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User documentation

Martin Dvorak edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 9 revisions

Table of contents:

This document briefly describes key MindForger features.



This section aims to explain basic MindForger terminology:




Notebook editor

Open Notebook file


Promote note

Demote note




Move note to bottom


Live Preview

Easily toggle live HTML preview of edited Markdown with shortcut or edit panel buttons.

Live preview

View and Edit mode


If you want to edit a section either double-click anywhere in the rendered preview on the right (MindForger window) or choose:

  • menu Notebook/Edit for title section
  • menu Note/Edit for any sub-section

Markdown editor

MindForger can be used as a Markdown editor.

It allows you to easily write Markdown documents in a WYSIWYG text editor with Markdow syntax hints and an HTML rendered preview.

MindForger terminology:

  • A Markdown file is a Notebook.
  • A Markdown document section (line with leading #) is a Note.

MindForger represents any Markdown as follows...

Markdown markup

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. John Gruber and Aaron Swartz created Markdown in 2004 as a markup language that is appealing to human readers in its source code form.[9] Markdown is widely used in blogging, instant messaging, online forums, collaborative software, documentation pages, and readme files. -- Wikipedia

You can write your remarks as plain text without any formatting in MindForger.

However, you may use Markdown markup to emphasize important parts of the text, make links, create lists, etc. MindForger will also use Markdown to store your remarks which enables you to use any Markdown editor or tool.

You don't have to learn Markdown specification as MindForger editor and Format menu will help and guide you.

Markdown specification

Markdown document

...title, description, section, text w/ Inkscape diagram

Markdown mapping

Document ~ Notebook

ink diagram

Section ~ Note

ink diagram, basic unit of operations, granularity

Markdown file

MindForger can be used to edit a single Markdown file:


If the given file exists, then it's opened for editing, otherwise a new Markdown file with this name is created and opened.

Open Markdown file

BULB: see dir and repo for how to open ...


Markdown outline

In order to enable quick navigation and refactoring of Markdown documents, MindForger shows Markdown documents (Notebooks) as an outline of Markdown sections (Notes) allowing you to efficiently choose/read/edit/refactor a particular section.


Check side-by-side Markdown document text view and MindForger view in the image above:

  • The INSTALLATION Markdown document is opened in a text editor (Emacs) on the left.
  • The same Markdown document is opened in MindForger on the right.

As you can see, MindForger represents the hierarchy of sections (prefixed/underlined in Markdown syntax with/by #, - or =) as a tree - called an outline:

  • The tree of sections (in the left MindForger window) reflects the depth/level of individual sections e.g. section UBUNTU on the second level is prefixed with ## and shown on the second level in the tree.


  • You can open Markdown document title section (INSTALLATION) by clicking its name INSTALLATION above outline.
  • Any sub-section can be opened by clicking its name in the tree.

For switching between section (pre)view and edit mode refer to the next section.


Markdown format

... Link to sections about Markdown above ... MAKE ARCHIVE OF THE WHOLE WIKI and PROVIDE it as ZIP (stored in wiki repo) allowing user to download it and edit it as MF repository

Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax introduced by John Gruber. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, easily rendered as HTML.

MindForger uses Markdown-based DSL. There are many flavors of Markdown - for Markdown syntax documentation please refer to:

Sub-sections of this section provide Markdown syntax overview and rendering demonstration. As you read particular Markdown syntax features, be sure to open each section for edit (to check syntax) and experiment with menu Format/*.


Monospace text, emph text, bold text, italic text, bold text, deleted text.

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax

Keyboard keys

You can use Alt+f b to make marked text bold.

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax


See Markdown source of this Note to learn image syntax.

Image from web:

MindForger logo

Image from current MindForger repository:

MF screenshot

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax
💡 click menu Format/Image or press Alt+f m to insert image.


See Markdown source of this Note to learn link syntax.

Link to web:

Automatic web link:

Link to a Notebook in active MindForger repository:

Link to a Note in active MindForger repository:

Link to a file on the filesystem:

Link to a directory on the filesystem:

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax
💡 click menu Format/Link or press Alt+f l to insert link.

