Symfony 6.4, 7.x & PHP 8.x bundle to detect mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version.
This bundle is inspired by tattali/MobileDetectBundle
This Bundle uses serbanghita/Mobile-Detect and provides the following features: The Versioning of the serbanhita/Mobile-Detect is one of the reasons for creating this Bundle. Detect the various mobile devices by Name, OS, browser User-Agent Manages site views for the various mobile devices (mobile, tablet, full) Redirects to mobile and tablet sites
You find a more detailed documentation in docs/
composer require digifa/mobile-detect-symfony-bundle:^4.*
Use Major-Version regarding to needed serbanhita/Mobile-Detect Version.
Any feedback and contribution will be very appreciated. Read Contribution for more informations.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle.
The author tattali for and all contributors, suncat2000 for the original suncat2000/MobileDetectBundle.