Library for ESP32 to read and write canbus packets over OBD2 connector directly or throught Elm327 bluetooth dongle.
If you want to read/write directly over CAN-H and CAN-L, you need to use a canbus transceiver like SN65HVD230
#define OBD2_DEBUG 1
#define CAN_TX_PIN 13
#define CAN_RX_PIN 14
#include "OBD2.h"
OBD2 obd2;
TaskHandle_t asyncTask;
//Eg.: we need to query ECU for Tire pressure.
//Service:22 PID:31D0
//Value Formula: ((A*256)+B)/1000
//here we store value of the pid request
float tirePressure = 0.0;
float oilPressure = 0.0;
//or we can define a callback to manipulate response bytes
void ValueCallback(String PidName, uint8_t* responseBytes){
OBD2Request is defined as follow:
struct OBD2Request {
String Group; //name your pid groups
String Name; //name your pid
bool AlwaysSendHeader; //useful in cyclic request
long Header; //header or ecu-id
uint8_t Service; //service query
uint16_t Pid; //pid to query
uint8_t ExpectedBytes; //how much bytes we waiting for?
float ScaleFactor; //scale factor
float AdjustFactor; //scalar value added or substracted for calculating value
float *BindValue; //direct bind value to a variable or property
void (*ValueCallback)(String pid, uint8_t* responseBytes); //useful doing something when pid received
long ReadInterval; //can be useful in cyclic request
long ReadTime; //can be useful in cyclic request
//then we define our request to query as formula
//Header or EcuID: DAC7F1 (become 0x18DAC7F1)
//Service:22 PID:31D0
//Value Formula: ((A*256)+B)/1000
OBD2Request myRequest = {
"Tires PIDS", "tireFronLeft", true, 0x18DAC7F1, 0x22, 0x31D0, 0x02, 0.001, 0, &tirePressure, &ValueCallback, 0
//define a Listener called every time we have a response:
void obd2Listener(OBD2Request* request, float value, uint8_t* responseBytes){
Serial.print("Received message for "+request->Name+" :");
for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
Serial.print(responseBytes[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
//run your code into task
void handleOBD2(void * parameter){
OBD2Request* request;
long sendTime = millis();
int timeoutSend = 1000;
OBD2StatusType status;
OBD2BroadcastPacket bp;
request = &myRequest;
//handle broadcast packets if any
bp = obd2.getBroadcastPacket();
//if we get this packetid, we can calculate engine oil pressure for example...
//we don't need to query this, because it's broadcasted in CanBus
Serial.printf("\n>> Broadcast packet from ECU %04x : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", bp.Header, bp.Byte0, bp.Byte1, bp.Byte2, bp.Byte3, bp.Byte4, bp.Byte5, bp.Byte6, bp.Byte7);
//calculate oil pressure
oilPressure = (float)( (( ((bp.Byte0<<(8))| bp.Byte1) & 0b0000000111111110) >> 1)/10.0 );
//every cycle we need to process requests
status = obd2.process();
if(status == OBD2StatusType::ready)
//every second we send query request for tire pressure
if(millis()-sendTime > timeoutSend)
sendTime = millis();
Serial.println("Send Request!");
else if(status == OBD2StatusType::timeout){
Serial.printf("Service: %02x Pid: %04x TIMEOUT\n",obd2.getResponseService(), obd2.getResponsePid());
else if(status == OBD2StatusType::nodata){
Serial.printf("Service: %02x Pid: %04x NODATA\n",obd2.getResponseService(), obd2.getResponsePid());
void setup()
//bit of power stabilization
//create a task on core1
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( handleOBD2, "handleOBD2", 8096, NULL, 2, &asyncTask, 1);
//initilize canbus with speed of 500 kb/s
obd2.Begin(CAN_TX_PIN, CAN_RX_PIN, 500E3);
//setup listener callback
//add broadcast filters for specific ecu id without querying
//add filters for specific ecu id, here we need to query
void loop() {
Serial.printf("\n Oil pressure: %2.2f\n",oilPressure);
Reading data throught OBD2 connector is possible using an OBD2 Bluetooth dongle like this:
IT'S very important that your interface run original ELM 327 firmware and not clones, because they run slow and out of standards.. Vgate ICAr pro is the best choice for me.
