circom-dl is a a library implementing zk cryptographic primitives.
Currently, it supports:
bitInt arithmetic. Used to implement operation of field that is larger than the field size of the underlying curve (e.g. bn128).
ec arithmetic. Weierstrass elliptic curve operations. Non supported Weierstrass curves can be easily added by following instructions in curve.circom. Currently supports:
- brainpool224r1
- brainpoolP256r1
- brainpoolP320r1
- brainpoolP384r1
- brainpoolP512r1
- secp192r1
- secp224r1
- secp256r1
- secp256k1
- secp384r1
- secp521r1
- to be continued
hasher. Implemets different hash functions. Currently supports:
- SHA1
- SHA224
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
- Keccak256
- Poseidon
- to be continued
signatures. Implemets different signature schemes. Currently supports:
- ECDSA (on supported curves ^)
- RSA for any field size, supported hash functions (Only sha1 and sha2-256 for now) and exponent
- SHA384 && SALT_LEN == 48
- SHA256 && SALT_LEN == 64
- SHA256 && SALT_LEN == 32
- to be continued
npm install
npm test