Smarty pants

Smarty pants like like:

  • curly " and '
  • ``backsticks''
  • dashes a--ha and a---ha
  • (tm) and (r) and (c)
  • consecutive dots ...
  • 1/4 1/2
  • A^B and a^(b+2)

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax



... rulers ...

... split screen horizontally.


Bullet list:

  • why
    • ?
  • how
    • !
  • what
    • .

Numbered list:

  1. why
    1. ?
  2. how
    1. ?
  3. what
    1. ?

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax


Task list:

  • skip-gram
    • bag of words
  • GloWe vs. word2vec
    • word embedding
  • stemmer

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax



frodo and glum,


in the dark

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax



Snake | Turtle

----- | ------ Karkulka | Ema

Frontend Backend
Qt C++

Columns can be aligned to left/right or centered:

Left Center Right
This is frontend This is middle-ware This is backend
Js ESB C++

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax

Source code with syntax highlighting

There are multiple options how a block of source code can be written in Markdown.

IMPORTANT: note leading empty lines before code blocks.

  1. Tab indentation w/o language spec and w/o syntax highlighting:

    public static void main(string[] args) { return 0; }

  1. Code block w/ language spec:
public static void main(string[] args) {
    return 0;

or w/o language spec:

public static void main(string[] args) {
    return 0;

  1. Fenced block w/ language spec:
public static void main(string[] args) {
    return 0;

or w/o language spec:

public static void main(string[] args) {
    return 0;

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax


MathJax handles inline expressions like: x^2 + y^2 = z^2 or block expressions like: $$\frac{D\rho}{Dt} = 0.$$

Check MathJax documentation and/or cheatsheet for more examples.

Quadratic equation root: When (a \ne 0), there are two solutions to (ax^2 + bx + c = 0) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$

Sum: $$\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$$

Limit: $$\lim_{x\to 0}$$

Sqrt: $$\left(\frac{\sqrt x}{y^3}\right)$$

Alternatively you can use to render expression to image and include it in Markdown.

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax
💡 if math expressions are not rendered, then you must enable MathJax using menu Mind/Adapt/Markdown


MathJax cheetsheet:

  • use $ to inline expressions, and $$ for blocks
  • superscript: $x^2$
  • subscript: $x_i$
  • superscript and subscript: $x^2_i$
  • Greek letters: $\alpha, \beta, \delta ... \omega, \Delta, ... \Omega$
  • groups: for 10^10 you get $10^10$, but 10^{10} gives $10^{10}$.
  • parenthesis: [, ( and use \{ for curly braces
  • fraction: $\frac{2}{3}$ $\frac{a+b}{c-d}$
  • square: $\sqrt{10}$ $\sqrt[3]{\frac xy}$
  • exponential: $2^8$
  • absolute: $\vert{x}\vert$
  • metric: $\Vert{x}\Vert$
  • interval: $\langle x, y \rangle$
  • sum: $\sum x_i$
  • integral: $\int x_i$ $\iint x_i$ $\iiint x_i$
  • union: $x \cup y$, $\bigcup x$
  • intersection: $x \cap y$, $\bigcap x$
  • limit: $\lim_{x\to 0}$
  • goniometrical: $\sin x$
  • bigger/smaller: $\lt \gt \le \leq \leqq \leqslant \ge \geq \geqq \geqslant$
  • not using n: $\neq$
  • sets: $\cup \cap \setminus \subset \subseteq \subsetneq \supset \in \notin \emptyset \varnothing$
  • combinatorics: $\binom{n+1}{2k}$
  • arrows: $\to \rightarrow \leftarrow \Rightarrow \Leftarrow \mapsto$
  • statements and proofs: $\land \lor \lnot \forall \exists \top \bot \vdash \vDash$
  • long dots: $\ldots$
  • infinity: $\infty \aleph_0 \nabla \partial$
  • limits: $\epsilon \varepsilon$
  • vectors and hats: $\hat x, \bar y, \overline{abc}, \vec x$

Limit block:

$$\lim_{x\to 0}$$


Flowchart diagram:

graph TD;

Sequence diagram - note different Mermaid diagram markup encapsulation element which has different background rendering that code block:

sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!

