A Jupyter notebook used to train a tensorflow model to recognize german roadsigns.
Create a GPU enabled runner and install Dotscience on it. To skip installing nvidia-runtime
on a GCP runner, search for the VM NVIDIA GPU Cloud Image for Deep Learning and HPC
. This comes with nvidia-runtime
installed. Then follow the instructions on the Dotscience GCP runner setup page.
Create a new dotscience project.
Upload the files:
Launch Jupyter on a runner.
Run through each cell in the get-data.ipynb
notebook and then roadsigns.ipynb
Observe that
It will output the model into the roadsigns/1
folder and annotate dotscience with roadsigns
being the model folder.
This is because Tensorflow serving requires there to be a version folder under the model name folder. We have fixed this to 1
for the demo.
To re-train the model - try changing the optimizer to sgd
rather than adam
(it should perform less well) and also change epochs
param (search for ds.parameter
If you have the tensorflow server app running on the docker or k8s hostname roadsigns-tensorflow
- here is how to build and run the app.
cd app
docker build -t roadsignsapp .
docker run -d \
-p 8000:80 \
--link roadsigns-tensorflow:roadsigns-tensorflow \
-e TENSORFLOW_HOST=roadsigns-tensorflow:8501 \
--name roadsignsapp \
If you are using Kubernetes - you don't need the link but the TENSORFLOW_HOST
should be set to the service name of the tensorflow serving service.
To get around CORS - the app will proxy any requests to /v1
onto the tensorflow container - for ingress you only need to foward traffic to the app container and it will look after getting data to the tensorflow serving container.
The image data we are sending is prebuilt into app/www/appdata.json
This data has 3 top level fields:
- the filenames of the images to viewimage_labels
- the corresponding labels for those imagestensorflow_images
- the data structure of the image we send to tensorflow
The tensorflow_images
property was JSON exported from the data passed to the model in the notebook.
In the file app/www/js/init.js
is this code at the top:
var TENSORFLOW_URL = '/v1/models/roadsigns_model:predict'
var appData = null
function loadResult(label, imageData) {
var requestPayload = {
inputs: {
keep_prob: [1],
keep_prob_conv: [1],
x: [imageData]
method: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(requestPayload),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
var dataString = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)
error: function(response) {
var errorMessage = response.status + ' ' + response.statusText
You can adjust the requestPayload
The output is shown as raw JSON in the model window that appears.