Why we did this app Most people trade crypto across a number decentralised exchanges on webapps and centralised exchanges on mobile app. Creating a consolidated database of all your trades becomes challenging. We did this tracker for users to insert their trades and track their overall P&L across the various tokens that they invest in.
#Tech Stack PERN, with a mix of caulculation done on the frontend (p&L for each individul trade) and at the backend (summation of trades)
#How it works?
- create an account
- Login into your account
- Input your trades (token, buy date, sell date and amount)
- your buy and sell price is caluclated automatically by using prices from coingecko API based on the historical price
- All transactions are store into your personal transaction log
- Summarize all your trades to get an overall P&L for all the trades summarized by the tokens. For example if you made 5 trades for bitcoin, the app will summarize the P&L of these 5 trades for you.
#Biggest challenge
- Translating Postgres query language into JS