GANTT diagram:

        dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
        title GANTT diagrams in MindForger
        section A section
        Completed task            :done,    des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
        Active task               :active,  des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
        Future task               :         des3, after des2, 5d
        Future task2              :         des4, after des3, 5d
        section Critical tasks
        Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
        Implement parser and jison          :crit, done, after des1, 2d
        Create tests for parser             :crit, active, 3d
        Future task in critical line        :crit, 5d
        Create tests for renderer           :2d
        Add to mermaid                      :1d

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax
💡 if math expressions are not rendered, then you must enable them using menu Mind/Adapt/Markdown


If you want line or multi-line comment that is strictly for yourself (readers of the converted document should not be able to see it, even with "view source") you could (ab)use the link labels (for use with reference style links) that are available in the core Markdown specification.

Single line comment:

Multi-line comment:

Note that two conditions are important:

  • Using # (and not other delimiter allowed by Markdown specification)
  • An empty line before the comment. Empty line after the comment has no impact on the result.

If you need inline comment, then use HTML comments:

  • There is you cannot see.

💡 edit this Note to see the syntax

Drag & Drop Images and Files

This feature is being implemented.

DnD: Drag & Drop


  • file
    • ... for example .pdf, presentation or .zip archive
  • image
    • ... .png, .gif, ... or any other image
  • image data
    • ... screenshot or image selection from Gimp, Krita or any other graphics editor

... and drop to Note/Notebook editor.

DnD allows easy import of attachments/images to MindForger repository - either by value (choose Copy in attachment/image dialog) or by reference (path to the file on local file system is used).

ToC generator

Link completion

While editing a Note or Notebook write prefix of a Notebook/Note name and use Ctrl-/ to get link completion. When you choose a link from completer, Markdown link to target Notebook/Note is automatically created.

Markdown IDE

MindForger is more than just Markdown editor - it is integrated development environment (IDE) for the development of Markdown document collections (repositories, documentation, books, etc.):

  • multiple Markdown documents can be opened in order to perform search, refactoring and analytics
  • user defined stencils can be used to quickly create new notebooks and notes
  • notebook structure can be easily refactored with outliner-style operations defined on notes
  • both notebooks and notes can be refactoried withing or across different notebooks and notes

Open Markdown directory

You can open any directory and MindForger will find all Markdown files within the directory and its sub-directories and open them for search, navigation and editing:

$ mindforger a-git-repository-with-interesting-content

For example, you can find an interesting Git repository on GitHub or BitBucket, clone it to your machine and open it with MindForger to easily navigate it.

Open directory with Markdowns

Multiple documents


You can open any directory and MindForger will find all Markdown files within that directory and all its sub-directories and make them available for search, navigation and editation:

$ mindforger a-github-repository-with-interesting-content

Where a-github-repository-with-interesting-content is a directory containing Markdown documents.

💡 if you openeded more than one MindForger document, you can see all documents indexed by MindForger by clicking menu View/Notebooks



Stencil represents a common pattern that can be used in various situations e.g. to solve a task. It might be a how to (like how to change a car wheel) that once created, you may want to use repeatedly w/ possibility of customization.

Notebook stencil corresponds to application of a problem/semantic domain to another problem. Once you have a modus operandi or you know how to do that, than this is the case.

You can use a stencil when creating a new notebook or note - check Stencils drop-down in the dialog opened using menu Notebook/New or Note/New.

MindForger repositories (including the default one) contain stencils for both notebooks and notes:

<mindforger repository>/
├── ...
└── stencils
    ├── notebooks
    └── notes

MindForger is shipped with an initial set of stencils for meeting notes, software analysis/design, GROW model etc.

You can easily extend outlines just by copying Markdown file to stencils/notes or stencils/notebooks directory.



Hierarchy of Notes (Markdown document sections) can be easily changed using operations introduced by outliners. Note can be...

