This PowerShell script automates the installation of Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) and optionally Workspace Environment Management (WEM) on a remote Windows server. It handles various scenarios including Windows Server 2012 compatibility, PrintNightmare vulnerability fix, and multiple installation attempts if necessary.
- PowerShell 5.0 or later
- Administrative access to the target remote server
- Network access to the software share containing Citrix installation files
- Citrix Cloud Connectors set up and accessible
Parameter | Type | Description |
ServerName | string | Name of the remote server to install VDA/WEM on |
SoftwareShareRoot | string | Root path of the software share on the network |
CloudConnectors | string | Space-separated list of Cloud Connectors for VDA installation |
InstallWEM | switch | (Optional) Install WEM after VDA installation |
.\Install-CitrixVDA.ps1 -ServerName "SERVER01" -SoftwareShareRoot "\\SHARE\CitrixInstall" -CloudConnectors "CC01 CC02"