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Scratch networkx work for downline load function
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jenny-nyx committed Apr 23, 2024
1 parent dff03f4 commit 252063e
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 173 deletions.
306 changes: 133 additions & 173 deletions omf/scratch/hostingcapacity/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,21 +11,12 @@
import omf
from omf.solvers import opendss
import os
from omf.models import hostingCapacity

Simply adds up all load further away from the substation than the given bus to estimate rough hosting capacity.
with open(Path(modelDir, 'treefile.txt'), "w") as file:
for item in tree:

def convertOmd(pathToOmdFile):
def myConvertOMD(pathToOmdFile):
with open(pathToOmdFile) as inFile:
tree = json.load(inFile)['tree']
nxG = nx.Graph()
nxG = nx.DiGraph()
for key in tree:
#Account for nodes that are missing names when creating edges
item = tree[key]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,43 +55,6 @@ def convertOmd(pathToOmdFile):
nxG.nodes[nodeToChange]['pos'] = omf.geo.statePlaneToLatLon(nxG.nodes[nodeToChange]['pos'][1], nxG.nodes[nodeToChange]['pos'][0])
return nxG

def dss_to_networkx(dssFilePath, tree=None, omd=None):
''' Return a networkx directed graph from a dss file. If tree is provided, build graph from that instead of the file. '''
if tree == None:
tree = opendss.dssConvert.dssToTree(dssFilePath)
if omd == None:
omd = opendss.dssConvert.evilDssTreeToGldTree(tree)

dssFileLoc = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dssFilePath))

# Gather edges, leave out source and circuit objects
edges = [(ob['from'],ob['to']) for ob in omd.values() if 'from' in ob and 'to' in ob]
edges_sub = [
(ob['parent'],ob['name']) for ob in omd.values()
if 'name' in ob and 'parent' in ob and ob.get('object') not in ['circuit', 'vsource']
full_edges = edges + edges_sub
G = nx.DiGraph(full_edges)
pos = {}
for ob in omd.values():
if 'latitude' in ob and 'longitude' in ob:
G.add_node(ob['name'], pos=(float(ob['longitude']), float(ob['latitude'])))
pos[ob['name']] = ( float(ob['longitude']), float(ob['longitude']) )

# Start drawing.
nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=300)
edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
plt.title('Network Voltage Layout')
plt.savefig(dssFileLoc + '/' + 'directedDssConvert.png')
return G

def my_NetworkPlot(filePath, figsize=(20,20), output_name='networkPlot.png', show_labels=True, node_size=300, font_size=8):
''' Plot the physical topology of the circuit.
Returns a networkx graph of the circuit as a bonus. '''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,8 +119,23 @@ def my_NetworkPlot(filePath, figsize=(20,20), output_name='networkPlot.png', sho
return G

def dss_to_nx(dssFilePath, tree=None ):
''' Return a networkx directed graph from a dss file. If tree is provided, build graph from that instead of the file. '''
def omd_to_nx_fulldata( dssFilePath, tree=None ):
''' Combines dss_to_networkX and opendss.networkPlot together.
Creates a networkx directed graph from a dss files. If a tree is provided, build graph from that instead of the file.
Creates a .png picture of the graph.
Adds data to certain DSS node types ( loads )
filepath (str of file name):- dss file path
tree (list): None - tree representation of dss file
output_name (str):- name of png
show_labels (bool): true - show node label names
node_size (int): 300 - size of node circles in png
font_size (int): 8 - font size for png labels
A networkx graph of the circuit
if tree == None:
tree = opendss.dssConvert.dssToTree( dssFilePath )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,17 +177,21 @@ def dss_to_nx(dssFilePath, tree=None ):
labels = {}
for load_name, load_transformer in zip(load_names, load_transformer_name):
# Add edge from bus to load, with transformer name as an attribute
bus = bus_to_transformer_pairs[load_transformer]
G.add_edge(bus, load_name, transformer=load_transformer)
if load_transformer in bus_to_transformer_pairs:
bus = bus_to_transformer_pairs[load_transformer]
G.add_edge(bus, load_name, transformer=load_transformer)
G.add_edge(load_transformer, load_name )
pos[load_name] = pos[load_transformer]
# print(f"load_name: {load_name}, pos[load_name]: { pos[load_name]}")
labels[load_name] = load_name
labels[ bus ] = bus