  • moved up
  • moved down
  • demoted ~ moved deeper in Notes hierarchy
  • promoted ~ moved lower in depth
  • ... and more

To manipulate a note, choose it in the outline view (tree of notes/Markdown sections on the left) and either use shortcuts (ctrl+up, ctrl+down, ctrl+left, ctrl+right) or menu Note/Promote, ...

Note refactoring

Note (Markdown section) can be refactoring (along with its child notes) between different Notebooks (Markdown documents):

  • choose source note to be refactored in the outliner tree of notes
  • use menu Note/Refactor to specify target notebook

Note and its child notes will be moved to the target notebook.

Home notebook

You can mark any notebook as home and it will be opened:

  • on MindForger start
  • using CtrlShifth keyboard shortcut

Home notebook can be set/unset using menu Navigator/Make Home.


Ability to find a specific Notebook or Note is one of the most important MindForger features. Notebooks and Notes can be found by:

  • full-text search (content)
  • name
  • tag(s)

💡 see menu Recall for search options


Use menu Recall/Full-text Search to search for notes using full-text search. Result shows notes Markdown source with highlighted matches.

Search scope:

  • If you run full-text search from notebooks view (menu View/Notebooks), then all notebooks and their notes are searched.
  • If you run full-text search when a notebook is opened (notes outline on the left, note view/editor on the right), then only notes of that particular notebook are searched.


Use menu Recall/Recall Notebook by Name / Recall/Recall Note by Name to search for notebooks / notes by name. Result shows as you write the name in the dialog.

Search scope:

  • If you run note search by name from notebooks view (menu View/Notebooks), then all notebooks notes are searched.
  • If you run note search by name when a notebook is opened (notes outline on the left, note view/editor on the right), then only notes of that particular notebook are searched.


Use menu Recall/Recall Notebook by Tag / Recall/Recall Note by Tag to search for notebooks / notes by tag(s). Result shows as you add/remove tags in the dialog.

Search scope:

  • If you run note search by tag from notebooks view (menu View/Notebooks), then all notebooks notes are searched.
  • If you run note search by tag when a notebook is opened (notes outline on the left, note view/editor on the right), then only notes of that particular notebook are searched.

Thinking Notebook

MindForger aims to mimic human mind - learning, recalling, recognition, associations, forgetting - in order to achieve synergy with your mind to make your searching, reading and writing more productive:

  • learning: MindForger loads Markdown document(s), parses them and construct knowledge graph
  • recalling: you can recall notebooks/notes by content, name, tags, semantic domain, ...
  • recognition: MindForger is able to recognize people, organization, places, ... in your remarks
  • associations: MindForger suggests relevant notes as you browse, read and edit notebooks and notes
  • forgetting: MindForger handles the process of scoping and forgetting analogous to human mind


...learning data, relationships, similarity (granularity N and O), relevancy in time (timestamps and R/W count), ...

MindForger can be used to learn:

MindForger repository

MindForger repository is a directory with specific structure where MindForger stores your knowledge. It contains Markdown files (Markdown hosted DSL) allowing you to get most of MindForger capabilities.

If you run MindForger without parameters, then it opens the default MindForger repository:

$ mindforger

If MindForger default repository doesn't exist, then it is created on MindForger first start in:


Repository structure looks like this:

$ tree mindforger-repository/

├── limbo
├── memory
├── mind
└── stencils
    ├── notebooks
    └── notes



Read/write statistics



Things and types



...animated screenshot...


Autolinking discovers relevant notes in your MindForger repository and/or Markdown document and automatically injects links to the text. In the screenshot above all links were injected i.e. source text (Markdown) is just plain text without links.

Autolinking helps in immediately finding remarks related to the notebooks and notes you are browsing.

Autolinking also saves the time - you don't have to create/change/maintain links in your remarks.

Tips and tricks:

  • If note name contains :, then only text preceding : is used for matching.
    • Example: if "GPS: General positioning system" is note name, then text is searched for "GPS" only as it brings more matcheds.
  • Autolinking can be configured so that it performs case insensitive search for the first letters in note names.
    • Example: if "Stencils" is note name, then text is searched also for "stencils" as it brings more matcheds.
  • Autolinking can be quickly toggled using menu.

