
public StructureItem PrevNode { get; }
public string RelationshipTypeName { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use SourceId instead.", false)]
public string Source_id { get; set; }
public string SourceId { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use TextColor instead.", false)]
public string Text_color { get; set; }
public string TextColor { get; set; }
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use StructureItem properties (StructureItem.Id, StructureItem.Type, etc.) instead.", false)]
public string this[string key] { get; set; }
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.2. Use Add(node) instead.", false)]
public StructureItem AddChildItem(StructureItem node);
public object Clone();
public int CompareTo(StructureItem other);
public void CompareTo(StructureItem other, bool withChildItems);
public int GetItemCount(bool includeSubtrees);
public string ToString();
public string ToString(bool includeSubtrees);
Inheritance object → StructureItemCollection
Attributes Serializable
public class StructureItemCollection
// Properties
public int Count { get; }
public StructureItem this[int index] { get; }
// Methods
public int Add(StructureItem node);
public void AddRange(StructureItem[] nodes);
Inheritance object → SuccessfulLoginEventArgs
public class SuccessfulLoginEventArgs
// Properties
public string LoginName { get; }
Inheritance object → SystemEventLogger
public class SystemEventLogger
// Methods
public void CreateSystemLogRecord(string eventType, string methodName, string loginName, string comment);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → TagIsNotFoundInRequestException
Attributes Serializable
public class TagIsNotFoundInRequestException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public TagIsNotFoundInRequestException();
public TagIsNotFoundInRequestException(string faultMessage);
public TagIsNotFoundInRequestException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException
Attributes Serializable
public class TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException();
public TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException(string faultMessage);
public TagItemIsNotFoundInRequestException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException
Attributes Serializable
public class TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException();
public TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException(string faultMessage);
public TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Tasks
public class Tasks : CCProxy
Inheritance object → Exception → AuthenticationBrokerValidationException → TokenTimeoutException
Attributes Serializable
public class TokenTimeoutException : AuthenticationBrokerValidationException
// Constructors
public TokenTimeoutException();
public TokenTimeoutException(string message);
public TokenTimeoutException(string message, Exception exception);
// Properties
public string Message { get; }
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Transaction
public class Transaction : CCProxy
// Methods
public void TransactionExecutePostMethods();
public void TransactionSendPromoteEmails();
public void TransactionSendWorkflowEmails();
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Transformation
public class Transformation : CCProxy
// Methods
public string Substitution(string body, bool doEscape4Xml, string matchName, XmlElement xmlDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public string SubstitutionStage1(ref string body);
Inheritance object → UpdateCheckSettings
public class UpdateCheckSettings
// Constructors
public UpdateCheckSettings();
// Properties
public int Interval { get; }
Inheritance object → CCProxy → UpdateItemProxy
public class UpdateItemProxy : CCProxy
// Methods
public void UpdateItem(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
Inheritance object → UserInfo
Attributes Serializable
Implements ICacheable
public class UserInfo : ICacheable
// Properties
public string Id { get; }
public string LoginName { get; }
public bool LogOnEnabled { get; }
// Methods
public string[] GetGuidsItemDependsOn();
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Utilities
public class Utilities : CCProxy
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use Aras.IOM.IServerConnection.CallAction(""ApplyAML"", XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void ApplyAML(XmlDocument amlDom, XmlDocument passedResponseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use Aras.IOM.IServerConnection.CallAction()", true)]
public void ApplySoapAction(string soapAction, XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom, bool securityCheck);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP9. Use CallContext.FileSystem.CreateFolder(string)", false)]
public void CreateFolder(string path);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.SystemEventLogger.CreateSystemLogRecord(string, string, string, string)", true)]
public void CreateSystemLogRecord(string eventType, string methodName, string loginName, string comment);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.ArasSessionManager.DeleteUsers(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void DeleteUsers(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP9. Use CCO.FileSystem.FileExists(string)", false)]
public bool FileExists(string filePath);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP9. Use CCO.FileSystem.FolderExists(string)", false)]
