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SaeedRazavi committed Mar 5, 2024
2 parents dee536e + 61f4d65 commit 5e46fca
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Showing 33 changed files with 255,884 additions and 785 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,4 +59,9 @@ omf/scratch/disaggDataGeneration/regression/workingDir/*
139 changes: 3 additions & 136 deletions omf/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,96 +136,6 @@ def omdGeoJson(pathToOmdFile, conversion=False):
return geoJsonDict

def mapOmd_DEPRECATED(pathToOmdFile, outputPath, fileFormat, openBrowser=False, conversion=False, all_mg_elements=None):
Draw an omd on a map.
fileFormat options: html or png
Use html option to create a geojson file to be displayed with an interactive leaflet map.
Use the png file format to create a static png image.
By default the file(s) is saved to the outputPath, but setting openBrowser to True with open in a new browser window.
if fileFormat == 'html':
if not conversion:
geoJsonDict = omdGeoJson(pathToOmdFile)
geoJsonDict = omdGeoJson(pathToOmdFile, conversion=True)
if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
# Render html
with open(omf.omfDir + '/templates/geoJsonMap_offline.html','r') as file:
offline_template =
# offline_template = open(omf.omfDir + '/templates/geoJsonMap_offline.html','r').read()
rendered = Template(offline_template).render(geojson=geoJsonDict, all_mg_elements=all_mg_elements, components=get_components_featurecollection())
with open(os.path.join(outputPath,'geoJsonMap_offline.html'),'w') as outFile:
# Deprecated js include method.
# shutil.copy(omf.omfDir + '/templates/geoJsonMap_offline.html', outputPath)
# with open(pJoin(outputPath,'geoJsonFeatures.js'),"w") as outFile:
# outFile.write("var geojson =")
# json.dump(geoJsonDict, outFile, indent=4)
if openBrowser:
elif fileFormat == 'png':
if not conversion:
with open(pathToOmdFile) as inFile:
tree = json.load(inFile)['tree']
nxG = feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
nxG = graphValidator(pathToOmdFile, nxG)
#use conversion for testing other feeders
if conversion:
nxG = convertOmd(pathToOmdFile)
latitude_min = min([nxG.nodes[nodewithPosition]['pos'][0] for nodewithPosition in nx.get_node_attributes(nxG, 'pos')])
longitude_min = min([nxG.nodes[nodewithPosition]['pos'][1] for nodewithPosition in nx.get_node_attributes(nxG, 'pos')])
latitude_max = max([nxG.nodes[nodewithPosition]['pos'][0] for nodewithPosition in nx.get_node_attributes(nxG, 'pos')])
longitude_max = max([nxG.nodes[nodewithPosition]['pos'][1] for nodewithPosition in nx.get_node_attributes(nxG, 'pos')])
#Set the plot settings
fig = plt.figure(frameon=False, figsize=[10,10])
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
#map latlon to projection
epsg3857 = Proj(init='epsg:3857')
wgs84 = Proj(init='EPSG:4326')
node_positions = {nodewithPosition: nxG.nodes[nodewithPosition]['pos'] for nodewithPosition in nx.get_node_attributes(nxG, 'pos')}
for point in node_positions:
node_positions[point] = transform(wgs84, epsg3857, node_positions[point][1], node_positions[point][0])
for zoomLevel in range(18,19):
numberofTiles = numTiles(zoomLevel)
#Get bounding tiles and their lat/lon edges
upperRightTile = tileXY(latitude_max, longitude_max, zoomLevel)
lowerLeftTile = tileXY(latitude_min, longitude_min, zoomLevel)
firstTileEdges = tileEdges(upperRightTile[0], upperRightTile[1], zoomLevel)
lastTileEdges = tileEdges(lowerLeftTile[0], lowerLeftTile[1], zoomLevel)
#Get N S E W boundaries for outer tiles in mercator projection x/y
mainsouthWest = transform(wgs84,epsg3857,lastTileEdges[1], lastTileEdges[0])
mainnorthEast = transform(wgs84,epsg3857,firstTileEdges[3], firstTileEdges[2])
nx.draw_networkx(nxG, pos=node_positions, nodelist=list(node_positions.keys()), with_labels=False, node_size=2, edge_size=1)
for tileX in range(lowerLeftTile[0], upperRightTile[0]+1):
for tileY in range(upperRightTile[1], lowerLeftTile[1]+1):
#Get section of tree that covers this tile
currentTileEdges = tileEdges(tileX, tileY, zoomLevel)
southWest = transform(wgs84,epsg3857,currentTileEdges[1], currentTileEdges[0])
northEast = transform(wgs84,epsg3857,currentTileEdges[3], currentTileEdges[2])
#Get map background from tile
url = '' % (zoomLevel, tileX, tileY)
# Spoof the User-Agent so we don't get 429
response = requests.request('GET', url, stream=True, headers={
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0'
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
img = plt.imread(f)
plt.imshow(img, extent=(southWest[0], northEast[0],southWest[1], northEast[1]))
plt.ylim(top=mainnorthEast[1], bottom=mainsouthWest[1])
plt.xlim(mainsouthWest[0], mainnorthEast[0])
if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
plt.savefig(pJoin(outputPath,'graphOnMap.png'),frameon=False, pad_inches=0, bbox='tight')
if openBrowser:

