SQL QA is a SSRS Report to look at various settings and configurations of your SQL Server Instance on the fly including the following sections. It will also highlight in yellow or grey things to watch out. You will need Report Builder 2016 or SSRS 2016 to be able to use this report.
Instance Name, Edition, SQLVersion, ServicePack, Machine Type, Auth Mode, TCP Port, Install Date, Last Start Date
Backup Compression, PowerPlan, Xp_CmdShell, MaxDop
Server Memory, Max Server Memory, Min Server Memory and number of CPus
Drive Name, CapacityGB, UsedGB, FreeGB, Percentage Free
Name, Compatibility, State, User Access Description, Recovery Model, Collation, PageVerify, ReadOnly, AutoClose, AutoShrink, AutoCreate Stats, AutoUpdate Stats, FullText, DB Chaining, Trustworthy, Owner
Name, Size, Used Space MB, Free Space MB, Percent Free, Updateability, State
DB Name, LogSize MB, Percentage USed
DB Name, Logical Name, Type, Total Space MB, Used Space MB, Free Space MB, Percent Used, Physical Name, File Group, File Growth, Auto Growth
DB Name, UserName, DatabaseRole, Login Name, Def DBName
Login Name, Type, Server Role, Disabled, Def DBName
DB Name, Virtual Full, Virtual Diff, Disk Full, DiskDiff, DiskTlog, Recovery Model State Desc, Updateability