public bool FolderExists(string folderPath);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CCO.Identity.GetIdentityIdByUserId(string)", true)]
public string GetIdentityIdByUserId(string userId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CCO.Identity.GetIdentityNameByIdentityId(string)", false)]
public string GetIdentityNameByIdentityId(string identityId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CCO.Identity.GetIdentityNameByUserId(string)", true)]
public string GetIdentityNameByUserId(string userId);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CallContext.ServerEnvironment.GetTempFolderPath()", false)]
public string GetLogsFolderPath();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CCO.Identity.GetSystemIdentity(string, XmlElement)", false)]
public string GetSystemIdentity(string systemIdentityName, XmlElement item);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.ArasSessionManager.GetUsersList(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", true)]
public void GetUsersList(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
public string GetVarValue(string name, string defaultValue);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.Guid.IsIdValid(string, bool)", false)]
public static bool IsIdValid(string itemId, bool doThrowException);
[Obsolete(@"Throw exception or call SetErrorMessage instead.", false)]
public bool IsPropertyNameValid(ref string propertyName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CCO.Logger.Log(string, string)", false)]
public void log(string fileName, string msg);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP10. Use CCO.Logger.LogMessage(XmlDocument, XmlDocument)", false)]
public void LogMessage(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP9. Use CallContext.FileSystem.MapFileName(string)", false)]
public string mapfilename(string fileName);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP9. Use CallContext.FileSystem.SaveBinaryData(string, byte[])", false)]
public void SaveBinaryData(string fileName, byte[] byteArray);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP9. Use CallContext.FileSystem.SaveTextData(string, string, bool)", false)]
public void SaveTextData(string fileName, string text2Save, bool append2File);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public string SetPropertyStyle(ref string css, ref string propName, ref string styleName, ref string styleVal);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.Logger.TickDiff(int, int)", false)]
public static int TickDiff(int endTicks, int startTicks);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete starting from 9.3 SP5. Use TransformUrl instead.", false)]
public string transform_url(string inputUrl, NameValueCollection table, bool forServer);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.ServerEnvironment.TransformUrl(string, NameValueCollection, string)", false)]
public string TransformUrl(string inputUrl, NameValueCollection table, bool forServer);
public void TransformVaultServerURL(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.Logger.WriteDebug(string, string)", false)]
public void WriteDebug(string debugFile, string text);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.Logger.WriteLog(string, string)", true)]
public void WriteLog(string logFile, string text);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Variables
public class Variables : CCProxy
// Fields
public const string CountLicensesVarId = @"240291675754464CB9E0288C17D8A02B"
public const string CreatePrivateKeyVarId = @"83DECDA1E04E4505B28B17658AD1D934"
// Properties
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP3. Do not use in core. Use CallContext.DB.InnDatabase instead.", false)]
public InnovatorDatabase InnDatabase { get; }
// Methods
public int GetActiveUsersCount(IInnovatorDatabase innovatorDatabase);
public string GetAuthUserID();
public string GetFrameworkLicenseKey();
public LicenseType GetLicenseType();
public string GetLoginName();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.ServerEnvironment.GetServerLocale(bool)", true)]
public string GetServerLocale(bool isCaching);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 11.0 SP11. Use CallContext.ServerEnvironment.GetServerName()", true)]
public string GetServerName();
public string GetUserID();
public string GetUserIPAddr();
Inheritance object → Exception → InnovatorServerException → VersionInfoContentException
Attributes Serializable
public class VersionInfoContentException : InnovatorServerException
// Constructors
public VersionInfoContentException();
public VersionInfoContentException(string faultMessage);
public VersionInfoContentException(string message, Exception innerException);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → Workflow
public class Workflow : CCProxy
// Methods
public void BuildProcessReport(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
public void cancelWorkflow(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void CloseWorkflow(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void EvaluateActivity(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
public void ExecuteEscalations(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
public void ExecuteReminders(XmlDocument itemDom, XmlDocument responseDom);
public void GetAssignedActivities(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void InstantiateWorkflow(ref XmlDocument inDom, ref XmlDocument outDom);