# TEMP: Remove transformer nodes added from coordinates. Transformer data is edges, not nodes.
for transformer_name in load_transformer_name:
if transformer_name in G.nodes:
G.remove_node( transformer_name )
pos.pop( transformer_name )

# print( pos.keys() )

load_kw = [x['kw'] for x in loads if 'kw' in x]
for load, kw in zip( load_names, load_kw ):
Expand All @@ -227,39 +200,57 @@ def dss_to_nx(dssFilePath, tree=None ):
return [G, pos, labels]

def drawNXGraph(G, pos, outputPath, labels: list=[], colorCode: list=[], figSize=(20,20), nodeSize: int=300 , fontSize: int=8):
print( "inside..")

# Start drawing.
nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=nodeSize)
edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
if ( len(labels) != 0 ):
if len(labels) > 0:
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels, font_size=fontSize)
plt.title('Network Voltage Layout')
plt.savefig( outputPath )

if __name__ == '__main__':
modelDir = Path(omf.omfDir, 'scratch', 'hostingcapacity')
beginning_test_file = Path( omf.omfDir, 'static', 'publicFeeders', 'iowa240.clean.dss.omd')
circuit_file = 'omdToDSScircuit.dss'
- Directed graph
-> Can have it be optional.
- Buses, loads as nodes
- Transformers not as nodes, but as edges
- Data for loads/transformers/buses be attributes
Sanity Checks:
Test descendents of bus1002
['bus1003', 'bus1004', 'bus1005', 'bus1006', 'bus1007', 'bus1008', 'bus1009', 'bus1010',
'bus1011', 'bus1012', 'bus1013', 'bus1014', 'bus1015', 'bus1016', 'bus1017',
'load_1003', 'load_1004', 'load_1005', 'load_1006', 'load_1007', 'load_1008', 'load_1009', 'load_1010',
'load_1011' 'load_1012', 'load_1013', 'load_1014', 'load_1015', 'load_1016', 'load_1017']