def simplifiedOmdShape(pathToOmdFile, conversion=False):
'''Use kmeans clustering to create simplified geojson object with convex hull and connected clusters from an omd.'''
if not conversion:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1357,42 +1267,6 @@ def _validate_transform_wgs84_coordinates_arguments(center, vertical_translation
rotation = None
return (center, vertical_translation, horizontal_translation, rotation)

# - Get rid of these two functions once mapOmd is deprecated
def get_components_featurecollection():
- Currently, there are 536 node components, 39 children components, and 7 line components
featureCollection = {
'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'features': []
for k, v in json.loads(distNetViz.get_components()).items():
featureCollection['features'].append(_convert_component_to_geojson_feature(k, v))
return featureCollection
def _convert_component_to_geojson_feature(component_name, component_properties):
if 'name' not in component_properties:
# - Use the filename of the component if necessary to identify it
component_properties['name'] = component_name
feature = {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {},
'properties': component_properties
if 'from' in component_properties or 'to' in component_properties:
if 'from' in component_properties and 'to' in component_properties:
feature['geometry']['type'] = 'LineString'
feature['geometry']['coordinates'] = [[None, None], [None, None]]
# - This exception should never be raised. If it is, there's a typo in a component file
raise Exception(f'The component {component_name} doesn\'t have both the "from" and "to" keys, but has one of them')
feature['geometry']['type'] = 'Point'
feature['geometry']['coordinates'] = [None, None]
return feature

