This is a free and simple online editor for morphological neuron SWC files.
It includes: visualize, edit, import and export SWC files in 2D, and export a transparent PNG image. The exported files can later be used in simulation software such as Neuron.
Morphological files can be found at:
To use a skeleton from MICrONS, which can be loaded via skeleton_plot or Meshparty run:
Loading the skeleton:
import skeleton_plot.skel_io as skel_io
skel_path = "s3://bossdb-open-data/iarpa_microns/minnie/minnie65/skeletons/v661/skeletons/"
nucleus_id = 256609
segment_id = 864691135404231406
skel_filename = f"{segment_id}_{nucleus_id}.swc"
sk = skel_io.read_skeleton(skel_path, skel_filename)
Exporting the skeleton to SWC:
import numpy as np
In this short video I demonstrate how to upload an SWC file, navigate around using the mouse (zoom via wheel), and remove a branch from the axon.