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Releases: divmgl/jackd

v4.0.5 - Fixes for race conditions and reconnections

06 Mar 07:52
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This release is an internal overhaul with a focus on removing race conditions. The command processing mechanism has been rewritten to provide deterministic behavior in high throughput scenarios. The client also now has better reconnection support.

This release maintains backward compatibility with 4.0.x. It's recommended that you upgrade to this version ASAP to avoid disruptions in production.

Release notes

  • Fixed several race conditions in the command processing pipeline
  • Reconnections are now much more reliable
    • Jackd will remember the last tube you were watching/using and will set it up again on reconnect
    • Commands that you issue to Jackd while disconnect will be queued and sent on next connection
  • Fixed command pipeline stalling when connections were interrupted
  • Commands are no longer dropped on disconnections

Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.0.5

v4.0.2: Improved Error Handling & Connection Reliability

05 Mar 22:17
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This release introduces a comprehensive error handling system with typed errors and significantly improves connection reliability. The client now gracefully handles disconnections, provides clear error information, and ensures command queuing works properly during reconnection.

🔨 Breaking Changes

  • Replaced InvalidResponseError with a more robust JackdError class
  • Added JackdErrorCode enum with standardized error codes for all Beanstalkd responses
  • Errors now include:
    • code: Standardized error code (e.g. NOT_FOUND, BAD_FORMAT)
    • message: Human-readable error description
    • response: Raw server response when available

✨ New Features

  • Added socket keep-alive to prevent connection drops
  • Improved connection reliability:
    • Properly handles close, end, and error socket events
    • Rejects pending commands when connection is lost
    • Cleans up internal state on disconnection
  • Added command timeout (10 seconds) to prevent hanging operations
  • Commands can now be queued while disconnected and will execute upon reconnection
  • Better handling of fatal connection errors

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed socket memory leaks by properly cleaning up listeners
  • Fixed command queue processing when reconnecting
  • Improved error propagation from socket errors to command promises
  • Properly rejects all pending commands on fatal errors

Migration Guide

Update error handling code to use the new JackdError class:

// Before
try {
  await client.reserveJob(123);
} catch (err) {
  if (err.message === "NOT_FOUND") {
    // Handle not found

// After
try {
  await client.reserveJob(123);
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof JackdError && err.code === JackdErrorCode.NOT_FOUND) {
    // Handle not found with strongly typed error


  • Updated esbuild from 0.24.2 to 0.25.0

Full Changelog: v3.4.3...v4.0.2


15 Feb 04:18
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Added reconnections.

v3.1.0: YAML parsing

19 Jan 20:38
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After years of maintaining a zero-dependency library, this release introduces yaml as our first dependency. This change enables proper TypeScript types for all list and stats commands, eliminating the need for users to implement their own YAML parsing.

🔨 Breaking Changes

  • Added yaml as a dependency (previously zero dependencies)
  • Renamed getCurrentTube() to listTubeUsed() for better alignment with Beanstalkd protocol
  • All stats and list commands now return parsed JavaScript objects instead of raw YAML strings:
    • listTubes()string[]
    • listTubesWatched()string[]
    • listTubeUsed()string
    • stats()SystemStats
    • statsJob()JobStats
    • statsTube()TubeStats
  • All YAML keys are now camelCased (e.g., current-tubescurrentTubes)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed package.json exports configuration
    • Added types export
    • Added default export
    • Properly configured CJS/ESM exports

Migration Guide

If you were previously parsing YAML responses manually, you can now use the parsed objects directly.

// Before
const tubesYAML = await client.listTubes();
const tubes = parseYAML(tubesYAML);

// After
const tubes = await client.listTubes(); // Returns string[] directly


19 Jan 09:35
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Version 3: UInt8Array, ESM/CJS packages

This version of Jackd brings some important bug fixes and changes that both make Jackd more accurate to the Beanstalkd protocol and better suited for JavaScript runtimes like Bun (sorry Deno stans, no support yet). It's a full version bump because there are some breaking changes to the API.