#define OBD2_DEBUG 1
#include "BluetoothSerial.h"
#include "BTAddress.h"
#include "OBD2.h"
OBD2 obd2;
BluetoothSerial BluetoothConnector;
TaskHandle_t asyncTask;
bool appInitialized = false;
//Eg.: we need to query ECU for Tire pressure.
//Service:22 PID:31D0
//Value Formula: ((A*256)+B)/1000
//here we store value of the pid request
float tirePressure = 0.0;
//or we can define a callback to manipulate response bytes
void ValueCallback(String PidName, uint8_t* responseBytes){
OBD2Request is defined as follow:
struct OBD2Request {
String Group; //name your pid groups
String Name; //name your pid
bool AlwaysSendHeader; //useful in cyclic request
long Header; //header or ecu-id
uint8_t Service; //service query
uint16_t Pid; //pid to query
uint8_t ExpectedBytes; //how much bytes we waiting for?
float ScaleFactor; //scale factor
float AdjustFactor; //scalar value added or substracted for calculating value
float *BindValue; //direct bind value to a variable or property
void (*ValueCallback)(String pid, uint8_t* responseBytes); //useful doing something when pid received
long ReadInterval; //can be useful in cyclic request
long ReadTime; //can be useful in cyclic request
//then we define our request to query as formula
//Header or EcuID: DAC7F1 (become 0x18DAC7F1)
//Service:22 PID:31D0
//Value Formula: ((A*256)+B)/1000
OBD2Request myRequest = {
"Tires PIDS", "tireFronLeft", true, 0x18DAC7F1, 0x22, 0x31D0, 0x02, 0.001, 0, &tirePressure, &ValueCallback, 0
//define a Listener called every time we have a response:
void obd2Listener(OBD2Request* request, float value, uint8_t* responseBytes){
Serial.print("Received message for "+request->Name+" :");
for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
Serial.print(responseBytes[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
//run your code into task
void handleOBD2(void * parameter){
OBD2Request* request;
long sendTime = millis();
int timeoutSend = 1000;
OBD2StatusType status;
OBD2BroadcastPacket bp;
//every cycle we need to process requests
status = obd2.process();
request = &myRequest;
if(status == OBD2StatusType::ready)
//every second we send query request for tire pressure
if(millis()-sendTime > timeoutSend)
sendTime = millis();
Serial.println("Send Request!");
else if(status == OBD2StatusType::timeout){
Serial.printf("Service: %02x Pid: %04x TIMEOUT\n",obd2.getResponseService(), obd2.getResponsePid());
else if(status == OBD2StatusType::nodata){
Serial.printf("Service: %02x Pid: %04x NODATA\n",obd2.getResponseService(), obd2.getResponsePid());
void setup()
//bit of power stabilization
//create a task on core1
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( handleOBD2, "handleOBD2", 8096, NULL, 2, &asyncTask, 1);
//setup listener callback
//add filters for specific ecu id, here we need to query
//initialize bluetooth connection over mac address
uint8_t address[6] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //replace with yours
BluetoothConnector.begin("TESTConnectorBluetooth", true);
bool connectionResult = BluetoothConnector.connect(address);
//then begin ELM comunication
appInitialized = obd2.BeginElm327(BluetoothConnector, 2000); //2000 is timeout
Serial.println("OBD2 connection started");
Serial.println("Fail to connect");
Serial.println("Unable to connect over bluetooth!");
void loop() {
My work is based over sandeepmistry CAN library:
Code can be used as is: I do not provide any guarantee or responsibility in case of damage caused to your vehicle or person.
If you appreciate my work, pay me a coffee: