A simple neural network library built from scratch in Java.
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/dannydenenberg/simple_nn_in_java.git
- Go into the source:
$ cd simple_nn_in_java/src
- Pick out the libraries you want to use and copy the file into your code base
Example code for using the neural network:
public static void main(String[] args) {
NeuralNetwork nn = new NeuralNetwork();
// Add new layers
nn.add(2, 7, "sigmoid");
nn.add(7, 1, "sigmoid");
// Do a feedforward pass through the network using a random matrix
nn.feedforward(Matrix.random(new Shape(1, 2))).show();
Example code for using the matrix library:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialization
// Simply give it a 2d array
Matrix m = new Matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]);
// Populate a matrix with zeros, ones, tens, or any arbitrary value, given a shape
Matrix m2 = Matrix.zeros(new Shape(1,2));
Matrix m3 = Matrix.ones(new Shape(1,2));
Matrix m4 = Matrix.tens(new Shape(1,2));
Matrix m5 = Matrix.fillShapeWithValue(new Shape(1,2), 4444);
Matrix m6 = Matrix.random(new Shape(1,2)); // give it random values between 0 and 1 for each element
// Scalar matrix operations
m.add(4); // adds 4 to each element
m.div(4); // divides each element by 4
m.mul(4); // multiplies each element by 4
m.sub(4); // subtracts 4 from each element
// Element wise multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division of two matrices
// Matrix transposition
Matrix itGotTransposed = Matrix.transpose(m);
// Dot products
Matrix.dot(m, m2);
Matrix.vectorDotProduct([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]);
// Pretty printing to the console
- This is a matrix library built from scratch in Java.
- Includes all basic element wise operations as well as dot product, transpose, print functions, and more.
- A simple class to represent the shape of a matrix.
- Represents a single activation function.
- During initialization, specify the activation function you want to use, and when you call
activate(double number)
, it will use the specified function
- A single layer in the network.
- Has its own weights, biases, and activation functions.