# NOT USABLE - function convertOMD
# 1 Issue of the start - creates an undirected graph. I think we want directed for this.
# This func takes the "links" part of the tree from the OMD file
# Which, for iowa240.clean.dss.omd, there's nothing in links -> FAILS
# Then, I tried making my own that gets the "tree" part out of the OMF file -> FAILS
# {'object': '!CMD', 'name': 'clear'}
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/home/jenny/nreca/omf/omf/scratch/hostingcapacity/", line 17, in convertOmd
# sourceEdge = item['source']['name']
# KeyError: 'source'
Func 1: convertOmd(pathToOmdFile) in
Issue 1: Not directed.
Issue 2: Function gets tree from "links" key. for iowa240.clean.dss.omd, there's nothing in links -> FAILS
coGraph = omf.geo.convertOmd ( starting_omd_test_file )
Graph with 0 nodes and 0 edges
Attempted fixes:
- Making it directed and using the "tree" key
Test: myConvertOMD( starting_omd_test_file )
File "/home/jenny/nreca/omf/omf/scratch/hostingcapacity/", line 39, in myConvertOMD
sourceEdge = str(item['source']) + ' Missing Name'
KeyError: 'source'
# During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Expand All @@ -268,124 +259,93 @@ def drawNXGraph(G, pos, outputPath, labels: list=[], colorCode: list=[], figSize
# sourceEdge = str(item['target']['name']) + ' Source'
# KeyError: 'target'
# Fails because of the other lines.. its not designed to deal with them.
# graph = convertOmd( beginning_test_file.resolve() )
# print( "graph nodes frmo convertOmd function: ", graph.nodes )
# Summary: Fails because of the other lines.. its not designed to deal with them. Would need to be modified but is used in other places
# function treeToNxGraph
# Has nodes that shouldn't be there, no descendents, no edges?
# Func 1: treeToNxGraph in
# Issue 1: Has nodes that shouldn't be there
# graph nodes from omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph function: ['clear', '240_node_test_system', 'source', 'eq_source_bus', 'oh_3p_type1', 'oh_2p_type2', 'oh_1p_type2', 'oh_3p_type5', 'oh_1p_type5', 'ug_3p_type1', 'ug_3p_type2', 'ug_1p_type2' .. 'reg_contr_a', 'reg_contr_b', 'reg_contr_c', 'cap_201', 'cap_301', 'makebuslist', 'set']
# Issue 2: no descendents, no edges? Even though I specified a directed graph?
# tree = omf.feeder.parse(beginning_test_file.resolve())
# tree = opendss.dssConvert.omdToTree( beginning_test_file.resolve() )
# with open(beginning_test_file) as f:
# feederJson = json.load(f)
# tree = feederJson.get("tree",{})
# g2 = omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph( tree, digraph=True )
# print( "graph nodes from omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph function: ", g2.nodes )
# Has data that doesn't need to be in here but its ok. but idk what the edges are..
# test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(g2, 't_bus1004_l'))
# Even though I specified a digraph - this bus has no descendants even though it should.
# print( g2.get_edge_data('t_bus1004_l', 'load_1004') ) - THIS PRINTS NONE... that's awkward...
tree = omf.feeder.parse(beginning_test_file.resolve())
tree = opendss.dssConvert.omdToTree( beginning_test_file.resolve() )
with open(beginning_test_file) as f:
feederJson = json.load(f)
tree = feederJson.get("tree",{})
g2 = omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph( tree, digraph=True )
print( "graph nodes from omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph function: ", g2.nodes )
Has data that doesn't need to be in here but its ok. but idk what the edges are..
test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(g2, 't_bus1004_l'))
Even though I specified a digraph - this bus has no descendants even though it should.
print( g2.get_edge_data('t_bus1004_l', 'load_1004') ) - THIS PRINTS NONE... that's awkward...
Summary: Also failed. Would need to be modified but is used in other places
# Func 3: dss_to_networkx in dssConvert
tree = opendss.dssConvert.omdToTree( beginning_test_file.resolve() ) # this tree is a list
opendss.dssConvert.treeToDss(tree, Path(modelDir, circuit_file))
# This graph is directed
# But this has a lot of other stuff. The other one is just buses which I think we want...
# Copied and pasted here to get physical drawing - it is SO OFF!!!!!
# dss_to_nx.png <- ????
# dssConvert_graph = dss_to_networkx( os.path.join( modelDir, circuit_file), tree )
# print( "info about graph made from dss_to_networkx: ", dssConvert_graph )
# test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(dssConvert_graph, 't_bus1004_l'))
# print( dssConvert_graph.get_edge_data('t_bus1004_l', 'load_1004') ) #PRINTS NONE -- THATS TOUGH
# Doesn't have the loads or edges for them, same issue as networkPlot
# but also, this visually for some reason is SO OFF? NetworkPlot isn't - I might as well just keep that one.
# but also, this visually for some reason is SO OFF? NetworkPlot isn't
Only reference is function: get_subtree_obs - and this function isn't used anywhere.
I feel like... it should be deleted to reduce confusion in the future.
# Test bus info
# t_bus1004_l - should have other desendents and its loads
# Funct 4: networkPlot in __init__ in solvers/opendss
# Issue 1: Undirected
# Issue 2: my_NetworkPlot and my_GetCoords both need to be changed to remove radius
# opendss __init__
# my_NetworkPlot and my_GetCoords both changes to remove radius
my_NP_graph = my_NetworkPlot( os.path.join( modelDir, circuit_file) )
print( "info about graph made from networkplot: ", my_NP_graph )
# - looks like how I want it to look. This is a good sign
# but its undirected.
# networkPlot.png - looks like how I want it to look. This is a good sign
# Gotta make it directed.
# Gotta add loads/load data.
# Gotta add loads/load data instead of transformers
Lets build up from here
Isn't used anywhere but has the best picture so don't want to delete
# Simply changed it to directed doesn't work.
# Issue 1:
# netPlotDirected - WHAT HAPPENED?
# Issue 2: Dependents aren't there still.
another major issue: myCoords and openDSS cmds don't work for me
because of the linux capital directory issue.

