✏ dotfiles & installation script for my development environment.
There are three major components:
- which sets up dependencies, installs Homebrew and related packages, and links in dotfiles, on macOS and Linux- The Boxstarter script for setting up Windows + WSL (optional!)
- The 'dotfiles' themselves -
, etc.
Install the dependencies: package manager, packages, tooling:
sh install.sh 2>&1 | tee ~/install.log
_ _ _ _ _
(_)_ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | ___| |__
| | '_ \/ __| __/ _ | | | / __| '_ \
| | | | \__ \ || (_| | | |_\__ \ | | |
|_|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_(_)___/_| |_|
- Sets up a Linux or macOS based development machine.
- Can be run in WSL on Windows!
- Safe to run repeatedly (checks for existing installs)
- Repository at https://github.com/elithrar/dotfiles
- Fork as needed
- Deeply inspired by https://github.com/minamarkham/formation
Use GNU Stow to automatically symlink the dotfiles:
# Assuming you've cloned to $HOME/repos/dotfiles
stow --dir="${HOME}/repos/dotfiles" --target="${HOME}" .
- Ghostty on macOS as my primary terminal environment -
will install it for you. - zsh and oh-my-zsh as my shell.
- Zed as my editor (previously: VS Code)
- Berkeley Mono (TX-02) as my font.
📜 See LICENSE file for details.