$ mvn -f needs-guava clean install
$ mvn -f guava-fail clean package
$ java -jar guava-fail/target/guava-fail-thorntail.jar
This should startup successfully, but the app doesn't do anything so there's nothing to test.
INFO [org.wildfly.swarm] (main) THORN99999: Thorntail is Ready
$ mvn -f guava-fail -P with-dse clean package
$ java -jar guava-fail/target/guava-fail-thorntail.jar
This should fail with the following root cause:
ERROR [stderr] (main) WELD-001474: Class io.thorntail.example.NeedsGuava is on the classpath, but was ignored because a class it references was not found: com.google.common.cache.Cache from [Module \"deployment.guava-fail.war\" from Service Module Loader].
The needs-guava
project contains a trivial CDI bean io.thorntail.example.NeedsGuava
which has a dependency on the com.google.common.cache.Cache
class provided by Guava. The project pom expresses a dependency on Guava version 27.0-jre
The guava-fail
project contains a trivial JAX-RS application io.thorntail.example.GuavaFail
which is also a CDI bean and injects io.thorntail.example.NeedsGuava
from the needs-guava
project. The guava-fail
pom expresses a dependency on needs-guava
This setup works fine until we activate the with-dse
profile which expresses a dependency on the Datastax DSE driver version 1.7.0
whcih in turn depends on Guava version 19.0
. With the new dependencies, the thorntail plugin decides to strip the Guava JAR (and its dependencies) from the WEB-INF/lib
directory in the WAR.