# my_NP_graph = my_NetworkPlot( os.path.join( modelDir, circuit_file), output_name='networkPlotDirected.png' )
# print( "info about graph made from networkplot: ", my_NP_graph )
# print( my_NP_graph.edges() )
# test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(my_NP_graph, 'T_BUS1003_L'))
# print( my_NP_graph.get_edge_data('T_BUS1003_L', 'BUS1003') )
# Changing it to directed is not at easy fix. The bus still doesn't have descendants when I know it does.
# print( test_descendents_bus_list )

# Got rid of the volts stuff.
# A) David mentioned that we don't need any powerflow calculations
# Take the color stuff out, and color it based on the kw.
graphData = dss_to_nx( os.path.join( modelDir, circuit_file) )
graph = graphData[0]
print( "info about graph made from temp_func_name_nx: ", graph )
buses = opendss.get_all_buses( os.path.join( modelDir, circuit_file) )
buses_output = {}
kwFromGraph = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'kw')
# print(kwFromGraph)
for bus in buses:
#print( 'bus: ', bus)
if bus in graph.nodes:
kwSum = 0
get_dependents = sorted(nx.descendants(graph, bus))
#print( "get_dependents of bus: ", bus)
#print( "\n", get_dependents)
for dependent in get_dependents:
#print( "dependent 1: ", dependent )
if dependent in kwFromGraph.keys():
#print( "dependent: ", dependent )
kwSum += float(kwFromGraph[dependent])
buses_output[bus] = kwSum
downline_output = pd.DataFrame(list(buses_output.items()), columns=['busname', 'kw'] )
norm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=min(buses_output.values()), vmax=max(buses_output.values()))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
node_colors = [cmap(norm(value)) for value in buses_output.values()]
drawNXGraph( G=graph, pos=graphData[1], outputPath=os.path.join( modelDir, "dssToPng.png"), labels=graphData[2], colorCode=node_colors)

# print( temp_func_graph.edges() )

Planning new function from what I have now: omd_to_nx
- Want to have the drawing like the original networkX
- Want hosting capacity coloring
- Want attributes for nodes/edges ( optional? )
- Get rid of volt stuff

modelDir = Path(omf.omfDir, 'scratch', 'hostingcapacity')
starting_omd_test_file = Path( omf.omfDir, 'static', 'publicFeeders', 'iowa240.clean.dss.omd')
tree = opendss.dssConvert.omdToTree( starting_omd_test_file )
opendss.dssConvert.treeToDss(tree, Path(modelDir, 'downlineLoad.dss'))
graphList = omd_to_nx_fulldata( Path(modelDir, 'downlineLoad.dss') )
graph = graphList[0]
pos = graphList[1] # <- keys are str, not nodes
posFromGraph = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'pos')

print( pos.keys() )
print( "posFromGraph['bus1002']: ", posFromGraph['bus1002'] )

print("posFromGraph['load_1003']: ", posFromGraph['load_1003'] )

# buses = opendss.get_meter_buses(circuit_file )
# kwSum = 0
# data = []
# # only load nodes would have these attributes
# kwFromGraph = nx.get_node_attributes(dssConvert_graph, 'kw')
# busToLoad = nx.get_node_attributes( dssConvert_graph, 'bus')
# test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(dssConvert_graph, 't_bus2060_l'))
# print( "test_descendents_bus_list: ", test_descendents_bus_list )
# for bus in buses:
# if bus == "bus2033":
# test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(dssConvert_graph, 't_bus2060_l'))
# print( "\ntest_descendents_bus_list FROM LOOP: ", test_descendents_bus_list )
# for bus in buses:
# kwSum = 0
# descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(g2, bus))
# # Can be loads or buses
# for descendent in descendents_bus_list:
# if descendent in kwFromGraph:
# kwSum += kwFromGraph[descendent]
# data.append([busToLoad[descendent], kwSum])
# downlineOutputDF = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['busName', 'kw'])
# print( downlineOutputDF.head )

# print( "kwFromGraph: ", kwFromGraph)
# print( "kw of t_bus3056_l: ", kwFromGraph['t_bus3056_l'] )
# test_descendents_bus_list = sorted(nx.descendants(g2, 'bus2033'))
# print( "descendants: ", test_descendents_bus_list )
# kwSum = 0
# for node in test_descendents_bus_list:
# if node in buses:
# kwSum += kwFromGraph[node]
# print( "kwSum: ", kwSum)
drawNXGraph( graph, posFromGraph, Path( modelDir, "myplot.png"), graphList[2] )

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