public void InstantiateWorkflowInternal(XmlDocument inDom, XmlDocument outDom);
public void StartWorkflow(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void ValidateWorkflowMap(ref XmlDocument itemDom, ref XmlDocument responseDom);
Inheritance object → Exception → WrongCacheRegistrationException
Attributes Serializable
public class WrongCacheRegistrationException : Exception
// Constructors
public WrongCacheRegistrationException();
public WrongCacheRegistrationException(string message);
public WrongCacheRegistrationException(string message, Exception ex);
Inheritance object → Exception → AuthenticationBrokerValidationException → WrongTokenFormatException
Attributes Serializable
public class WrongTokenFormatException : AuthenticationBrokerValidationException
// Constructors
public WrongTokenFormatException();
public WrongTokenFormatException(string message);
public WrongTokenFormatException(string message, Exception exception);
// Properties
public string Message { get; }
Inheritance object → CCProxy → XML
public class XML : CCProxy
// Methods
public static XmlDocument CreateNewXMLDocument();
public static XmlDocument CreateNewXMLDocument(string xmlString);
public string Escape4XML(string xmlString);
public string GetFaultActor(XmlDocument dom);
public string GetItemProperty(XmlNode node, string elementXPath);
public string GetRelId(XmlElement parentItem, string tagName);
public XmlDocument GetTemplate(string template);
public bool HasFault(XmlDocument dom, bool ignoreZeroFaultCode);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public static bool IsItemPropertyNull(ref XmlElement node, ref string elementName);
public void LoadTemplate(XmlDocument outDom, string template);
public XmlElement MakeBody(XmlDocument xmlDom);
public XmlElement MakeBody(XmlDocument xmlDom, bool useI18NNamespace);
public static XmlNode MakeResponseId(XmlDocument xml, string id);
public void MakeResponseMessage(XmlDocument xmlDom, string msg);
public XmlElement SelectOrAppendMessage(XmlDocument xmlDom);
public void SetItemPropertyAttribute(XmlElement item, string propertyName, string attribute, string value);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public static void SetItemPropertyNull(ref XmlElement node, ref string element, bool setNullFlag);
public static void SetItemPropertyNullInternal(XmlElement node, string element, bool setNullFlag);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SetResult(ref XmlDocument xmlDom, ref string resultText);
public string WrapInEnvelope(string xmlToWrap);
Inheritance object → CCProxy → XML → XmlProxy
public class XmlProxy : XML
// Methods
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public XmlElement CreateItemProperty(XmlElement node, string element);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public XmlElement CreateNewItem(string itemTypeName, ref XmlDocument itemDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3.0 SP4. Use BaseXml.CreateNewXMLDocument() instead.", false)]
public XmlDocument CreateXMLDocument();
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3.0 SP4. Use BaseXml.CreateNewXMLDocument(ByVal ldstr As String) instead.", false)]
public XmlDocument CreateXMLDocument(string ldstr);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3. Obsolete because faultcode must be a qualified name.", false)]
public long GetFaultCode(ref XmlDocument dom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3. Obsolete because Fault detail value is not just a string.", false)]
public string GetFaultDetails(ref XmlDocument dom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public string GetFaultString(ref XmlDocument dom);
public static string GetNodeElement(XmlNode anode, string elementXPath);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3. Do not use in core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetRequestItem(ref XmlDocument dom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3. Do not use in core.", false)]
public XmlElement GetResponseItem(XmlDocument responseDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public bool IsItemPropertyExist(ref XmlElement node, ref string elementXPath);
public static XmlElement MakeBorders(XmlDocument xmlDom);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public XmlElement MakeBorders(ref XmlDocument xmlDom, bool useI18NNamespace);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.")]
public bool RemoveItemProperty(ref XmlElement node, ref string element);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 8.3. Obsolete because faultcode must be qualified name.", false)]
public void SetErrorMessage(XmlDocument xmlDom, long faultCode, string faultString);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 8.3. Obsolete because faultcode must be qualified name.", false)]
public void SetErrorMessage(XmlDocument xmlDom, long faultCode, string detail, string faultString);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SetItemProperty(ref XmlElement node, ref string element, ref string value);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.3 SP6. Do not use in core.", false)]
public void SetNodeElement(ref XmlElement node, ref string element, ref string value);
[Obsolete(@"Obsolete since 9.2 SP3. Use XmlInternal.SetItemPropertyAttribute instead", true)]
public void SetNodeElementAttribute(ref XmlElement node, ref string element, ref string attribute, ref string value);