Discless CLI is a Command Line Interface to communicate with the Discless backend. It can be used to create discord bots and commands in a FaaS, so you don't have to worry about the command handling.
First download the Discless binary from the ,
or clone the repository using
git clone https://github.com/discless/discless-cli.git
and run go build .
to compile Discless yourself
To start Discless, run
$ ./cli start
Succesfully started Docker daemon.
First, run the new bot
command and enter your bots token
$ ./cli new bot <bot name> <prefix>
Created bot in bot.yaml
Your bot should be up and running now, time to create your first command.
First, create a new secret for your token
$ ./cli new secret token NDMyMTkx...
Created secret in secret.yaml
To use the token in your bots configuration, open your bots configuration and change the following
- token:
+ token: secret.token
Now you can run your bot
$ ./cli up bot.yaml
<bot-name> is running
$ ./cli new function <function name>
Created the function <function name>
Edit its configuration in function.yaml or edit the function in <function name>.go
This creates a configuration file for the function (function.yaml
) and a golang file that looks like
package main
import (
func Handler(self *types.Self, s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate, args []string) error {
s.ChannelMessageSend(m.ChannelID, "Pong!")
return nil
You can freely edit this file.
To get your command up and running on the bot, run
$ ./cli deploy <bot name> <function configuration>.yaml
Succesfully uploaded the <function name> command
To manually install discless, clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/discless/discless.git && cd discless && go run .
or use go get
go get https://github.com/discless/discless && cd $GOPATH/github.com/discless/discless && go run .