TaYR: Think as you Read


MindForger is able to suggest relevant notes as you browse and read:

  • relevant notes are computed for the note being currently selected
  • relevant notes are shown in the lower left corner by Associations table
  • similarity score in the Associations table indicates relative relevancy in %

In the screenshot above you can see relevant notes (lower left corner) for the selected note My 3D Printer MK2S by Prusa RESEARCH.

See also: think vs. sleep mode

TaYW: Think as you Write


MindForger is able to suggest relevant notes as you write note content in the editor:

  • relevant notes are computed for the word under the cursor
  • relevant notes are shown in the lower left corner by Associations table
  • similarity score in the Associations table indicates relative relevancy in %

In the screenshot above you can see relevant notes (lower left corner) for the selected word graph (notice cursor between letter g and r on the current line with light-gray background).

TaYS: Think as you Search

... semantic domains - this feature is being implemented.

TaYB: Think as you Browse


Knowledge graph navigator allows you to browse notebooks, notes, tags and other resources in visually.

Navigator can be either activated using toolbar or using CtrlShiftk keyboard shortcut. It is scope sensitive e.g. if you activate navigator while viewing note, then this note becomes central node of the visualization.

Knowledge graph can be zoomed, shuffled and its edgest can be (globally) stretched/shrinked.

... how exactly it thinks and why it's useful

Knowledge graph navigator

"I hear, and I forget; I see, and I remember." -- Chinese proverb


Time Scope

Use menu Mind/Scope or Alt+m c to configure time scope.

Consider the following situations:

  • Over the years your employer company internal systems change and/or you work for a number of different employers. Each time there is a different/better/stronger Wifi authentication configuration (video conference setup, payslips system, etc.). Therefore in you memory (or in MindForger remarks) there are multiple how-tos, but you want to use only the recent want. At the same time you do not want to (explicitly) remove/purge the previous how-tos as they can be useful in different situations.

  • You learn how to manually divide two long numbers as a child. Then you do not need this skill for years as you use calculator/computer. When you want to learn your child how to manually divide numbers, you have to find it (deep) in your memory.

This is where MindForger time scope functionality comes in - you can restrict the scope (notes working set) by time. For example:

  • you work on a project and want to see only notes you modified today
  • whenever you use MindForger you want to work with notes not older than 18 months
  • when reading/working with your employer internal systems how-to notebook you want to see only notes younger than 1 year

In particular you can set global time scope:

  • Notebooks listing:
    • Only noteboks within given time scope (younger) will be shown.
  • Add/forget notebook:
    • Notebooks can be added/forgotten.
  • Notebook's note tree view:
    • Only notes within given time scope will be shown. If note is within timescope and note's parent notes are not, then note is shown along with its parents (parents would be normally hidden). In other words, fresh note ensures its parents are shown.
  • Add/remove note:
    • Notes can be added/forgotten.
    • IMPORTANT: remember that note can be forgotten along with its child notes that can be hidden (if they didn't match time scope) i.e. you may delete notes you don't see.
  • Promote/demote/up/down note:
    • Notes can be added/forgotten.
    • IMPORTANT: remember that these operations work on the *non-filtered model i.e. you perform operation (e.g. up), nothing seems to happen, but the note was just moved above a hiddin note that is not in scope i.e. you refactor notes you don't see.
  • Note refactoring:
    • Notes can be refactoring (to other notebook) and extracted.
    • IMPORTANT: remember that note can be refactored along with its child notes that can be hidden (if they didn't match time scope) i.e. you may move notes you don't see.

In particular you can set note specific time scope that overrides global time scope:

  • ... behaviour is the same as above except that this setting has no effect on notebooks listing ...

Tag Scope

Use menu Mind/Scope or Alt+m c to configure tag(s) scope.

Scoping using tag(s) allows you to limit notebook working set only to notebooks having specified set of tags. It's useful when you work with bigger MindForger repositoriers and you don't want to be distracted by unrelated notebooks.

Scoping using tags can be combined (AND) with scoping using time.

Recognize what matters

Named-entity recognition


This feature is being implemented.

