coldfusion compiler
- Parse and understand a large subset of ColdFusion 2018+
- Recognize common syntactic and semantic errors and emit reasonable diagnostics for them.
- Don't crash on invalid source text, circular extends clauses, and etc.
- Extract type information from source text in a gradual, unobtrusive way that permits flagging code that will fail at runtime and that supports an improved in-editor development experience.
git clone && cd cfc
npm run install-all
npm run build-cflsp
Then, from within vscode, there is a debug configuration called "Client + Server" which launches the VSCode extension host with the built plugin running, as well as a debug connection to the server. The actual language server glue code is about 99% pulled from Microsoft's vs-code-extension-samples/lsp-sample, but the parser is all handrolled recursive descent.
to run the current tests (just a quick smoke test, hopefully helps check for regressions during development), install the git submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Now the directory test/mxunit
should be populated, and the test can run:
npm run test-all