Currently availabe feature:
- Group Chat Channles
Future Features:
- 1-to-1 chat
- Profile page
- Find people
- Connect and Collab
- Start-up founding
- Tech hub to hang out
1. Create profile (name, age, city, photo)
2. Match with other profiles
3. Rate your matches with thumbs up or down
4. Number of thumbs up and down with be reflected on profile
5. Thumbs up and down linked to email or phone number. when you sign up with new account it still exists
- React
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux Persist
- React Bootstrap
- React Router 6
- Styled Components
- Firebase FireStore API
- Axios AJAX
- Modals: Error, Loading and Tooltips
- User Profile
- Connect others
- 1-to-1 messaging
- End-to-end encription
- Oauth aunthentication
- And other features to be develop in the future
Firebase Firestore NoSQL DB
Axios GET: Fetch rooms list and messages
Axios POST: Create User and send new messages
Axios PATCH: Record and Edit Pinned messages
Axios Delete: Delete messages
- Firbase REST API does not allow push update
- Setting right fetch timing from right place was tedious
- Redux with LocalStorage wasn't very straight forward in the begining
Solution to implement
- Firebase SDK with live update
- Redux persist