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i3 Release: Lean, Fast, and Custom-Crafted for Performance

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@dillacorn dillacorn released this 07 Jan 20:55
· 4 commits to main since this release

Installation Directions

Step 1: Install git

sudo apt install git -y

Step 2: Clone the Directory to Your Home Folder

su - sudo_user_name # Make sure you're logged in as the sudo user you want to use
cd # Make sure you're in the sudo user's home folder
git clone

Step 3: Navigate to the Cloned Repo

cd ~/i3-dots

Step 4: Make Executable

Please review the script before executing it. It's good practice to check scripts before running them.

chmod +x


This script also runs the following scripts:

+ optionally installs Alacritty from source: (yes/no)

+ IF you need to uninstall Alacritty run this script:

cd ~/i3-dots/scripts
chmod +x
sudo ./

Step 5: Run the Installation Script

Please review the script before running it.

Note: now works on SUPER minimal TTY (core) Debian 12 installs now!
Including Debian 12 based server installs!

sudo ./

Optional: Remove Display Managers


Know your $USER name/alias BEFORE removing your display manager!

Run This Command to Get Your Username

echo $USER

Remove gdm3 and/or sddm (default display manager) and Restart Your System

sudo apt remove gdm3 sddm
sudo reboot now

After Reboot, You'll be in the TTY Login Screen

  • Enter your username and press ENTER.
  • Enter your password and press ENTER.

Run This Command to start i3


I Hope You Encounter Zero Issues!

Feel free to add to the discussions if you have any issues.