This is an Angular 8 application with .NET Core 3 backend that displays tabular data in an Angular Material table. It's built with:
Angular 8
ngrx (state, store, effects, actions, reducers)
Angular Material Table
Angular Material Paginator with server-side pagination
routed pagination, i. e. each page is accessible by a route <resource_collection>/<page_number>/size/<page_size>
The data this application displays is a log of website visits, collected by StatCounter, my favorite website statistics tracking application. For a long time I have been downloading visit statistics for my various websites from StatCounter as .csv files. I have imported those CSV files into a database in a separate (I wrote a separate program for that), and I wrote this application to read from the database and display that data in ways that are convenient and interesting to me.
The application is currently running at . It is pretty barebones at this point, but I'm adding more features to it.
I wrote a couple of blog articles about the problems I overcome while building and deploying it:
Deployment issues that arise if your application runs in a subdirectory, and how to fix them.