Sublime Text plugin for displaying information about modules included through require() in node.js files. Placing your cursor between the quotes of a require function will display a panel with a link to the package.json file, link to the module's repo in a browser, and a list properties and methods. It also displays version and module description in the status bar.
Place your cursor between the quotes of a require method and wait for 1.5 seconds (configurable):
var thingy = require("thingy");
Also, version and description appears in status bar:
[email protected] - A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
Note: Information for native Node NPMs require('fs')
and non-NPMs require("../script.js")
won't display as they have no associated package.json file.
First make sure you have Package Control installed ( and then:
- Open Package Control:
(Win, Linux) orcmd+shift+p
(OS X) - Find and select:
Package Control: Install Package
- Search for
and hit return
Unzip the contents of this repo to a folder called NPMInfo
at this location:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/NPMInfo
%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\NPMInfo