is the module to record screen usng OpenGLES.
This is written in Objective-C and for iOS.
incude required frameworks
- AssetsLibrary.framework
- CoreMedia.framework
- CoreVideo.framework
run "prepare" to initialize.
- 1st arg : current view controller
- 2nd arg : opengl drawing process
notice : 2nd arg is exuted only for video recording not for your screen.
[VideoRecorder prepare:viewController
drawProcess:(DrawProcess)^{ [self drawMethod]; }];
- run "start" and stop anywhere you ike.
[[VideoRecorder getInstance] start];
[[VideoRecorder getInstance] stop];
For more detail information, please refere to the sample projects included in this repository. Both OpenGLKit project and cocos2d-x (3.4) project are available.
No test codes sorry.