It does nothing yet. Stay tunned!
$ npm install irjs-skeleton -g
$ iosm find 10000 32012 32341 123412
some line of result
some line of result
some line of result
$ iosm insert file.json
a: '1',
b: '2'
$ iosm update 121212 file.json
a: '3'
explains what will happen
$ iosm replace 121212 file.json
a: '3'
explains what will happen
$ iosm remove 1023912
var ir = require('irjs-osm')
var boundingBox = {upperLeft: 1021231, lowerLeft: 93012312} ...
// => [record]
ir.find(boundingBox, { limit: 5})
- 500 records
- A database you are most familair with
- learn how to use the right js wrapper or api to interact with your choice of database
- published to NPM as 0.0.x
- at least one external person has tested it
$ mocha