CORD is an open-source project that offers a starting point for those new to legged robotics or anyone seeking to build a dog robot, develop gait algorithms or contribute to a quadruped robot project. The robot's design and structure prioritize simplicity and cost-efficiency.
Build a robot dog using only sg90 servos and an Arduino.
- 8x SG90 servos (18.99$)
- Arduino (Uno or Nano) (27.60$)
- 3D printed parts (150 x 150 x 150 printer printable)
- 2x 18650 Lipo (3.7V, 3500mAh)
- Breadboard power rail (2.99$)
- Jumper Wires (6.98$)
Total of 64.45$ (if all components need to be purchased).
leg 5 leg 6
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|-| leg 1 |-| leg 2
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| BODY |
| leg 3 | leg 4
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leg 7 leg 8
- Acquire required components
- Print, put together 3D print parts
- Calibrate legs
- Configure resting servo angles
- Cord_initialize.ino
- Cord_stand.ino
- Cord_crawlGait.ino
- Develop new gait algorithms & functions!
- MG90s: Higher torque servos (13.6g;2.2kg/cm;10/27.59$)
- SG90 (9g;1.6kg/cm;10/18.99$)
- PCA9685: Servo Driver (scalable and organized servo control)
- LM2596: Step Down Converter
- Limitation: Output current limited to 2000mAh
- Arduino Nano: Reduce size
- Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor: Obstacle avoidance
- Trot gait, creep gait