Example dags for DobuleCloud Managed Airflow, showcasing interaction with other DC services
Refer to documentation for Getting Started guide: https://double.cloud/docs/en/managed-airflow/get-started
You would need a ClickHouse connection named ch_default
to make DAGs with tag clickhouse
connect to your ClickHouse instance.
If using DoubleCloud ClickHouse, create a generic connection with extra setting {"secure": true}
roll_d20 is not connected to anything and can be used to check new setup. Once enabled, it runs on a cron schedule every 5 minutes. You can set env variable RND_SEED_OVERRIDE
in DC Airflow cluster settings to specify custom random seed for reproducibility.
sample_ch_ddl checks if sample_table
exists in clickhouse connection with connection_id ch_default
sample_ch_insert inserts specified number of rows in sample_table
and updates dataset clickhouse://sample_table
sample_ch_stats computes stats on sample_table
and outputs them in task logs. Triggered on updates in dataset clickhouse://sample_table