Run on public server
The application is deployed on
select company, organization or product from the dropdown list
enter a topic and click on search button to get related topics
select a topic and click "assign job", articles are searched in background and a task for each article will be sent to mock platform which simulates a crowdsourcing platform you will be redirected to the created job click "reload" to check if articles have been found click "Menu" -> "Job List" to see the list of assigned jobs
go to to check for tasks assigned to the crowdsourcing platform
select a task and rate it
go back to the joblist and select the created job. See the ratings per article and the combined results
user quality indicator can be seen at "Menu" -> "User Quality"
Build yourself
- install Tomcat 7 application server (
- install Maven 2 (
- (optional) install Eclipse for Java EE Developer (
- clone repository from ( or download ZIP-File ( which will be faster
Crowdsourcing platform
to deploy:
- change src\main\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml to point to the location where aic.db should be created (must have write permission)
- in the terminal go to the root project folder and run Maven: mvn install
- then copy the files ./crowd/targed/crowd-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war ./mock/targed/mock-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war to /webapps and rename them to: crowd.war mock.war
- Start Tomcat with /bin/startup.bat
- open http://localhost:8080/crowd
for developer:
- import into Eclipse as Existing Maven Project
- build project in Eclipse, either add Tomcat as server and "run on server" or export as war file
- change src\main\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml to point to the location where aic.db should be created (must have write permission)
- in case of war file copy the war file to /webapps. Start Tomcat with /bin/startup.bat
- open http://localhost:8080/crowd
Mockup for crowdsourcing platform (replacement for MobileWorks)
- import into Eclipse as Existing Maven Project
- build project in Eclipse, either add Tomcat as server and "run on server" or export as war file
- change src\main\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml to point to the location where mock.db should be created
- in case of war file copy the war file to /webapps. Start Tomcat with /bin/startup.bat
- open http://localhost:8080/mock