This is a version of Avida with the systematics tracker and open-ended evolution metrics from Empirical. Empirical is managed as a submodule in this repository, pinned to a known-compatible commit.
Other than that, this is the same as normal Avida. The README for normal Avida follows.
Digital Evolution Laboratory at Michigan State University (
The top-level repository/distribution of Avida consists of multiple submodules.
General System Requirements
- CMake 2.6.x or greater (
- C++ Compiler and Make system supported by CMake
Additional Requirements for Specific Targets
avida-viewer (on Linux/Unix Platforms):
- ncurses
avida-viewer/Avida.exe (on Windows using included Visual Studio Project):
- Visual Studio 2008 or greater
run_tests (testrunner):
- python 2.6 or greater
Mac OS X Development (using included Xcode Workspace and Projects):
- Xcode 4
Avida depends on some other libraries for compilation, so before proceeding, be sure you've downloaded them with the following commands:
$ cd avida $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
Building Avida on Linux/Unix Platforms (including Mac OS X):
To compile and install Avida, using default settings run: $ ./build_avida
By default, you will get an optimized version of the code, as well as the ncurses avida-viewer. The installation goes into a directory called 'work' that is created in a subdirectory named 'cbuild' directory. See below how to change that.
Building Avida on Windows:
Open CMake, then select the Avida source code directory (containing CMakeLists.txt) and a desired output directory. Click the configure button. In the options panel you MUST turn AVD_GUI_NCURSES 'Off'. Click the configure button again. You should now be able to press the generate button. Open the Visual Studio project generated by CMake in the selected target directory. In Visual Studio select the desired build mode (the default is generally 'Debug', 'Release' is recommended). Build the 'All Build' target.
Here are the main options available when configuring and building Avida with cmake :
- This is a BOOL, either ON or OFF, to enable building interface-less Avida ON by default.
- This is a BOOL, either ON or OFF, to enable building Avida console interface ON by default.
- This is a BOOL, either ON or OFF, to enable building unit test suites OFF by default.
- This is a STRING, one of "None", "Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", to vary optimization levels and debugging information "Release" by default.
- This is a BOOL, either ON or OFF, to enable building the prototype ncurses THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL AND MAY NOT BUILD! OFF by default.
The following directions pertain to Linux/Unix usage of CMake. Windows users should see CMake documentation for using the GUI on Windows. There are three ways by which you can set the various options.
For a simple 'gui' like interface, from the build directory run: $ ccmake ../
Pressing 'c' will configure Pressing 'g' will generate the make files and exit
If you'd like to be prompted with questions for each option, execute the following from the build directory: $ cmake -i ../
From the command-line option, the cmake option -D allows setting Avida configuration options with the following syntax: -D:=
To completely specify each of the above Avida options, cd into your build
directory and type something like:
With Avida built and 'installed' using CMake (the default for the 'build_avida' script), simply execute the 'run_tests' script:
$ ./run_tests
For a list of useful options accepted by the TestRunner script, supply the -h option on the command line:
$ ./run_tests -h
The 'builddir' option will be particularly for Xcode users. This option will allow the tests to be run on Xcode products without having to move the files to where the CMake outputs are placed by default. For example, the default Deployment build can be tested as follows:
$ ./run_tests --builddir=build/Deployment/
Helpful usage and code documentation can be found in the HTML files in the 'avida-core/documentation' directory. See index.html.
Revised 2011-05-05 DMB