Breaking changes

  • Job IDs are now integers (they were previously strings)
    • This change was made for protocol correctness
  • Usage of Buffer has been phased out in favor of UInt8Array
    • reserve now returns the payload as a UTF-8 string, rather than a Buffer
    • There is a new reserveRaw method that allows you to receive the raw payload as an array of bytes (UInt8Array)
    • This change was made to allow Jackd to eventually transition into a multi runtime library
  • Minimum supported Node.js version is now v18 LTS

Bug fixes

  • stats, list-tubes and other statistics commands no longer incorrectly require job IDs
  • No more any: the entire library is now fully typed
  • Jackd now works both in ESM and CJS contexts

Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v3.0.0


11 Sep 06:25
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What's Changed

  • Reserve job now properly handles NOT_FOUND by @divmgl in #35

Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.2.2

Version 2: full support of the Beanstalkd protocol

29 Dec 22:57
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This update brings full support of all beanstalkd commands to jackd and ships a number of important bug fixes to the client. It's recommended that you upgrade to this version if you are on an older client.

Note: we did a major version bump from 1.x to 2.x because executeCommand and executeMultiPartCommand have been removed.


  • Added all remaining unimplemented job commands
    • reserve-job
  • Added all remaining unimplemented peek commands
    • peek, peek-ready, peek-delayed
  • And all remaining unimplemented YAML commands
    • stats, stats-job, stats-tube, list-tubes, list-tubes-watched, list-tube-used)
  • The bury command can now accept a priority

Thanks to @edqallen for bringing these improvements to my attention.

Breaking changes from 1.x

  • executeCommand and executeMultiPartCommand removed

The original intent of the executeCommand and executeMultiPartCommand commands was to allow users to be able to execute any client command on beanstalkd. There could be cases where you'd want to do this if jackd did not support certain commands or a new version of beanstalkd came out with new commands.

Now that jackd has full support of the beanstalkd protocol, these commands are not as useful. Additionally this library is designed to allow easy instrumentation of future commands, so supporting future versions is as simple as changing a couple of lines in the codebase.

As a result these commands have been removed.

  • getCurrentTube will become listTubeUsed in the future

getCurrentTube is just list-tube-used, so it's now deprecated.


As always if you have any questions/problems at all feel free to drop an issue.

Critical bug fixes, Buffer support, TypeScript

28 Dec 08:30
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If you're using jackd in production, you should consider upgrading to this version. This is a major release of jackd that fixes some critical bugs and introduces Buffer support.

For existing users in production

I did my best to try to avoid breaking changes, but unfortunately you'll still at the very least need to change one line of code. If you're hard-pressed for time, don't care and/or you just want to upgrade to version 2 without changing your project, you can instantiate the jackd version 2 client with the following option enabled:

const beanstalkd = new Jackd({ useLegacyStringPayloads: true })

This will retain all of the existing functionality where job reservations were returning payloads as ASCII strings.

const { id, payload } = await beanstalkd.reserve() // => { id: "123", payload: "my random job" }

However, you probably should not do this. More details in the following sections.

Release notes

  • Bug fix: Strings and objects passed into put are no longer encoded into ASCII strings.
  • Bug fix: Reserving a job no longer decodes incoming payloads as ASCII strings.
  • Bug fix: jobs that have an \r\n no longer cause instability.
  • put now accepts Buffers. Buffers are sent as-is and no encoding is performed. Strings and objects are still converted to byte arrays, but jackd now uses Node.js's UTF-8 encoding by default.
  • reserve now returns Buffer payloads.

Critical bug fixes

Payloads are no longer encoded/decoded as ASCII

From its inception, jackd was designed to be an ASCII library. Indeed, as stated literally in the first line of the beanstalkd protocol docs, the beanstalkd protocol communicates with clients using ASCII encoding and line breaks:

The beanstalk protocol runs over TCP using ASCII encoding.

