This is an online educational application to ease the work of colleges and schools in this pandemic.
- Front-end: ReactJS
- Back-end: Firebase
- GUI CSS: Bootstrap, Material UI, SCSS
- Database: Firestore
- Admin portal
- Faculty portal
- Student portal
- University database management in admin portal
- Virtual Training & Placement Cell
- Attendance and Grades inventory plus marking (accessible to only authorized faculty)
- Seat booking feature for student in Offline-classes (following COVID norms)
- Student portal for getting all the academic information (marks, grades, assignments, tests) and all college related notifications at one place.
For all the three roles, there is role-based access control using firebase authentication (no teacher can login as admin/student and vice-versa)
- The admin portal manage data (add,delete,modify) of Faculty staff, students, departments, subjects, T&P cell.
- The admin cannot make another admin (Mandatory access control) because such high privilege (adding/deleting departments) should not be able to get distributed (discretionary)
- A new admin can only be made through the main database.
- The data is pulled dynamically from other collections and used to create new documents.
- The faculty portal has its profile
- Feature to create offline class, assessment (tests, exams or assignments)
- Marking attendance and grades
- The student portal also has its profile.
- Feature to give the assessment
- Also, the student can register to an offline class and book seat according to covid norms.
- The student can see his attendance and grades too.
please check the supporting documents
- git clone
- cd e-ducation/
- npm install --legacy-peer-deps
- npm start
Now view e-ducation in the browser.
Local: http://localhost:3000
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.