The Hub is created using Meteor, React, Antd Design, and a lot of goodies (meteor-webpack & React hmr rewire, ...).
Feel free to contribute & help us build the most amazing hub for splitscreened games ever !
Handler research:
url: "api/v1/handlers/:search_text",
httpMethod: "get"
Specific handler infos:
url: "api/v1/handler/:handler_id",
httpMethod: "get"
Get available packages for one handler:
url: "api/v1/packages/:handler_id",
httpMethod: "get"
Get package info:
url: "api/v1/packages/:package_id",
httpMethod: "get"
Get comments done by users about a handler:
url: "api/v1/comments/:handler_id",
httpMethod: "get"
Download a package from it's ID:
url: /cdn/storage/packages/:package_id/original/handler-{handler_id}-v{version_of_handler}.nc?download=true
httpMethod: "get"