This is an R package that implements the Dyad Ratios Algorithm of Stimson (2018). You can install directly from github with
For more information on the method and other software to estimate the model (compiled code for both Windows and Mac), please see Jim Stimson's Website. You can also find more thorough documentation of the R functions in this document, this documentation is also duplicated in the package's vignette, which you can access with:
vignette("extract-vignette", package="DyadRatios")
Stimson, J. A. (2018) ‘The Dyad Ratios Algorithm for Estimating Latent Public Opinion: Estimation, Testing, and Comparison to Other Approaches’, Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 137–138(1), pp. 201–218. doi: 10.1177/0759106318761614.