Core Features
✅ Use React-Big-Calendar for event tracking.
✅ Allow users to create, edit, and delete events in an intuitive UI.
✅ Track income and expenses per event, with category filtering.
✅ Synchronize bidirectionally with Google Calendar using OAuth2.
✅ Support recurring events with advanced repeat rules.
✅ Import event data via CSV file processing.
Financial Analysis & Reporting
📊 Provide visual financial reports (revenue, expenses, trends) using Chart.js.
📅 Offer date range selection for financial insights.
💰 Include tax calculations and income projections.
📂 Export reports to CSV/PDF for bookkeeping.
Tech Stack
🛠 Backend: Node.js, Express.js, SQLite3 (or PostgreSQL if scaling).
💻 Frontend: React.js, FullCalendar.js, Chart.js.
🔄 API: Google Calendar API with OAuth2 authentication.
🖥 (Optional) Build a desktop version using Electron.js.