Further below however, there's a clarification:

The protocol contains two kinds of data: text lines and unstructured chunks of data. Text lines are used for client commands and server responses. Chunks are used to transfer job bodies and stats information. Each job body is an opaque sequence of bytes. The server never inspects or modifies a job body and always sends it back in its original form. It is up to the clients to agree on a meaningful interpretation of job bodies.

Unfortunately, jackd did not adhere to this section of the protocol and was encoding and decoding job payloads as ASCII. In v1, every command sent was encoded in ASCII, including job payloads:

JackdClient.prototype.write = function(string) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    this.socket.write(string, 'ascii', err => (err ? reject(err) : resolve()))

Note the 'ascii' encoding in socket.write. Similarly, all of the incoming data to the socket was encoded into ASCII:

There are obvious, and potentially catastrophic, problems with this. Firstly, if you provided jackd with strings containing characters outside of the ASCII encoding, such as special UTF-8 characters that are not alphanumeric, the payload would be irreversibly corrupted. Secondly, if you received any job with a payload that wasn't ASCII encoded, the job was still decoded using ASCII. This meant that if you sent any other kind of encoded data, such as binary data, this data is corrupted and likely deleted right after (depending on your setup).

If you've been using jackd to send over simple UUIDs, integers and other simple payloads, you may not have noticed that there is a problem. In fact, you may not have lost any data. Additionally, if you've run into this problem during your testing you may have used base64 or hex encoding to send binary information over the wire. You no longer need to worry about this with jackd version 2. jackd now accepts Buffers and will send your data as-is. Similarly, payloads from jobs reserved with jackd will now come through as Buffers.

This is a breaking change. You'll need to go through all of your payloads and change them from payload to payload.toString(). On a brighter note, because jackd was rewritten in TypeScript, you'll get notified out of the box if you use TypeScript in your project.

Payloads with new lines will no longer cause instability and data loss

jackd also had a big architectural problem related to the way it processed messages. As per the beanstalkd protocol, there are two types of data: text lines and chunks of data. Both text lines and chunks of data are delimited by \r\n. However, commands that return chunks of data will inform the client how many bytes the following message will contain. For instance, the reserve job will reply something like this:

RESERVED 2 19\r\n

Where the first number is the job ID and the second number is the number of bytes that will be contained in the following message. This lets clients know how many more bytes to consume before the payload is consumed and processed.

Unfortunately, jackd was not using this byte count to consume subsequent messages, even though it did have support for chunks. The original architecture allowed commands to be designated as multipart commands. While these commands would create two handlers for incoming messages, the messages were always processed the same: using delimiters.

Of course, this always resulted in passing tests because chunks are also delimited by new lines. But as soon as a job payload that is ASCII encoded contained \r\n, jackd would begin executing all of the subsequent messages in that same data frame incorrectly. This is potentially catastrophic due to the data loss that occurs when commands are executed incorrectly.

This issue is now fixed and the message parsing architecture is significantly improved. jackd now fully leverages the serial nature of beanstalkd and keeps a queue of the incoming data buffers, the messages that are successfully processed, and the commands that have been executed by the caller. Reserving a job now takes bytes into account and subsequent messages are no longer parsed by looking at delimiter alone. There is now also a test for this.



As a result of all of this, jackd now supports Buffers as a first-class citizen. This means that you can send in all kinds of different data and jackd won't encode it at all.

const id = await beanstalkd.put(Buffer.from('my-awesome-job', 'utf-8'))

Native TypeScript

jackd has had TypeScript data bindings for some while thanks to the community. However, after realizing a huge refactor was in order, I bit the bullet and converted jackd over to TypeScript.

As a result of this, if you have TypeScript in your project you'll be alerted to all of the breaking changes when you upgrade to jackd@2. Additionally you may see some richer type annotations in some places.

What's next?

There are still some rough spots in the library that could probably use some polishing. If you encounter any bugs at all during this release, do not hesitate to open an issue.

Community fixes

09 Mar 23:47
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Hello! Just leaving this release here as an announcement that version 1.2.6 has been deployed to npm which has various community fixes, notably related to security, TypeScript, and timeouts on reserve_with_timeout.

Here's the changelog:
