Helm charts to create CKAN instances and relates services. This repository contains helm chart templates that are used across the projects to deploy application.
is the main configuration file for CKAN helm charts. Its Values are
populating helm chart variables in templates accordingly. In values.yaml
we are
able to configure things like
- Enabling needed services (Next Gent frontend, Giftless etc...)
- Passing Environment Variables to Container
- Defining which Images to use for Services
- Allocating Resources (CPU, Memory) for Services
- Enabling Auto Scaling
- And more
See full list of values and their reference in Values File
Charts are installed with helm per project. Each New project uses its own set of configurations (values.yaml) depending on its needs. See VALUES.md for values reference.
You will need Charts.yaml and values.yaml.
mkdir my-awesome-project && cd my-awesome-project
touch Charts.yaml values.yaml
Your Charts.yaml
defines what dependencies your helm deployment has.
This repository also represents a remote repository for helm charts. You can set
It in your Charts.yaml including version. Run helm repo update
to get desired verison of cahrts
Example of how Charts.yaml
might look like
cat Charts.yaml
apiVersion: v2
name: my-awesome-project
description: The best project I've deployed
type: application
version: 0.0.1
appVersion: 0.0.1
- name: redis
repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
version: "10.7.4"
- name: solr
version: "1.5.2"
repository: http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-charts-incubator
- name: ckan
version: "1.3.0"
repository: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datopian/dx-helm-ckan/master/charts/""
See values.example.yaml to get and idea how your value.yaml
shold look like.
New releases automated by GitHub actions. New versions are pushed to charts
directory on tagged commit.
To release new package commit your changes to the master and create a tagged release. Tags should be following semantic versions starting with "v"
# Make changes, commit and push to master (you probably need to skip this step)
git add <<changesd filed>>
git commit -m'My awesome changes'
git push origin master
# Create a tagged rlease
git tag v1.1.1
git push origin v1.1.1