Bot Specific Information
HelpBot is a bot focused on providing a large amount of commands to the DiamondFire community. Please note, HelpBot is only intended to be used on the DiamondFire discord only. Commands vary from stats related commands to commands that provide codeblock information.
HelpBot is created in java 11 and there are no current rules in place for contribution. If you want to add/modify something you are able to create a fork and submit a pull request.
Most pull requests are accepted, do not be afraid to make a change I promise I do not bite.
Config File
This project uses a config file inorder to specify things such as bot token, prefix and database information. When you first boot the bot, it will error and shut down the bot. In the working directory a config file should have been created, use the following format.
"token": "bot token",
"prefix": "?",
"dev_bot": true,
"mc_email": "[email protected]",
"mc_password": "MinecraftPassword",
"db_link": "jdbc:db_type://ip:port/schema",
"db_user": "dbuser",
"db_password": "dbpassword",
"guild": long,
"log_channel": long,
"discussion_channel": long,
"muted_role": long,
"verified_role": long,
"role_react_channel": long,
"role_react_message": long
Swear Filter
After setting up the config, you will need to paste the following into the swear filter file. Otherwise, commands will not work and it will error whenever a message is sent.
"equal": [
"prefix": [
"suffix": [
"part": [