- The ability to retrieve a token to access VOD details was failing due to changes in the Twitch API – this appears to be no longer supported. A workaround has been implemented and requires a new value supplied by the user; an auth token.
- Full documentation on the auth token (how to get it, how to supply it) has been included in the README.
- An off-by-one error was generating a number of workers one less than supplied (e.g. the default value of 4 only generated 3 workers).
- Various fixes related to building and releasing have been made to handle updates to tools and services used.
- 32-bit binaries are no longer supported. You may try building yourself but no care is given to 32-bit support.
- Various minor changes and tweaks have been applied to the build/release pipelines/configs/etc.
- Switch from mage to go-task.
- Added support for GitHub’s new code scanning alerts with default config.
991e85a Merge pull request #32 from dbarbuzzi/hotfix/embdded-id-validation
e800a68 Improve logic for validating presence of Client ID to embed
4b91d98 Merge pull request #30 from dbarbuzzi/circleci-project-setup
bf824f1 Merge pull request #29 from dbarbuzzi/bugfix/update-release-pipeline
4109399 Add .circleci/config.yml
516e7e6 Replace use of mage with go-task
bb1a387 Reduce replacements in dist filenames
882397a Remove customization for snapshot builds
038b3e2 Provide a more detailed version string
45b4f11 Drop 32-bit support
b4ae9fa Update goreleaser config for v0.143.0
b1995af Merge pull request #27 from dbarbuzzi/bugfix/twich-api-change-adaption
d988e29 Fix workflow by supporting auth token from browser
a281bf9 Fix worker count off-by-one error
527e792 go mod updates
2310a34 Merge pull request #26 from dbarbuzzi/feature/enable-github-code-analysis
e785c45 Create codeql-analysis.yml
3805a92 Update todo