File Structure datasetfolder: the top level folder of your dataset, most likely holds a folder for each of a number of recordings recordingname: the name for a given recording. All output files will be of the form /datasetfolder/recordingname/recordingname_file.ext
Necessary Files /datasetfolder/recordingname/recordingname.eeg /datasetfolder/recordingname/recordingname.xml
Important Steps: Identify any "bad" channels. For example particularly noisy or very low amplitude channels. Put these in a .txt document: datasetfolder/recordingname/bad_channels.txt. -If channel noise appears in the middle of the recording, you may need to run the state scoring, identify bad channels, and then run state scoring again. -bad_channels are 0-indexed, as they are in Neuroscope.
-output channels are also 0-indexed, as in Neuroscope