A remake of the classic Atari game, Space Invaders, that utilizes the MacBook Pro Touch Bar.
Demo | How To Use | License | Authors
First, make sure that you have Xcode installed. If you don't, you can download it for free on the Mac App Store.
Next, clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/elijahsawyers/TouchBarSpaceInvaders.git
After cloning the repository, open the Xcode project file.
cd path/to/cloned/repo
open TouchBarSpaceInvaders/Touch\ Bar\ Space\ Invaders/Touch\ Bar\ Space\ Invaders.xcodeproj
Once you have the project opened up in Xcode, simply run the application with ⌘ + R
Note: if you have a Mac that doesn't have a Touch Bar, you can bring up the simulator by going to Window -> Show Touch Bar.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.