This is basically just a bunch of helper snippets/scripts/POCs to help you get your Docker Containers up and running on Amazon ECS (EC2 Container Service).
- Install and setup the AWS CLI tools on you local development machine
- Install the ECS Task Definition:
aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://dockerenv-task.json
- Run the task via the ECS Console
To check the output from the scripts, ssh to your EC2 instance used by ECS.
Then find the (stopped) container ID with this command:
docker ps -a
E.g. the container ID could be c419b392fad5
Then check the logs:
docker logs c419b392fad5
Sample output:
I created this because I needed to know the private IP address of the EC2 instance hosting my Docker Containers.
In particular I needed this to be able to start a Datomic Transactor in the correct way.
PRs accepted!