A SpaceX Dashboard site built with the SpaceX API.
Django as a backend with simple function based views, making api calls
Tailwind CSS for for styling
Alpine.js for for simplified javascript functions
The SpaceX-API as a data source
Clone Repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ellerman4/spacex-dashboard
Create and activate a virtual environment
...\> py -m venv env
...\> env\Scripts\activate.bat
Pip install Django, django_compressor, and django-permissions-policy
...\> pip install django
...\> pip install django_compressor
...\> pip install django-permissions-policy
...\> pip install django-csp
Run server with custom management command
...\> python manage.py startup
The above startup command includes a scheduled function to delete the cached json data every hour, as well as the standard Django runserver command, read more here.