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Lab Problems Spring 2022

Jon Marshall edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 8 revisions

List each lab problem as a separate paragraph with a paragraph in between

**Lab 05**: Although some of the larger problems with the lab are fixed, Student's t is not the right hypothesis test to perform when you are talking about population proportions as we are in the jury selection example. In a case like that, for which we know the expected frequency of the groups in the population, the Chi-square test is the right test for significance. To fix this we can either use a Chi-square test or we can use the technique that Adhikari and DeNero use in the Data 8 text and create a "Total Variation Distance" statistic and see how it is distributed. Alternatively, we can just do t-tests with partisans and feeling thermometers, as in the _jon solutions.

**Lab 8** (choropleth maps): fix **choropleth** dead link in "Choropleths are a mapping technique that are popular among data scientists because they use color to display statistical information. Generally, choropleths shade geographic regions by intensity of some measure (in our case, unemployment rates). Consult the documentation here:"

> > new link:

**Lab 8** (choropleth): also fix subsequent cell step 1 dead links "Consult the branca colormap documentation, and scroll down to ln 18: To generally see how colormap's syntax works, see here:"

> > new links:

> > > Branca colormap documentation

> > > Branca colormap examples and syntax

**Lab 9** (heat map): fix comment after the Key Note section where the explanation says that we are plotting points about [48,5] when we are actually plotting them around that spot in Kansas.

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