1- Stanford CS224W / 2019 Winter Lecture Videos
3- Jian Tang
1- William L. Hamilton. (2020). Graph Representation Learning. Morgan & Claypool, forthcoming
2- DLG
1- graph-based-deep-learning-literature
3- qdata Deep Learning Readings
4- Graph Machine Learning Telegram Group
2- GRL
3- GDL Israel
4- MLG
1- Xavier Bresson tutorial_CVPR17_DL_graphs
3- Introduction to GNNs with GatedGCN
2- mims-harvard graphml-tutorials
1- Jure Leskovec "Deep Learning on Graphs"
2- Geometric Deep Learning - Michael Bronstein - MLSS 2020, Tübingen
3- Xavier Bresson: "Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs"
4- Stefanie Jegelka: Representation and Learning in Graph Neural Networks
5- Focused Lecture - Graph Neural Networks with Petar Velickovic
6- Learning the Structure of Graph Neural Networks | Mathias Niepert | heidelberg.ai
1- TWiML Joan Bruna & Michael Bronstein Interview - Geometric Deep Learning
2- TWiML Graph ML Research at Twitter with Michael Bronstein
2- DGL
3- graph-learn