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DeFiPy: DeFi Analytics with Python

Welcome to the worlds first DeFi Analytics Python package with all major protocols integrated into one with DeFiPy! Since DeFiPy is built with a modular design in mind, you can silo your analytics by protocol using:

For DeFi event surveilance, you can checkout:

Uniswap V2 Example

To setup a liquidity pool, you must first create the tokens in the pair using the ERC20 object. Next, create a liquidity pool (LP) factory using UniswapExchangeData data class object. Available via :ref:`primitive_uniswapv2` primitive API, and also abstract API tools; see Abstract Interface (V2) for tutorial. For basic setup, see following:

from defipy import *

user_nm = 'user_intro'
eth_amount = 3162.277660168379
dai_amount = 316227.7660168379

dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x111")
eth = ERC20("ETH", "0x09")
exchg_data = UniswapExchangeData(tkn0 = eth, tkn1 = dai, symbol="LP",

factory = UniswapFactory("ETH pool factory", "0x2")
lp = factory.deploy(exchg_data)
lp.add_liquidity("user0", eth_amount, dai_amount, eth_amount, dai_amount)
Exchange ETH-DAI (LP)
Reserves: ETH = 3162.277660168379, DAI = 316227.7660168379
Liquidity: 31622.776601683792

Uniswap V3 Example

Simular setup as above, available via :ref:`primitive_uniswapv3` primitive API, and also abstract API tools; see Abstract Interface (V3) for tutorial. Once this is setup, an unlimited amount of LPs can be created. For basic setup, see following:

from defipy import *

user = 'user_intro'
fee = UniV3Utils.FeeAmount.MEDIUM
tick_spacing = UniV3Utils.TICK_SPACINGS[fee]
lwr_tick = UniV3Utils.getMinTick(tick_spacing)
upr_tick = UniV3Utils.getMaxTick(tick_spacing)
init_price = UniV3Utils.encodePriceSqrt(100, 1)

dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x09")
eth = ERC20("ETH", "0x111")

exchg_data = UniswapExchangeData(tkn0 = eth, tkn1 = dai, symbol="LP",
                                   address="0x011", version = 'V3',
                                   tick_spacing = tick_spacing,
                                   fee = fee)

factory = UniswapFactory("ETH pool factory", "0x2")
lp = factory.deploy(exchg_data)
out =, lwr_tick, upr_tick, 31622.776601683792)
Exchange ETH-DAI (LP)
Reserves: ETH = 3162.277660168379, DAI = 316227.7660168379
Liquidity: 31622.776601683792

Balancer Example

Only available via primitive API; see left side menu. This protocol serves as an extension of constant product trading pool (ie, Uniswap) to handle pools with more than two assets, and are known as weighted pools. As both Balancer and Stableswap are muilt-asset protocols, they have what is called a Vault, which is touted as being the defining feature of these protocols. Hence, we also include BalancerVault and StableswapVault as shown in the following basic setups:

from defipy import *

USER = 'user_test'

amt_dai = 10000000
denorm_wt_dai = 10

amt_eth = 67738.6361731024
denorm_wt_eth = 40

init_pool_shares = 100

dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01")
dai.deposit(None, amt_dai)

weth = ERC20("WETH", "0x02")
weth.deposit(None, amt_eth)

bgrp = BalancerVault()
bgrp.add_token(dai, denorm_wt_dai)
bgrp.add_token(weth, denorm_wt_eth)

bfactory = BalancerFactory("WETH pool factory", "0x")
exchg_data = BalancerExchangeData(vault = bgrp, symbol="LP", address="0x1")
lp = bfactory.deploy(exchg_data)
lp.join_pool(bgrp, init_pool_shares, USER)
Balancer Exchange: DAI|WETH (LP)
Reserves: DAI = 10000000, WETH = 67738.6361731024
Weights: DAI = 0.2, WETH = 0.8
Pool Shares: 100

StableSwap Example

Only available via primitive API; see left side menu. This is a lesser known protocol used to implement Composable Stable Pools which are ideal for setting up stable coin pools. For basic setup, see following:

from defipy import *

USER = 'user_test'


amt_dai = 79566307.559825807715868071
decimal_dai = 18

amt_usdc = 81345068.187939
decimal_usdc = 6

amt_usdt = 55663250.772939
decimal_usdt = 6

dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01", decimal_dai)
dai.deposit(None, amt_dai)

usdc = ERC20("USDC", "0x02", decimal_usdc)
usdc.deposit(None, amt_usdc)

usdt = ERC20("USDT", "0x03", decimal_usdt)
usdt.deposit(None, amt_usdt)

sgrp = StableswapVault()

sfactory = StableswapFactory("Pool factory", "0x")
exchg_data = StableswapExchangeData(vault = sgrp, symbol="LP", address="0x11")
lp = sfactory.deploy(exchg_data)
lp.join_pool(sgrp, AMPL_COEFF, USER)
Stableswap Exchange: DAI-USDC-USDT (LP)
Reserves: DAI = 79566307.55982581, USDC = 81345068.187939, USDT = 55663250.772939
Liquidity: 216573027.91811988

Web3Scout Example

To pull DeFi events from on-chain, you can utilize our new Web3Scout package. To include more ABIs, you'll have to fork and implement yourself, however we will be making it customizable, so you can monitor your favorite protocols.

from web3scout import *

abi = ABILoad(Platform.UNIV3, JSONContract.UniswapV3Pool)
connect = ConnectW3(Net.POLYGON)

rEvents = RetrieveEvents(connect, abi)
last_block = rEvents.latest_block()
start_block = last_block - 15
dict_events = rEvents.apply(EventType.MINT, start_block=start_block, end_block=last_block)
{0: {'chain': 'polygon',
  'contract': 'uniswapv3pool',
  'type': 'mint',
  'platform': 'uniswap_v3',
  'pool_address': '0xb6e57ed85c4c9dbfef2a68711e9d6f36c56e0fcb',
  'tx_hash': '0xe499971b5410e766d00bf4467c6b333cda04577f1068bb676debe72331254365',
  'blk_num': 61391083,
  'timestamp': 1725401207,
  'details': {'web3_type': web3._utils.datatypes.Mint,
   'owner': '0xC36442b4a4522E871399CD717aBDD847Ab11FE88',
   'tick_lower': -286090,
   'tick_upper': -284860,
   'liquidity_amount': 884887839988325,
   'amount0': 39958320744269616249,
   'amount1': 17912626}},
 1: {'chain': 'polygon',
  'contract': 'uniswapv3pool',
  'type': 'mint',
  'platform': 'uniswap_v3',
  'pool_address': '0x960fdfe0de1079459493a7e3aa857f8ce0b34016',
  'tx_hash': '0x29d53602b1bbd67734c2e3deba8ad0a55aa84204a6244e720f24ee5160505213',
  'blk_num': 61391092,
  'timestamp': 1725401227,
  'details': {'web3_type': web3._utils.datatypes.Mint,
   'owner': '0xC36442b4a4522E871399CD717aBDD847Ab11FE88',
   'tick_lower': 22600,
   'tick_upper': 40000,
   'liquidity_amount': 7675592444129481120,
   'amount0': 64052149877205455,
   'amount1': 29656680135133456015}}}


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