# - Keep and rename this function. This is what the new editor uses
def get_component_featurecollection():
feature_collection = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []}
# - This isn't an actual tree key, but it's needed to insert components into a FeatureMap in the front-end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1463,8 +1337,6 @@ def _tests():
# e2, n2 = latLonToStatePlane(lat, lon, epsg=2205)
# print (e2, n2) # (249.24197527189972, 1186.1488466408398)
prefix = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
# mapOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Olin Barre LatLon.omd', 'testOutput', 'png', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)
# mapOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Olin Barre LatLon.omd', './', 'html', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)
map_omd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Olin Barre LatLon.omd', './', open_browser=True)
# showOnMap(hullOfOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Olin Barre LatLon.omd', conversion=False))
# showOnMap(simplifiedOmdShape(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Olin Barre LatLon.omd', conversion=False))
Expand All @@ -1478,20 +1350,15 @@ def _tests():
# Server tests.
# rasterTilesFromOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Olin Barre LatLon.omd', prefix / 'scratch/omdTests/tiles', conversion=False)
# serveTiles(prefix / 'scratch/omdTests/tiles') # Need to launch in correct directory
# Testing larger feeder using temporary conversion method for valid lat/lons from sources/targets. This takes FOREVER to run (30+ minutes? but it works?)
# mapOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Autocli Alberich Calibrated.omd', prefix / 'testOutput', 'png', openBrowser=True, conversion=True)
# ABEC Frank LO Houses works with conversion on or off
# mapOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Autocli Alberich Calibrated.omd', prefix / 'testOutput', 'html', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)
# mapOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/ABEC Frank LO Houses.omd', prefix / 'testOutput', 'html', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)
# Testing larger feeder
#map_omd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Autocli Alberich Calibrated.omd', './', open_browser=True)
#map_omd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/ABEC Frank LO Houses.omd', './', open_browser=True)
# showOnMap(hullOfOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Autocli Alberich Calibrated.omd', conversion=True))
# showOnMap(simplifiedOmdShape(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/ABEC Frank LO Houses.omd', conversion=False))
# showOnMap(omdGeoJson(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/ABEC Frank LO Houses.omd', conversion=False))
# rasterTilesFromOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Autocli Alberich Calibrated.omd', prefix / 'scratch/omdTests/autoclitiles', conversion=True)
# print(convertOmd(prefix / 'static/publicFeeders/Autocli Alberich Calibrated.omd'))
# mapOmd(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'static', 'publicFeeders', 'iowa240c2_working_coords.clean.omd'), pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'scratch', 'MapTestOutput'), 'html', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)
# fixMissingNodes(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'static', 'publicFeeders', 'iowa240c2_working_coords.clean.omd'), pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'static', 'publicFeeders', 'iowa240c1.clean.dss.omd'), pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'scratch', 'MapTestOutput', 'iowa240c2_fixed_coords2.clean.omd'))
# mapOmd(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'scratch', 'MapTestOutput', 'iowa240c2_fixed_coords2.clean.omd'), pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'scratch', 'MapTestOutput'), 'html', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)
# mapOmd(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'scratch', 'RONM', 'ieee8500-unbal_no_fuses.clean_reduced.good_coords2.dss.omd'), pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'scratch', 'RONM'), 'html', openBrowser=True, conversion=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Expand Down
61 changes: 34 additions & 27 deletions omf/models/hostingCapacity.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,20 +3,27 @@
<!-- Library Imports -->
<script src="{{pathPrefix}}/static/highcharts4.src.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
{% macro insert_file_upload_block(fileName, dataVariableName) -%}
<input id="{{dataVariableName}}Handler" type="file" style="display:none" onchange="handle_files(this.files,'{{dataVariableName}}','{{fileName}}')">
<input id="{{dataVariableName}}" name="{{dataVariableName}}" value="{{allInputDataDict[dataVariableName]}}" type="hidden">
<label for="{{dataVariableName}}Handler" class="fileButton">Choose File</label>
<input id="{{fileName}}" name="{{fileName}}" value="{{allInputDataDict[fileName]}}" readonly class="uploadFileName">
{%- endmacro %}

file_upload('fileInputID', 'userInputVoltage', 'voltageDataFileName')
line 1: input for the actual file. There should be no value in inputDict that matches this one.
line 2: button for file upload, that's it.
line 3: the name of the file the user is using/inputting in. We wanna save this for display. Originally it's set as the default.
line 4: This is hidden. This is the name of the file we want always = .csv name <- default naming convention
{% macro file_upload(fileInputID, userFileDisplayNameID, dataFileNameID) -%}
<input type="file" id="{{fileInputID}}" name="{{ allInputDataDict[dataFileNameID] }}" accept=".csv" class="fileButton" onchange="updateFileNameDisplay('{{fileInputID}}', '{{userFileDisplayNameID}}', '{{dataFileNameID}}')" style="display:none"><br>
<label for="{{fileInputID}}" class="fileButton">Choose File</label>
<input id="{{userFileDisplayNameID}}" name="{{userFileDisplayNameID}}" value="{{ allInputDataDict[userFileDisplayNameID] }}" readonly class="uploadFileName">
<input id="{{dataFileNameID}}" name= {{dataFileNameID}} type="hidden" value="{{ allInputDataDict[dataFileNameID] }}">
{% endmacro %}