Semantic search and domains

This feature is being implemented.

Word embeddings based search, associations and navigation.


Motto: "Computers need to forget". -- Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

Before I deep dive to MindForger features let me formulate a few questions to explain the motivation behind forgetting/scoping related functionality:

  • Do we forget or we simply don’t remember?
  • When we forget?
  • How and where exactly forgetting in our minds happens?
  • If we remember something, can it be forgotten?
  • Do we need to forget and why?

I believe that if a concept makes it to long term memory (LTM), then it can be never forgotten. It’s in LTM and it always be there. The only question is how many association/links it has. In the worst case it may happen that there is no association path it it - it ends as an island or orphan better said. If it’s not reminded or not used for long time, association can get weaker and weaker and such concepts is diving deeper and deeper to LTM. However, it is always there. Thus it’s just about the lookup. According to my experience a strong emotional experience or return to the deeper paths of LTM (talking about your friends or family about your early childhood) helps to remind such concepts and in the latter case even strongly bind them to upper level LTM (move them up in the memory) and refresh such memories so that you can remind them later much more easier.

If there would be no possibility of the selection of sensed informations and all the sensing will be fixed in our memory, its capacity would be fully used very soon.

MindForger, as computer program, needs to forget. But forgetting does NOT mean deleting of information.

MindForger maintains all the remarks you ever written (see limbo), but works with/shows only with a scope configurable by you.


... Notebooks vs. Note limbo

MindForger does not delete notebooks - it moves them to a location called Limbo that can be found in ${ACTIVE_MF_REPOSITORY}/limbo. This is where you can delete Markdown documents permanently.

MindForger, in its current implementation, does delete notes. They are not moved to a note Limbo. If you use menu Note/Forget, then the note is deleted.

Side note: I personally use CMS (Git) - I have full history of notebooks and notes. Tracking of all notes would be useful, however HW resource consumption intensive. This is also why I don't want to duplicate this (already sophisticated) functionality within MindForger.


MindForger aims to help you when you study, write a document/paper/article/book or want to achieve a goal.

Therefore it enables you to...

  • prioritize work on notebooks using urgency and importance
  • helps you to decide what you do first and next using Eisenhower matrix
  • track progress in %
  • specify deadlines (for notes)

Urgency and Importance


When creating (menu Notebook/New) or editing notebook (edit mode More... button) you can specify:

  • importance property ~ how important is the notebook
  • urgency property ~ how important is (study/challenge/...) task related to notebook (or notebook content itself)


These properties are in turn shown in notebooks view (menu View/Notebooks) and Eisenhower matrix.

Eisenhower matrix


Wikipedia: Eisenhower matrix stems from a quote attributed to Dwight D. Eisenhower: "I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent."

Using the Eisenhower Decision Principle, tasks are evaluated using the criteria important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent, and then placed in according quadrants in an Eisenhower Matrix (also known as an "Eisenhower Box" or "Eisenhower Decision Matrix"). Tasks are then handled as follows:

Tasks in

  1. Important/Urgent quadrant are done immediately and personally e.g. crises, deadlines, problems.
  2. Important/Not Urgent quadrant get an end date and are done personally e.g. relationships, planning, recreation.
  3. Unimportant/Urgent quadrant are delegated e.g. interruptions, meetings, activities.
  4. Unimportant/Not Urgent quadrant are dropped e.g. time wasters, pleasant activities, trivia.

This method is said to have been used by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Organizers: tag-based aspects

Eisenhower matrix on tags

Kanban on Tags

Machine learning: NLP

"Artificial intelligence will overcome natural intelligence soon. However, natural stupidity can never be replaced by the artificial one." -- Jára da Cimrman

CSV export

... document OHE encoding...


GROW model






See MindForger cheetsheet(s):

Markdown cheatsheet

MathJax cheatsheet

See MathJax.

Keyboard shortcuts

... per-platform + explain how to navigate using ALT, suggest tooltips to determine shortcuts, list THE MOST IMPORTANT only here

Prefer menu based keyboard shortcuts which are self-documented e.g.

