TSDB is a fast and reliable database port of the original sdb database written in PHP. It is my first TypeScript package, and I welcome any comments or feedback on my website or social media.
To install TSDB, you can use npm:
npm install ts-sdb
Here is an example of how to use TSDB in your TypeScript project:
import { TSDB } from 'tsdb';
// Create a new instance of TSDB
const db = new TSDB();
// Load the database
// Perform operations on the database
db.create('key1', 'value1');
db.create('key2', 'value2');
db.update('key1', { value: 'newvalue' });
// Save changes to the database
The Debug class provides logging and error handling functionalities.
constructor(mode: boolean = false)
(optional): A boolean value indicating the debug mode. Default isfalse
Logs a message to the console if debug mode is enabled.
log(message: string, flag: string = 'DEBUG'): boolean | void
: The message to be logged.flag
(optional): The log flag. Default is'DEBUG'
Logs an error message to the console.
error(message: string, code: string = 'unknown', flag: string = 'ERROR')
: The error message to be logged.code
(optional): The error code. Default is'unknown'
(optional): The error flag. Default is'ERROR'
The Data interface represents a database record.
interface Data {
id: any;
key: string;
value: any;
: The unique identifier of the record.key
: The key of the record.value
: The value associated with the key.
The TSDB class represents the TSDB database.
Creates a new instance of the TSDB class.
Loads a database file.
load(file: string, directory: string = ''): boolean
: The name of the database file.directory
(optional): The directory where the database file is located. Default is an empty string.
Returns true
if the database is successfully loaded, false
Saves the changes made to the database.
save(): boolean
Returns true
if the changes are successfully saved, false
Creates a new record in the database.
create(key: string, value: any): number
: The key of the record.value
: The value associated with the key.
Returns the ID of the created record.
Reads a record from the database by its ID.
readById(id: number): Data | undefined
: The ID of the record.
Returns the record if found, undefined
Reads a record from the database by its key.
read(key: string): Data | undefined
: The key of
the record.
Returns the record if found, undefined
Updates a record in the database by its ID.
updateById(id: number, data: Partial<Data>): void
: The ID of the record.data
: The partial data to update.
Updates a record in the database by its key.
update(key: string, data: Partial<Data>): void
: The key of the record.data
: The partial data to update.
Deletes a record from the database by its key.
delete(key: string): void
: The key of the record.
Checks if a record with the given key exists in the database.
has(key: string): boolean
: The key to check.
Returns true
if the record exists, false
Returns a JSON string representation of the database.
map(): string | number
Returns the JSON string representation of the database if it exists, -1
Returns the database as an array of Data objects.
mapObject(): Data[] | number
Returns the database as an array of Data objects if it exists, -1
- devsimsek - Developer and maintainer
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.