This is a project to analyze the performance of Connecticut schools. The data is from the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Use the following sources to get: Student Performance by grade/town/grade/year/race, income & school location dataset.
- Connecticut State Department of Education
- Smarter Balanced Assesment Scale Score Range For Grade 3-8
- List of Connecticut locations by per capita income
- Connecticut Educational Directory
Download smarterbalanced.csv
and manually perform the following steps:
- Remove first 4 row
- Delete District Code & all "Percentage Level 3 or 4 (Met or Exceeded)%" columns
- Replace the year "2016-17" with "2016", etc... and repeat the year row values to fill in the blanks on 1st row
- Insert 3rd row, and move the first 4 column headers down to 3rd line, to make it valid multiIndex format.
Run python
to clean and generate "sb_final.csv". For detailed steps, see cleanup_smartbalance.ipynb
Save sb_final.csv to a public github repo, and use the following public link to download the file.
Run the following commands to build the dev docker image and run the container that use local files throughout development process:
docker build -t stcharts .
docker run -p 8501:8501 -p 8888:8888 -v %cd%:/home/streamlit stcharts
Then visit localhost:8501
Run the following command to build the production docker image and test run it:
docker build -t stcharts .
docker run -p 8501:8501 stcharts:latest # can be launched anywhere, no need to mount local files