A miniDBMS that support some SQL comment:
for example:
- CREATE TABLE table1 (
attribute1 int PRIMARY KEY,
attribute2 varchar(20),
attribute3 varchar(40),
attribute4 int
- INSERT INTO table1 (attribute1, attribute2, attribute3) VALUES (0, 'abcd', '123456789', 1);
or INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (0, 'abcd', '123456789, 1);
- SELECT query including join operation
ex. SELECT *
FROM table1, table2
WHERE atattribute4 < 5 AND table1.atattribute1 = table2.atattribute4;
and also support COUNT, SUM operation.
- Applying index to certain attribute:
ex. CREATE INDEX indexname on table1 (attribute1) using hashing;
or CREATE INDEX indexname on table1 (attribute1) using btree;