This project shows how to configure an InterSystems IRIS
- instance parameters and
- a mirror-pair via the CPF (Configuration Parameter File) file and specifically how to do it in an automated way with the new CPF merge file.
The CPF merge facility allows to inject configuration parameters as we start the instance in accordance to the 12-factor app and in order to render the whole process much more intuitive and easily automatable. The CPF merge facility appeared in InterSystems IRIS 2019.4 and is continually improved.
The docker-compose runs 3 services:
- 2 x IRIS instances and
- 1 x Arbiter
The 2 InterSystems IRIS instances will configure themselves as a mirror-pair, respectively one as the Primary and the other as the Backup member while the Arbiter is the 3rd node mirror coordinator. Please review the files
- mirrorPrimary.conf and
- mirrorBackup.conf
and see how the ShardRole and ShardMirrorMember keys are defined. It should be selfexplantory, otherwise see InterSystems documentatopm - main CPF merge doc page
- SharddRole
- ShardMirrorMember
- ArbiterURL
The CPF extensions for configuring a mirror are new & initally focused on shard-based clusters. More flexible options will appear in future releases. While this demo is based on docker-compose, the feature is usable even with traditional tarballs deployments.
InterSystems IRIS durable %SYS directories will be created in
A container-network is created with a range of ip addresses to
- pin services to a fixed IP and
- to avoid conflict with local subnets
- You will need a non CE version of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1
- You will need an adequate key supporting InterSystems mirroring and shard technologies
- In order to reset your local environment and remove the durable %SYS directories there is the script
- and 2 convenience scripts to start and stop the composition: and