{{ omfModelTitle }}
<p class="reportTitle">Model Input</p>
<div id="input" class="content">
<form name="inputForm" action="/runModel/" onsubmit="event.preventDefault(); return isFormValid();" method="post">
<form name="inputForm" action="/runModel/" onsubmit="event.preventDefault(); return isFormValid();" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="shortInput">
<label>Model Type <a href="" target="blank">Help?</a></label>
<input type="text" id="modelType" name="modelType" value="{{modelName}}" readonly/>
Expand All @@ -40,7 +47,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="wideInput">
<p class="inputSectionHeader">AMI-Based or "MoHCa" Hosting Capacity</p>
<p class="inputSectionHeader">AMI-Based Hosting Capacity</p>
<div class="shortInput">
Expand All @@ -52,13 +59,13 @@
<div class="shortInput">
<label class="tooltip">Meter Data Input File <span class="classic">Import a .csv file that includes the meter data. Format for input columns: busname, datetime, v_reading, kw_reading, kvar_reading. Optional input columns: latitude, longitude, service_tx_name, phase_count (1, 3)</span></label>
<div>{{ insert_file_upload_block('inputDataFileName','inputDataFileContent') }}</div>
<div>{{ file_upload('AMIDataFile', 'userAMIDisplayFileName', 'AMIDataFileName') }}</div>
<div class="shortInput">
<select id="mohcaAlgorithm" name="mohcaAlgorithm" value="{{allInputDataDict.mohcaAlgorithm}}" required>
<option value="sandia1" {% if allInputDataDict.mohcaAlgorithm == 'sandia1' %}selected{% endif %}>sandia1</option>
<option value="sandia2" {% if allInputDataDict.mohcaAlgorithm == 'sandia2' %}selected{% endif %}>sandia2</option>
<select id="algorithm" name="algorithm" value="{{allInputDataDict.algorithm}}" required>
<option value="sandia1" {% if allInputDataDict.algorithm == 'sandia1' %}selected{% endif %}>sandia1</option>
<option value="iastate" {% if allInputDataDict.algorithm == 'iastate' %}selected{% endif %}>iastate</option>
<div class="wideInput">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,33 +101,33 @@
<style>td, th {padding:7 0 5 20;text-align: left;font-size:0.8em; border: 1px solid #cccccc;} </style>
<div id="output">
{% if allInputDataDict['runAmiAlgorithm'] == 'on' %}
<p class="reportTitle">AMI-Based "MoHCA" Hosting Capacity Runtime </p>
<div id="mohcaRunTime" class="tightContent">
<span style="border: 1px solid grey; padding: 3px;"> {{ allOutputDataDict['mohcaRuntime']}} </span>
<p class="reportTitle">AMI-Based Hosting Capacity Runtime </p>
<div id="AMI_runtime" class="tightContent">
<span style="border: 1px solid grey; padding: 3px;"> {{ allOutputDataDict['AMI_runtime']}} </span>
<p class="reportTitle">AMI-Based Hosting Capacity Distribution</p>
<div id="mohcaHistogramChart" class="tightContent">
<div id="mohcaHistogramChart" style="width:1000px"></div>
<div id="histogramFigure" class="tightContent">
<div id="histogramFigure" style="width:1000px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
Plotly.newPlot("mohcaHistogramChart", JSON.parse( allOutputData["mohcaHistogramFigure"]) )
Plotly.newPlot("histogramFigure", JSON.parse( allOutputData["histogramFigure"]) )
<p class="reportTitle">AMI-Based Hosting Capacity By Bus</p>
<div id="mohcaBarChart" class="tightContent">
<div id="mohcaBarChart" style="width:1000px"></div>
<div id="barChartFigure" class="tightContent">
<div id="barChartFigure" style="width:1000px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
Plotly.newPlot("mohcaBarChart", JSON.parse( allOutputData["mohcaBarChartFigure"]) )
Plotly.newPlot("barChartFigure", JSON.parse( allOutputData["barChartFigure"]) )
<p class="reportTitle">AMI-Based Full Hosting Capacity Data Table</p>
<div id="mohcaHostingCapacityTable" class="tightContent">
<div id="AMIhostingCapacityTable" class="tightContent">
<table style='margin:5px;width:990px'>
{% for header in allOutputDataDict["mohcaHCTableHeadings"] %}
{% for header in allOutputDataDict["AMI_tableHeadings"] %}
<th>{{ header }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for values in allOutputDataDict["mohcaHCTableValues"] %}
{% for values in allOutputDataDict["AMI_tableValues"] %}
{% for val in values %}
<td>{{ val }}</td>
Expand All @@ -132,7 +139,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if allInputDataDict['optionalCircuitFile'] == 'on' %}
<p class="reportTitle">Traditional/Model-Based Hosting Capacity Runtime</p>
<div id="mohcaRunTime" class="tightContent">
<div id="traditionalRunTime" class="tightContent">
<span style="border: 1px solid grey; padding: 3px;"> {{ allOutputDataDict['traditionalRuntime'] }} </span>
<p class="reportTitle" style="page-break-before:always">Traditional Hosting Capacity Map</p>
Expand Down

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