  • Alt+o n
    • create new notebook
  • Alt+o e
    • edit currently viewed notebook
  • Alt+n n
    • create new note
  • Alt+n e
    • edit currently viewed note
  • ... and many others...


  • Alt+Left
    • ... save Note, leave editor and show rendered HTML.
  • Ctrl+g
    • ... cancel editation and leave editor without saving


  • Ctrl+Shift+o
    • ... recall notebook.
  • Ctrl+Shift+n
    • ... recall note.

Linux keyboard shortcuts

macOS keyboard shortcuts

Windows keyboard shortcuts

Command line and man

For information on MindForger command line options read the manual page:

man mindforger

For command options see the help file:

$ mindforger --help

Usage: mindforger [options] [<directory>|<file>]
Thinking notebook.

  -t, --theme <theme>            Use 'dark', 'light' or other GUI <theme>.
  -c, --config-file-path <file>  Load configuration from given <file>.
  -v, --version                  Displays version information.
  -h, --help                     Displays this help.

  [<directory>|<file>]           MindForger repository or directory/file with
                                 Markdown file(s) to open

Content library


Written by Martin Dvorak.

Acknowledgements to contributors:

  • Vlasta 'Šaman' Hajek / (Windows port)

Big thanks to 3rd party FOSS content authors:

  • John Gruber (Markdown - spec)
  • Qt Company (Qt - lib and code)
  • GitHub (CMark GFM - Markdown rendering - lib)
  • Kevin Hendricks, Bjoern Jacke, Lázsló Németh (Hunspell - spellcheck - lib)
  • NetBSD Foundation (strptime - Windows port - lib)
  • Toni Ronkko (dirent - Windows port - lib)
  • Microsoft (getopt - Windows port - lib)
  • Jordan Russell ( - Windows installer framework)
  • Graeme Gott and Wereturtle (Ghostwriter - inspiration and code)
  • Christian Loose (CuteMarkEd - inspiration and code)
  • Davis E. King (MITIE - AI/NLP library and tools for information extraction - library)
  • Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler (Zlib - library)
  • David Parsons (Discount - Markdown rendering - library used in the past)
  • Google (Google C++ unit testing framework)
  • Knut Sveidqvist (Mermaid.js - diagrams and flowcharts rendering in HTML)
  • AMS and SIAM (MathJax.js - math rendering in HTML)
  • Ivan Sagalaev (Highlight.js - source code syntax highlighting)
  • Danny Allen (primary icon theme - icons)
  • Krita ( - menu icons - remixed)
  • Travis CI ( - continous integration tests and builds infra - Ubuntu, macOS)
  • AppVeyor CI ( - continous integration tests and builds infra - Windows)
  • Raimund Hocke (SikuliX- GUI automation testing)
  • Lewis Van Winkle (GENANN - minimal neural network - library)
  • Oleander Software (Oleander stemming library - stemmer - library)
  • Jamie McGowan (Remarkable - inspiration and code)
  • Andrey Smirnov (Aptly - Debian PPAs mgmt tool)
  • Apiary (API blueprints - test data)
  • Mark Summerfield (Advanced Qt Programming book examples - code snippets)
  • Andres Mejia (Aho-Corasick algorithm implementation - code snippets)
  • SQLite (main file blessing - inspiration)

See licenses folder for 3rd party content licensing details.

Acknowledgements to researchers:

  • Karel Moulik (long term vision and ideas, consultations)
  • Tomas Sieger (MindForger applications ideas, consultations)
  • Gekaremi (comprehensive AI/NLP research, ideas and suggestions)

Acknowledgements to reviewers, testers and supporters:

  • Ivan Kudibal (review, adoption and project support)
  • Stefan Pacinda (review, testing)
  • Petr Kozelka (MacBook borrowing, consultations)
  • Tomas 'Floex' Dvorak (review, testing)
  • Honza Odstrcil (feedback)

Special thanks to:

  • Bjarne Stroustrup (C++ - for inspiring visions and being the authority behind C++ language)
  • Linus Torvalds (Linux and Git - for being inspiration and strong opinions)
  • Richard Stallman (GNU and GNU GPL - for passionate software freedom activism)

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