Build a python image to be used as a base image
- wget -O python.tar.xz "${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*}/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz"
For example, if PYTHON_VERSION is 3.10.12rc1 (where rc1 denotes a release candidate), ${PYTHON_VERSION%%[a-z]*} would evaluate to 3.10.12. This ensures that only the major and minor numeric parts are used in the URL directory path, as the directory structure on the Python FTP server only includes numeric versions.
docker build --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 -t my-python-image .
PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 --> prevents python from generating .pyc files
we will be inputting python version in the workflow like semvar versions - major.minor.patch versions
semvar is mandatory
we will then pull the python code from python ftp site and compile them in run time
base image used is debian bookworm flavour
There are 2 workflows
- build-python-base-image.yaml
- build-python-image-trimmed-tag.yaml
As the name suggests the differene between both of them are the tag
first one uses the input python version as tag
second one takes only major and minor version as image tag
Images are pushed here