Releases: e2002/yoradio
- added mDNS support, configurable via the web interface, pull#125
- added a setting that allows you to switch stations with the UP and DOWN buttons immediately, bypassing the playlist, configurable via the web interface, pull#125
- added a screensaver mode, configurable via the web interface.
- changes to the tone control algorithm for the VS1053.
- updated the VU meter algorithms - shamelessly borrowed from @schreibfaul1, (thanks a lot!)
- fixed the magic error "HSPI" redefined.
- SD Card - optimization and bug fixes
- Config - improvements and bug fixes
- Added stream format display in the web interface !!! A full update is required, including SPIFFS Data !!!
(Alternatively, upload the new style.css.gz and script.js.gz files via the web interface.) - The content of yoRadio.ino has been moved to src/main.cpp
- [www|uart|telnet] new command: reset - resets settings to default values. More details
- Fixed compilation error: 'ets_printf' was not declared in this scope
- fixed the issue with the non-functional HSPI bus
- fixed the issue with saving settings on fresh ESP modules.
- fixed the issue with displaying the settings page on fresh ESP modules after saving the weather key (a reset may be required)
- fixed the issue with saving settings for TIMEZONE.
- fixed compilation error for ESP32 cores >= 3.1.0
- fixed freezing error with incorrectly configured RTC module
- [www|uart|telnet] new command mode - change SD/WEB mode. (0 - WEB, 1 - SD, 2 - Toggle) example: http://<ipaddress>/?mode=2
Added parameters for configuring
on ESP32S3 modules:USE_BUILTIN_LED
: Determines whether to use the built-inLED_BUILTIN
(default istrue
: Specifies a custom pin for the built-inLED_BUILTIN
. Used in combination withUSE_BUILTIN_LED = false
(default is255
Note: For ESP32S3 boards, no changes are required by default; the onboard LED will work as expected.
These settings were added to allow disabling the built-in LED or reassigning it to a custom pin. -
New class for plugin management, enabling multiple plugins to be assigned to each function.
More details can be found in the comments within theyoRadio/src/pluginsManager/pluginsManager.h
file and at here.
Additional examples are provided in theexamples/plugins
Backward compatibility: The old method of adding plugins will remain functional for some time in future versions but will eventually be deprecated and removed. -
fixed freezing when loading without plugins in some configurations "running dots"
- fixed compilation error for OLED displays
- fixed compilation error audioVS1053Ex.cpp:181:5: error: 'sdog' was not declared in this scope
- fixed the error of subscribing to mqtt topic on some systems
- added support for Arduino ESP32 v3.0.0 and later
- disabled SD indexing on startup; now the card is indexed only if the data/index.dat file is missing from the card
- IRremoteESP8266 library integrated into the project (yoRadio/src/IRremoteESP8266)
- fixed date display bug for ILI9488/ILI9486 displays
- fixed a hang bug when switching to SD mode after removing the SD
- fixed a hangup error when the connection to the stream was lost in WEB mode
- added support for DS1307 or DS3231 RTC module (you need to install the RTCLib library in the library manager)
- fixed a hang bug when scrolling through an SD playlist with an encoder in configurations with VS1053B
- fixed a hang bug when quickly switching SD / WEB modes from the WEB interface in configurations with VS1053B
- fixes in the logic of work
- fix compilation error 'class NetServer' has no member named 'resetQueue'
- SD card playlist moved from SPIFFS to SD card
- new parameter #define SD_MAX_LEVELS - Search depth for files on SD card
- fixed bugs with SD card in multi-threaded mode