Note: Skip parts that you have already completed.
Start by joining the eos_ghostbusters Keybase group:
- Install keybase:
Ubuntu instructions - do not install as root user, please use sudo where appropriate
# Install curl if required
sudo apt install curl
curl -O
# if you see an error about missing `libappindicator1`
# from the next command, you can ignore it, as the
# subsequent command corrects it
sudo dpkg -i keybase_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
- Mandatory step: modify keybase default storage path for kbfs
curl -sL | bash -
- Login or signup:
# Login
keybase login
# Sign up
keybase signup
- Install Wireguard
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wireguard resolvconf
to your opt
mkdir Ghostbusters && cd Ghostbusters
curl -sL | bash -
- Note For the Ghostbusters testnet, you will need to choose 3 ports that can be whatever you want (greater than 1024):
- wireguard VPN port - default is 5555
- EOS API / HTTP port - some are using 8888
- EOS P2P port - some are using 9876
- Create Wireguard keys and config
umask 077
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
echo -e "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = $(cat privatekey)\nSaveConfig = true\nDNS =" > ghostbusters.conf
echo -e "ListenPort = 5555" >> ghostbusters.conf
echo -e "Address = 192.168.100.X/22" >> ghostbusters.conf
sudo cp ghostbusters.conf /etc/wireguard/.
- Selecting your Wireguard IP
Your Wireguard IP address should be within the range of 192.168.100.X to 192.168.103.X, where X is between 0 and 255, inclusive.
You can input any number for "X" in ghostbusters.conf
that hasn't been taken by another node.
To check which IPs have been claimed:
cd ~/kbfs/team/eos_ghostbusters/ip_list
# You will see the list of IP addresses that have already been claimed
# Choose an address that is open
touch <your-node-name>@<chosen-ip-address>
This adds your a file with your IP address to the ip_list folder.
sudo nano /etc/wireguard/ghostbusters.conf
# Add in the value of X that you have chosen
# Save the file
It is recommended that you use Keybase when communicating information related to your node.
- Publish peer information
nano my-peer-info
## Fill in your information for PublicKey, AllowedIPs, Endpoint, p2p-peer-address, and peer-key
## then run this script
./ my-peer-info
Check firewall settings, and make sure that port 5555 is open. If not, you can use:
sudo ufw allow 5555
Then, start Wireguard and check if it's working.
# Start wireguard
sudo wg-quick up ghostbusters
# Test configuration
sudo wg show ghostbusters
# If at any time you want to reload the network interface
sudo ip link del dev ghostbusters && sudo wg-quick up ghostbusters
Update the file.
# Run testnet installation script
# update peers on the base config.ini
# You can run again to automatically update Wireguard and EOS peer configs any time a new peer joins and publishes their peer info.
# other options for
./ - restart # will reload nodeos after update
./ lxd restart # will reload nodeos on lxd after update
## If you want to cleanup dead peers (wg only), run:
./ remove strict # removes all even if just wg is down
./ remove # removes just completely offline host
./ # debug mode, doesn't actually remove peers
- Save on KBFS:
to yourGhostbusters
folder if you are not in there already.
nano bp_info.json
# add your bp info and save it!
cp bp_info.json ~/kbfs/public/<username>
Note: You do not have to fill out your BP node's api_endpoint and p2p_endpoint-- this way, they can remain hidden from public.
- Check that file is up on
You can verify that bp_info.json correctly follows the schema using command line. We recommend ajv-cli for the job.
If npm is not installed:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
should have been generated from the Ghostbusters install script from earlier, and your bp_info.json
file should be in there too.
sudo npm install -g ajv-cli
ajv validate -s schema.json -d bp_info.json
into your Ghostbusters testnet folder, which was created from the install script.
Try cat config.ini
, and cat
to check that all the information is correct.
sudo apt install jq
crontab -e
# Select nano (if you are initializing cron for the first time)
# Exit
when the team (on Keybase) is ready to queue up and launch. Run
on only one of your nodes, and manually launch the rest of them when the genesis.json file is published.
# Run autolaunch, answer questions prompted by script
# If the target BTC block was not reached at runtime,
# it will schedule itself on CRON, please verify with
crontab -e
doesn't start your node correctly, run the following command:
./ --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json ./genesis.json
If you were selected as the bios node, please follow instructions here
If at any point you need to restart your node:
tail -F stderr.txt
# Hard resync
./ --delete-all-blocks --hard-replay-blockchain
tail -F stderr.txt
You can also update your peers and restart at the same time:
./updatePeers - restart