This is a library that enables gRPC services and clients written in Scala to seamlessly use gRPC methods as though they were Akka Stream flows. Given a Protocol Buffer such as the following:
service ExampleService {
rpc Unary ( Request) returns ( Response);
rpc ServerStreaming ( Request) returns (stream Response);
rpc ClientStreaming (stream Request) returns ( Response);
rpc BidiStreaming (stream Request) returns (stream Response);
This library enables Scala services and clients to use the following uniform API:
trait ExampleService {
def unary : Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed]
def serverStreaming : Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed]
def clientStreaming : Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed]
def bidiStreaming : Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed]
To start using RPCLib in your project:
Add the RPCLib plugin to SBT by adding the following to
:addSbtPlugin("com.tubitv.rpclib" % "rpclib-compiler" % "0.3.0") addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "0.99.18")
Tell RPCLib where your Protocol Buffer files are located by adding the following lines to your project definition (e.g., in
), substituting"<path to protobuf directory>"
with a directory path as a string (e.g.,"src/main/protos"
):import com.tubitv.rpclib.compiler.RpcLibCodeGenerator PB.protoSources in Compile := Seq( baseDirectory.value / "<path to protobuf directory>" ), PB.targets in Compile := Seq( scalapb.gen() -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value, RpcLibCodeGenerator -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value )
If your project isn't already using ScalaPB, you'll also need to add two
files, scalapb/scalapb.proto
and google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
to your Protocol Buffer directory. See the example projects in the
and /examples/minimal-client/
for these files.
Contributions to RPCLib are very welcome! Please open pull requests.
This repository is organized into three directories:
: sources for RPCLib; -
: tests for RPCLib; and -
: example projects demonstrating usage of RPCLib.
The SBT project for RPCLib consists of two subprojects:
: an SBT plugin that generates code at compile time from Protocol Buffers; and, -
, a Scala runtime library used by the generated code.
To publish the library locally, execute the following in the /rpclib/
$ sbt +publishLocal
This will compile both subprojects and publish the resulting artifacts to your local machine.
To run the library tests, execute the following in the /rpclib-test/
$ sbt test
The core of this library is based heavily on the gRPC Akka Stream library.